Thanks for stopping by.

DAD - 12/26/99 21:37:38
Favorite Vacation Place: Rocky Mountains
Favorite Person in History: Jesus

Keep up the good work when you have time. Dad

Stardwarf - 08/26/99 16:12:50

Hiya guys... just thought that I would drop in and say hello... I swear i am gonna get around to sending you a real email, but my internet at home is completly down so i just have a few moments here and there at work. later-

Stardwarf - 07/12/99 01:53:29
Favorite Vacation Place: anywhere in NC
Favorite Person in History: the guy who invented air conditioning

Place looks great, Bea... *hugs* nice poem... better not keep it up though... then you'll be all dark and moody and people will suggest books for you to read like "how to win friends and influence people" and they'll sign you up for therapy and take awa all your sharp objects and wall paper your room in rubber and make you wear shoes without laces and have people watch you constantly and tell you that the voices in your head aren't real... actually... its kinda fun.

Timothy (Bibliophilist) - 07/11/99 14:07:11
My URL:/Athens/Acropolis/8141/
Favorite Vacation Place: My hometown of Keokuk, IA. Friends, family, the Mississippi River, and lots of history.
Favorite Person in History: Winston Churchill

Nice site, Bea! Interesting, fun, poetic, and nicely laid out. I went thru all the pages and all the pics and got some ideas for vacations. Thanks! And by the way, good luck on the job search...

06/15/99 02:57:26
Name: Luna My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: "I fly on my father's wings"
Person in history you most admire: Cleopatra Favorite place on Earth: Okinawa Favorite present ever given: Love
Favorite present ever recieved: Gold necklace with a dragon pendant

Allo'! This is you S-I-L. I'm very impressed at your site. You really did a beautiful job. Lots of hugs from us both. Luna & Wolf

05/25/99 01:14:28
Name: _rahvin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: at the moment..... "Dragons, ya know, big, scally, go flap flap?" Person in history you most admire: Jesus Christ Favorite place on Earth: out in the woods on a nice mild day
Favorite present ever given: my love Favorite present ever recieved: my life

Bearurr type person! It has been SOOOOOO Long! Por que you never appear in chat anymore. Now I know being a married woman and having a new degree and stuff are all nice and good, but we MISS you! Love and huggles! Rahvin

04/12/99 09:39:42
Name: doc My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: dum vivimus vivamus (let us live while we live) Person in history you most admire: changes daily Favorite place on Earth: changes often
Favorite present ever given: love Favorite present ever recieved: love

bea, i'm amazed, but, then again, not really...but for the nervousness waiting, (which was distracted by logistics of border problems and driving directions), so very much was exactly the same. words, thoughts, actions, the engulfing hug that began at the sid walk ten seconds after the van door opened and ended slowly and briefly two hours later, to waking up, knowing she had to leave. we had too many outside obstacles, too many things against us and too much time passing. i'm so very happy everything worked so well for you and yarnie. you both deserve the happiness and it's great you found each other. you're both fine friends and i'm glad to know you. continue to be happy, and be well, --doc--

02/27/99 01:36:02
Name: Draggy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: It's like the devil eating a cracker Person in history you most admire: Ozzy Favorite place on Earth: Toronto
Favorite present ever given: I dunno Favorite present ever recieved: my engagement ring

Bear, I'm just hitting some random web pages, I haven't talked to you or Yarnie in so long. Good luck and hugs to you both. your page is beautiful.

01/21/99 04:17:14
Name: Honey-pie-schnookums My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: "I love you." --by you!
Person in history you most admire: You! Favorite place on Earth: Near You! Favorite present ever given: Anything to you!
Favorite present ever recieved: Anything from you!

Hi, Babe! Couldn't sleep so thought I'd surf for a few minutes before trying to go to sleep again! Love you!

