The Spinner family: Yarnie, Bea, Anna and our new addition, Tasha.  We have decided to put up some pictures of our "babies" online.  It seems that with our addition of Tasha, family spirit has been awoken.
      When I married Yarnie, I didn't just marry him, my family expanded to include his many cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, etc.  I've always been surrounded by a small family, and recently that has dwindled to my mother and her mom. 
       All of this has made me come to realize that family is not simply your biological bonds, the gene donation, if you will.  It can and does include the ones who sit on your hip while your sleep, purring for food; or it can harbor a four legged friend who licks away your tears after a bad day.
        Life, enjoy it while you can and love your family, whatever it is made up as.

