Welcome to District Grand Lodge for Scottish Freemasonry in the Western Province of the Cape of Good Hope

Liam R. Hudock - 08/29/00 19:51:33
My Email:liamhudock@aol.com
Lodge name and No.: Suffolk 60, Port Jefferson, NY, USA
Constitution: Chartered 1796, Grand lodge of New York F&AM

Just wanted to drop a line to some brothers over the water. ANyone wishing to correspond with me may e-mail me at the above address. Am interested in, and have done some minor research into the Military lodge system, which was prominent here during the American Revolution. Just curious if the same in S.A., at any time. Yours Fraternally, Brother Liam R. Hudock

Marx Wegener - 07/26/00 08:11:25
My URL:http://www.lodgekensington.com
My Email:marx@lodgekensington.com
Lodge name and No.: Lodge Kensington No. 270

Hello Brethren, Greetings from the W.M. Officers and Brethren of Lodge Kensington No. 270, Sydney, Australia under the Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capitol Territory. An interesting site, well designed and with good information. Please feel free to visit our site at http://www.lodgekensington.com Fraternally, Marx Wegener

Marx Wegener - 07/26/00 07:41:06
My URL:http://www.lodgekensington.com
My Email:marx@lodgekensington.com
Lodge name and No.: Lodge Kensington No. 270
Constitution: UGL of NSW & ACT in Australia

Hello Brethren, Greetings from the W.M. Officers and Brethren of Lodge Kensington No. 270, Sydney, Australia under the Grand Lodge of New South Wales and the Australian Capitol Territory. An interesting site, well designed and with good information. Please feel free to visit our site at http://www.lodgekensington.com Fraternally, Marx Wegener

dobson - 07/02/00 17:18:52
Lodge name and No.: Royal Alfred 420
Constitution: Scottish

Fraternal greetings brethren from Lodge Royal Alfred in Cape Town South Africa.

PATRICK MBOULET - 06/10/00 21:55:37
Lodge name and No.: BBF #15


AWAckers - 06/10/00 10:32:59
My URL:http:// W Bro
My Email:tonyackers@supanet.com
Lodge name and No.: colne lodge 2477
Constitution: UGLE

having previously visited some lodges in Zimbabwe thanks to my kind host W Bro M Carless having found your website i will continue to visit it with great pleasure

Bro. Sakkie Nienaber - 05/10/00 22:20:31
My Email:mwjkdjin@mweb.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Claremont 931 sc
Constitution: Scottish

Thanks to Bro. Ken Peck, for all your hard work, and publishing of the photos of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland on his visit to South Africa.

Melvin Gerber - 04/29/00 16:18:10
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/nonprofitblvd/loransea
My Email:Melvin_Gerber@bigfoot.com
Lodge name and No.: Chicago #437

I enjoyed my visit to your site. Nice way to meet my brothers around the world.

Chris Hoekstra - 04/23/00 20:55:42
My Email:hoekstrc@euronet.nl
Lodge name and No.: la persévérance nr 11
Constitution: 1745

Dear br:. I just found your sit. Iám very happy now, cause my son is just visting Cape Town and now I know that there are brs:.just in case of... It is my intention to go to Cape Town the end of april or the begin of may accompanied bij my wif and my daughter and to visit him. I shuo;d be very pleased if I could met wih a br:. during my staying and visit a open lodge. fraternally yours, br:. Chris

Henry W. Shaw - 04/03/00 05:02:30
My Email:shaw@vip.net
Lodge name and No.: Orion # 51
Constitution: G.L. of British Columbia

I am trying to find a contact in a Rose Croix chapter in Johannesburg. Any help would be appreciated.

Jaime García - 04/02/00 23:16:14
My Email:licjage@hotmail.com
Lodge name and No.: Ciencia y Humanismo #32
Constitution: Tijuana B. C. México


Jim Neilson - 03/18/00 13:33:18
My URL:http://www.itstaxiservices.co.uk
My Email:jneilson@hotmail.com
Lodge name and No.: Lodge Holyrood House (St Luke's) 44
Constitution: Scottish

I had a great time in SA meeting with your DGM. Good photographs and congrats on the speed you had them posted on your site.

- 03/12/00 09:03:30


Ale Ypma - 01/27/00 18:15:42
My Email:ale.ypma@zonnet.nl
Lodge name and No.: La Charite no 6
Constitution: Grootoosten der Nederlanden

It is very nice to have maconery contacts, from this distance. Fraternaly greetings Ale Ypma

John Butcher - 01/16/00 16:18:24
My Email:butch.kilpatrick@tinyworld
Lodge name and No.: The Lodge Strathclyde No. 1626
Constitution: Grand Lodge Of Scotland

Could Someone Please help. I've lost contact with my Uncle, Bro. Robert Butcher, who emigrated to South Africa over 25 years ago. He is a member of Lodge Lion Rampant and when I last wrote to him, he was District Grand Senior Deacon(I think). I beleive he has moved house and that's how I've lost touch. The address I have for him is : 215 Kathleen Close, 16 Hathaway Street, Bonero Park. I'm new to the internet so I don't have my own website and I'm not quite used to sending messages P.S. If anyone is in touch with Robert, can you let him know I was Installed as Master of the Lodge on 18/11/99. Could you also pass on my address - 6/1 Clyde View Court, Bowling, Glasgow, G60 5BL, Scotland Many Thanks Sincerely and Fraternally John Butcher R.W.M., The Lodge Strathclyde No. 1626