01/09/99 03:18:32
Name: Jenn My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: "You have to look with better eyes than that" (The Abyss)
Person in history you most admire: Carl Sagan Favorite place on Earth: Eastern North Carolina Favorite present ever given: a handmade beaded purse (which i made) that i gave to several people during our graduation
Favorite present ever recieved: my camera

Well, i haven't seen you in ages and ages, so i have resorted to this. I just wanted to wish you and Yarnie the most wonderful life imaginable. And i haven't forgotten your package... i have it, i just haven't sent it... mostly because i am a horrible p rson and a incredible slacker as well as a terrible friend. I hope to see you around soon!!! *HUGS AND HUGS AND BIG BAJESUS HUGS*

12/04/98 06:10:18
Name: lani143 My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
Person in history you most admire: ghandi Favorite place on Earth: bloomington,ill Favorite present ever given: a santa clause to engld1
Favorite present ever recieved: a necklace from1 engld

hi bear and yarnie whens the wedding i miss you guys a lot.. maybe we will run into each other sometime take care luv ya lots lani

11/22/98 04:18:12
Name: William Sheldon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Le coeur a ses raison que la raison ne connait point Person in history you most admire: Plato Favorite place on Earth: The Wilderness
Favorite present ever given: An ear when needed Favorite present ever recieved: When they listened

Love Ya Bearurr. Keep writing poetry and studying History. The world is made a better place in such a way

11/22/98 04:14:44
Name: William Sheldon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Le coeur a ses raison que la raison ne connait point Person in history you most admire: Plato Favorite place on Earth: The Wilderness
Favorite present ever given: An ear when needed Favorite present ever recieved: When they listened

Love Ya Bearurr. Keep writing poetry and studying History. The world is made a better place in such a way

11/22/98 04:12:38
Name: William Sheldon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Le coeur a ses raison que la raison ne connait point Person in history you most admire: Plato Favorite place on Earth: The Wilderness
Favorite present ever given: An ear when needed Favorite present ever recieved: When they listened

Love Ya Bearurr. Keep writing poetry and studying History. The world is made a better place in such a way

11/20/98 16:54:40
Name: Star My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: sorry, got lots, but my mind won't work
Person in history you most admire: see previous Favorite place on Earth: see previous previous

Great new poem!

10/29/98 12:47:52
Name: Bryant Johnson, aka Yarnspinner, Yarnie, Babycakes, etc. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: God, in His goodness, sent the grapes to cheer both great and small; Little fools will drink too much, and great fools none at all. --Anonymous Person in history you most admire: William Wallace Favorite place on Earth: ...anywhere I can look into Bea's eyes. 8-{)
Favorite present ever given: a certain ring on the third finger of my Lady's left hand... Favorite present ever recieved: (smiles)

Hiya, Sweets! Just stopped in to see the page again. I'm so proud of you and all the work you put in to make everything perfect! Love ya! Bryant

10/23/98 19:36:43
Name: Stardwarf My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: "Who am i to blow against the wind." -Paul Simon

LOVE the haloween page! *hugs and hugs and hugs and HUGS* miss seeing you guys, hopefully, i will see you this weekend sometime... GREAT PAGE! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

10/19/98 23:59:10
Name: Sarah Cohen (Kat) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Cool Beans! Person in history you most admire: All Gorpies! plus my bf Favorite place on Earth: Florida
Favorite present ever given: 3 Large Hermit Crabs that freaked out my best friend Favorite present ever recieved: Large Hermit Crab in a cage tied to a stuffed bears neck.

Hey Bear, Neat site. Or as I would say, COOL BEANS! I'm sure all the Gorps in the world would like this! :) And you happened to fit Yarnie in there. Very, very good! I'm not an expert, but this is a wonderful site. I'll make sure to tell you when mines done. ;)

10/18/98 19:44:30
Name: SecretAgentChic_007
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hi bea...just checking out your site again. *hugs* talk to you soon

10/04/98 15:45:34
Name: Stardwarf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "I have no exquisite reason for 't, but I have reason good enough." Person in history you most admire: Hypolite Bayard Favorite place on Earth: amongst friends who do not judge or condem
Favorite present ever given: anything i made that was appreciated. Favorite present ever recieved: friendship

Bear... i feel lucky to know you and have you consider me are an old soul full of beauty, friendship, love, kindness, and humour... I always feel like a better person just by talking to you. *big hugs to a true friend* All i ever wish for yo is pure happiness, which you and Yarnie seem to have found together.

