In June, Yarnie and I got the chance to spend a week together,
up in Michigan, and I got to see the sites!
I thought that I would kinda give
you guys a peek into our vacation,
(wink wink) and show you the beautiful land
that I had the opportunity to view myself.
-- Bea

Day Trip 1:

Ok, I guess I should start off
with the place where Yarnie planned to propose to me, eh?
There is a local river there, Pine River (the Central one),
and Yarnie thought it would be beautiful to sit down
and look at the sunset while he proposed.

Pretty isn't it?
It was really peaceful, sitting there,
with the breeze off the river flowing against us as we snuggled.

After that, we walked through the park,
and while running away from the vampirical mosquetios,
we found a beautiful Church and cemetary.
Both Yarnie and I love history,
so while I guess some people might find it odd,
we spent a couple hours
just walking and taking pictures of all of the old tombstones.

Day Trip 2:

Well, the next trip Yarnie took me to
was a place called Frankenmuth, Mich--
a place called Bronner'sŪ,
which is basically a Christmas store,
it's the World's Largest! It was huge!
And Yarnie even bought me a cute teddy bear
who we fondly have named "Teddy".
There is a chapel there, "Silent Night, Memorial Chapel,"
that I recommend everyone go to, it is beautiful.
**laughs** In fact, it is so peaceful,
that when Yarnie was trying to get a picture of it,
the automatic motion sensor came on when we walked past.
It blared out "Silent Night".
It nearly scared the heck out of us!

Day Trip 3:

Ok, well, another trip Yarnie wanted to take me
on was to go see Canada,
and to visit an island
in Northern Michigan, Mackinac Island.
We drove all the way up to Sault Ste. Marie.
This first picture is on the Michigan side.
It is the oldest city in the Midwest.
It is often called the birthplace of Civization.

Next we decided to head up to Canada,
to say that I had been out of the country;
then head back to the Island on the way home.
Little did we know then,
that they were having the International Bridge paved
(the bridge to Canada)
and we had to wait for 30 minutes in the heat!
Well, once we got over there,
we headed to the Ontario Tourist stop.
I know, I I know, how touristy, but well, I WAS a tourist!
I wanted to get proof that I had indeed been in Ontario!

We went down to the Marina,
and walked down to the St. Mary's River,
looking toward the Bridge.
I took a picture of the Canadian sign. **shakes her head**
I know, but well, keep in mind, I WAS a tourist!

We walked along the point and took silly picture after picture!
Finally we stopped,
took a picture of the International Bridge to Canada.
The big tower to the left is in United States;
it's the Tower of History.
We didn't go in, but it sounds like a neat place!

Continue on this journey.
I hope you're having fun!

Awww don't turn back now
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