A long journey, and perilous.

In a sky filled with stars, one shone more brightly and led them on.

A shorter journey from the hills, leaving flocks unguarded.

The night sky had been ablaze with the glory of an angel choir.

They came to a stable, straw underfoot, the warmth of animals quietly breathing,

a man and a woman with tired eyes, and a baby.

A baby, new in the world. A baby greater than angels, greater than stars.


Wishing you a Christmas shining with joy and a New Year full of peace and hope.




 (c) copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998

Words: Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander, Hymns for Little Children, 1848. Music: "Irby," Henry John Gauntlett, 1849

Once in royal David's city is one of thousands of hymns/lyrics/tunes at the CyberHymnal.


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Page created 15 December 1998 and updated 19 December, 1998