09/30/98 20:55:17
Name: Henry My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: Damit Jim
Person in history you most admire: napolean Favorite place on Earth: Da Moon Favorite present ever given: Trip to Paris for wife
Favorite present ever recieved: 2 sons and one on the way

Bear, Ah, just surfing everyones page since I never see anyone any more. Let me pick you out a piece of that china for your wedding:) Hope to see you in chat sometime

09/30/98 01:07:33
Name: Bearurr My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: testing this thing! Favorite place on Earth: Being with yarnie


09/24/98 22:35:47
Name: Flannel Pj's My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: "Words..are beginning to lose their meanings" Favorite place on Earth: My home
Favorite present ever recieved: chocolates and wine

Bear, I haven't seen you for a very long time. I like the changes in the page, but what interested me the most was your comments about the change in Gorpies. I sense much tension there, and although I no longer chat online, I respect the values and principles ou express so well. An elite approach is never the answer to a social problem. I'm happy that you continue to chat in a public Gorpies, and perhaps one day I will see you there (hug).

09/21/98 21:45:48
Name: Peacerose My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: "If I can stop one heart from breaking I shall not live in vain"
Favorite place on Earth: In the mountains with my honey

*hugs*....I just looked through you page and was struck again by how similar we are. We must be soul sisters or something. Take care and I wish you and Yarnie the very best!

09/10/98 16:04:32
Name: April and Pals
My URL: Visit Me


09/09/98 23:54:33
Name: selftaughtman My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: "Life consists of rare individual moments of the highest significance and countless intervals in which at best the phantoms of those moments hover about us. Love, spring, a melody, the mountains, thePerson in history you most a mire
Person in history you most admire: Alexander the Great Favorite place on Earth: Honolulu, HI Favorite present ever given: soap-on-a-rope, or a nice fruit basket.
Favorite present ever recieved: At least a sliver o' talent

I think your a great poet. Particularly enjoyed 'Whisper of a Dream', 'Tears of the Sea', and 'Restless Night'. you understand the human experience. I can't help but throw you something, so here goes: Overhead, somewhere, I know the gods laugh. Their watching. they know the times when I'm weakest, vulnerable to all thier little white lies and dreams of fancy. the huddled massess, seemingly oblivious to this, carry on in their daily routine. without a thought in the head or rational belief in thier own powers they stumble on in a daze of overworked, overwrought confusion, but how else could they possibly bear he little lives they have chisled out for themselves. that goddamn bastard sun eyes me from his cloudless world of swirling brimstone. Errand boy for the gods!! I shake my fist up at him but only succeed in looking mortal. he takes pride in testing me. He believes, in his arrogance, that all creation pra s for his breathe to break the darkness and burn their flesh. I pray for his demise. I cant bear that gawking, the light of day brings out all imperfections, distorts the reality that all is not well in the world, that the end of it all is not imminent in its promise, distracts all that is held sacred by a few of us. Interrupts imaginati n! He and his worshippers have no place in my world, of electric blue and beautiful neon, the glow of the Moon. Her cool rays float down from the heavens on silver wings of seduction. She my lover, and one true consort! Her slippery darkness comforts me, shelters me from the world despite my mortal fear of the unknown. Strange lands and hidden powers she bestows her children. The power to be whomever they choose to be, or anywhere, real or fantasy, without leaving the sweaty sheets of ones own bed, or the spiritual drunkeness of ones own fevered brain! I can make love to anyone. I can exact my revenge in the dead of night!! Night!! A glorious occasion the perfect time to feel your dying! Every pain magnified in its glory, intensifying in the bleak grey hours before dawn. the sun brings forth to the trembling a sense that all will be resolved painlessly, with the promise of minimul discourse. All lovers of the night know that this is passing, because when dusk begins to settle and that lady comes forth bearing her fruit o knowledge and truth, the suffocation of all false hopes attained in the light of day will be forthcoming. The truth paints an ugly portrait. they may test me, but soon the ivory goddess comes forth so that I may smell of her perfume, and drink heavily of her wine. I can draw better than i can write, thank God!!

09/04/98 11:44:50
Name: Sadeiest My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: I have lived with more dignity, more self respect, more worth, in these last few minutes, than I have in my entire 16 years of life. It should not be so. (The minatour in Al Davidson's "the minatoursPerson in history you mo t admire Person in history you most admire: The student who stood in front of that tank Favorite place on Earth: Salzberg on new years eve
Favorite present ever given: a Jumper Favorite present ever recieved: a watch

just saying hello

09/03/98 12:19:09
Name: Tigerwalk62
My URL: Visit Me

Hiya, Bearurr... I have to say that I don't really understand what the fuss is about...I thought anyone could join the Club...I understand the feeling that Gorpies has never been like an official "club" is kind of weird...and I don't like the way that the clubs are s parate from the majority of chatters!!! I really did prefer it to be a user room...however, I love most of the Gorpies, and like to be able to talk to them if they're there...There will not be any such circumstance where I would ever not talk to you, Bear rr :) You are one of my favorite people!!! LOL!!! And you've always been nice to me...Yarnie too...and I appreciate kindness...there's not enough of it!!! I'm sorry you won't be in the club, although I understand your reasons...I go back and forth myself from club to books...just nosy, I Hang in there, Bearurr, sweetie...:) Love, Gwen

08/31/98 18:35:40
Name: Carole My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "A dream is a wish your heart makes" Person in history you most admire: M. Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anwar Sadat; Anna Pavlova Favorite place on Earth: A, quiet, deserted beach with rolling sand dunes, sun shinning, brisk breeze, sitting in my chair, probably wrapped in a blanket with a good book!
Favorite present ever given: My time, love and devotion to my husband and son. Favorite present ever recieved: Every little note written to me by my son as he was growing up! Also, an heirloom cameo given to me by my mother-in-law.

Bearurr - you have such vision and creativity. The page is more beautifu than ever! The new poem is wonderful - sensitive and thought- provoking!

08/31/98 00:37:02
Name: flail My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: live, love, learn Person in history you most admire: boudicea Favorite place on Earth: where the sun shines and the rain falls and the people smile
Favorite present ever given: myself.......hubby liked that one too Favorite present ever recieved: hubby.....i think i'll keep him

lovely decorating job, do such wonders with there any way to convince you to move closer to toronto so that you could stand over my shoulder and do mine for me? lol.....may i put forth a request here?, um....well....MORE P X!!!!!!!!! s'all for now...take care,love....

08/30/98 04:31:30
Name: um...sweetbubba My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: Have no anxiety about anything: but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. Philistines 4:6
Person in history you most admire: too many ...Einstein..Charles Rennie Macintosh Lloyd Wright Favorite place on Earth: Hell Roaring Creek Mont Favorite present ever given: The life of my children
Favorite present ever recieved: My children

Lovely site Bear...keep it up...!!... SB

08/20/98 15:36:18
Name: motiv4U My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: not where you are, but where you wan't to be ... Person in history you most admire: Ambiorix Favorite place on Earth: Indian Garden, Grand Canyon
Favorite present ever given: a smile Favorite present ever recieved: ICQ message

can't explain this in english, ssoo sorry... can't express my feelings. so just saying: great place to come to. felt at home. not easy to make a site so visit-worthy. sensing a gorpies thing. will be back. :-)

08/09/98 05:51:03
Name: DeadmanWade My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "Are you naturally this obnoxious, or do you practice?" - various Person in history you most admire: Anybody who knows exactly what they want from life. Favorite place on Earth: Someplace with nuts...i like nuts, nuts are good...cashews are my favorites...not the salted ones, the plain ones, the salty ones make me thirsty
Favorite present ever given: Polar beanie-baby Favorite present ever recieved: a walnut shaped like Alfred Hitchcock

Evenin' my ursine friend, haven't been able to talk to you for a while, so i thought i'd stop by and check out the changes. As always i'm much impressed, tho somewhat depressed, realizing how much i need to work on MY webpage... ah well. Anyhow, hi, still love the site, tho i'm really not keen on that "His persistance paid off" remark : ) Makes me sound like a whiney lil pissant, which i'm not...I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!

08/06/98 20:13:58
Name: Stardwarf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "...and i poured my heart out out.... it evaporated." Evaporated - Ben Folds Five Person in history you most admire: Hippolyte Bayard Favorite place on Earth: amongst friends
Favorite present ever given: a handmade book, which i wish i had back Favorite present ever recieved: my first camera

heyla girly girl! had to stop by and check out the new place! looks great, much impressed... i have to thank you for always having such a wonderful page, it helps me continue to work on mine despite the fact that no one is looking! *hugs* to a wonderful friend... star

08/05/98 14:48:46
Name: Echoes_of_Elysium Favorite Quote: One of them: To the query, "What is a friend?" Aristotle's reply was "A single soul dwelling in two bodies."
Favorite place on Earth: To be back on a mountain, near a cave, overlooking the veld and the river but it has to be with my best friend, just like it was the first time... Favorite present ever given: Anything I've ever given thats truly been from the heart, whether it be spiritual, emotional or material.
Favorite present ever recieved: My best friend wrote me two beautiful, moving poems and gave them to me. Its the most favorite present I've been given and the most special too. It always will be.

Bear, I'm glad I popped back in coz it seems you're doing a revamp! It's still looking as good as ever :-) See you on icq. Love, Echoes

08/04/98 16:57:38
Name: dimara
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wow Bearurr..this is so beautiful...Hugs.. I am glad I stopped by again.. you always have the greatest stuff here..grin

07/30/98 18:55:56
Name: Lord_of_the_Toon Favorite Quote: We die my friend, nor we alone but that which each man loved and prized in his peculiar nook of earth dies with him or is changed, and very soon even of the good is no memorial left. - William WordswoPerson in history you most a mire
Person in history you most admire: too numerous: Albert Einstein, MLK jr., William Faulkner and Isaac Newton. Oh Abraham Lincoln as well Favorite place on Earth: Scotland or the Lake District in NorthWest England
Favorite present ever given: A shoulder to cry on Favorite present ever recieved: the same

Great site Bear!! I loved the photos of the holidays with yarnie. You guys must have had a blast. I didn't go over the whole site, but I'll be back to do some more exploring soon. I hope to see you in the new Gorpies room at See you there :-)

07/19/98 16:54:24
Name: BananaPeel_007 My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: Lots
Person in history you most admire: None Favorite place on Earth: I don't know. All I know is that I definitely haven't been there yet Favorite present ever given: I rarely give presents
Favorite present ever recieved: Can't think of any

Bea, you don't wanna come work for me and design webpages do you? Your page has always looked lovely, and your latest change is no exception. I'm very impressed with your latest poem too. Keep it up. :-)

07/15/98 07:40:54
Name: Roland2guns My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, Iwon't be laid a hand on; I don't do these things to others, and I require the same from them... - John Wayne Person in history you most admire: Jesus of Nazareth Favorite place on Earth: New River, Arizona
Favorite present ever given: double - sided sand sculpture given to Charmaine (sent to her from Saudi Arabia during Persian Gulf says 'I Love You' on one side, and if you flip it over, the sand sifts thru to form three hFavorite pr sent ever recieved Favorite present ever recieved: Charmaine's Love - the Love of my life, Companion of my youth, Keeper of my flame, Sunshine of my every Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second...

Unquestionably the most beautiful Page I have ever seen...I can only HOPE that mine turns out 1/2 as well as yours has...*bows and taps his throat 3x* Thankee-sai for the tour, Dancing Bear - may you and Yarnie be blessed together Forever!! You have a good heart, Bear *smooches your out - stretched hand...* - Roland2guns

07/14/98 20:32:57
Name: calico_catty My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink.
Person in history you most admire: Eleanor Roosevelt Favorite place on Earth: Washington Coast Favorite present ever given: Love and Caring
Favorite present ever recieved: Free Tickets to Phantom of the Opera

Am enjoying your pages Bear and will continue to peruse the site. Thanks for tour.

07/13/98 20:23:17
Name: John Lavallée My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "..." - from the most hillarious book this decade, or so someone said. Person in history you most admire: My future children. Favorite place on Earth: Mars.
Favorite present ever given: Wouldn't this be the same as "received"? Favorite present ever recieved: Wouldn't this be the same as "given"?

After making me answer all those questions, I'm not sure I want to leave a nice comment. :-p But I will. You have a great page, with great graphics and backgrounds, and cool content to boot! Keep up the good work! --Irony

07/13/98 12:52:53
Name: Pamaluk/Golden_Amber My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out ! Favorite place on Earth: With my husband and daughter, Hawaii, Victoria (Vancouver Island), etc.
Favorite present ever recieved: Love


Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 09:47:34

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

07/02/98 18:57:06
Name: lostpolarbear My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Ah! there are so many! : ^) Person in history you most admire: Hannibal (elephants and mountains! WOW!) Favorite place on Earth: Mountains!
Favorite present ever given: A wolf print to my boyfriend (now, EX! : ^) Favorite present ever recieved: a car from my entire FAMILY!!! WOO HOO!

Hey bear, good work on the page! i am continually amazed at the prowess you show in design! and gorgeous trip photos!!! but i notice no PEOPLE pictures! *smiles* Keep it up darlin' ! HUGS, polar : ^)

06/29/98 05:09:16
Name: Wade My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "Sweet" Person in history you most admire: Ghandi Favorite place on Earth: bed
Favorite present ever given: a polar bear beanie-baby Favorite present ever recieved: a smiley-face squish-ball lookin' thing

Heya Bea, I'm Baaaaa--aaaack... Love the changes, 'specially the addition to the Chatters List...i tell ya, that dead guy cracks me up ; ) i gotta getta bed, talk to ya soon.

06/29/98 00:35:49
Name: EntilZha_Veni My URL: Visit Me Favorite Quote: The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley
Person in history you most admire: King James Iv of Scotland (don't ask) Favorite place on Earth: Ring of Brodgar stone circle, Orkney Islands, Scotland Favorite present ever given: The one that gave most enjoyment and happiness
Favorite present ever recieved: Friendship

Hi Bear, like the new look site, you're getting my literary pretensions going!!

06/28/98 23:33:35
Name: Bearurr My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "It is better to Give, than to Recieve" Person in history you most admire: Abraham Lincoln Favorite place on Earth: Anywhere with Yarnie, but on the top of the falls..
Favorite present ever given: My love to Bryant. Favorite present ever recieved: The ring Bryant gave me. :)

I know, looks pretentious, but I really wanted to answer the questions! LOL Auf Wiedersehen!! Bea

06/28/98 17:08:37
Name: Bryant Johnson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "You should be kissed, and often; and by someone who knows how!" Person in history you most admire: William Wallace Favorite place on Earth: Next to you....
Favorite present ever given: A diamond ring.... Favorite present ever recieved: Your love....

I'm proud of you, Babe! Great page!

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