John Butcher - 01/16/00 16:07:55
My Email:butch.kilpatrick@tinyworld
Lodge name and No.: The Lodge Strathclyde No. 1626
Constitution: Grand Lodge Of Scotland


bro Alan Wilson - 12/30/99 22:22:31
My Email:lsplant@aol.com
Lodge name and No.: St Mary 31
Constitution: Grand Lodge of Scotland

Fraternal greetings best wishes for the big 2000 bro Alan Wilson

William Ray Fischer - 12/25/99 23:54:43
My URL:http://users.1st.net/fischer/mason.htm
My Email:rayfis@1st.net
Lodge name and No.: Bridgeport Lodge #181 F & AM
Constitution: Bridgeport, Ohio

Fraternal greetings to all. I commend you on a job well done. Keep up the good work and I invite you to visit our site. God bless, Ray SW

Dmitrievskiy Andrei ("Renaissance"-society, MOSCOW, RUSSIA) - 11/18/99 15:19:38
My Email:Dmitrievskiy@lantatur.ru

I've enjoyed your site very much, keep up the good work. Best wishes from "Renaissance"-society / MOSCOW / RUSSIA

David Kirkness - 10/31/99 21:21:53
My Email:dsk@excite.com
Lodge name and No.: Fortrose, No 108
Constitution: Scotland

Fraternal Greetings, all the way from The Hebrides to Johannesburg !

Gordon Easton - 10/31/99 19:51:07
My Email:Gordon.Easton@tesco.net
Lodge name and No.: St Andrew 1587
Constitution: Scottish

warm and fatternal greetings all the very best for 2000

Vance Staples - 10/14/99 16:10:59
My Email:Vance@internext.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Golden Trowel 1477 SC
Constitution: SC

like your Site and if you read your e-mail you will find that I have given you the name of a Bro. but forgotten to give you his No. so here it is 083 256 0568 please contact him

Helen Murray - 10/09/99 17:49:52
My Email:helen/davemurray@currentbun.com

I am hopeing that one of your members wifes will be able to help me as im trying to trace the white heather chapter 566 i have searched the internet to no avail hope some one in your area can help as I have friends who are in possesion of a past patron of that chapters jewel from 1964 any information would be great thankyou the past patrons name was bro john shanks Suttie

Roche Engelbrecht - 09/25/99 16:45:22
My Email:roche.engelbrecht@spar.co.za

Interesting.How can one become a member? What are the duties of members?

Gordon Kotze - 07/12/99 11:49:27
My Email:mmope@iafrica.com

Please forward further information relating to brotherhood in the eastern cape. Kind regards Gordon.

Gordon Kotze - 07/12/99 11:48:28
My Email:mmope@iafrica.com

Please forward further information relating to brotherhood in the eastern cape. Kind regards Gordon.

john hamilton - 07/10/99 18:44:55
My Email:johnhamilton7@compuserve.com
Lodge name and No.: the7seas
Constitution: heineken

could you give my regards to my aunt mrs e hamilton in capetown wife of a departed member of your lodge my uncle brian hamilton. my adres is grotehout weg 6 velsen noord 1951 gs holland ps many regards to E.Hamilton thankyou

Denzyl O'Donoghue - 06/10/99 11:32:03
My Email:denzyl@global.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Kaizer Frederich 20
Constitution: G.L.S.A.

Fraternal Greetings, Wonderful and "with it" site !

gamwell MARSHALL - 05/26/99 18:48:50
My Email:gamwellm@hotmail.com

I am Searching for AUBREY MARSHALL who was head of Rhodesian Railway Catering Department in Bulawayo. He was a member of the 'railwaymens' Masonic Lodge in BULAWAYO. Any-one have an email address for the lodge - or African List of Lodges? Excellent site by ken.peck in Fish Hoek, CAPE

James Neilson - 05/19/99 07:19:11
My Email:jneilson@hotmail.com
Lodge name and No.: Proxy DGM Eastern Prov Of the Cape
Constitution: Scottish


Ben Page - 05/11/99 11:09:16
My Email:bjp@maties.sun.ac.za


Mark Fordham - 04/27/99 09:38:59
My Email:fordies@mweb.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Gordon 804
Constitution: Scottish


Neil Fisher - 04/24/99 09:35:06
My Email:sanhigh@lsaker.ih.co.za
Lodge name and No.: lodge Herodom 1768
Constitution: Scotish

Fraternal greetings to all brethren from Lodge Herodom 1768. Great site keep it up!!!

Neil Fisher - 04/24/99 09:31:05


W. Bro. Charles L. Boutilier - 04/07/99 04:46:09
My Email:a3a03213@bc.sympatico.ca
Lodge name and No.: Fidelity#32 A.F.&A.M. B.C.R.
Constitution: Grand Lodge of British Columbia

This is true international brotherhood. thank you

nikamoka - 03/28/99 23:00:17
My URL:http://space.tin.it/associazioni/lcriscu/INDEX.HTM
My Email:nikamoka@tin.it
Lodge name and No.: P.Martini #991
Constitution: A.A.S.R.

Greating from Supreme Counci 33° A.A.S.R.in Italy Please visit our site: http://space.tin.it/associazioni/lcriscu/INDEX.HTM http://rsaa.org Thank you

Charles J Smith P.M. - 03/01/99 21:51:41
My Email:cjsmith@mweb.co.za
Lodge name and No.: 1154 sc
Constitution: S.C.


Johannes Morten Bach - 02/14/99 00:28:14
My Email:mmbach@post.tele.dk
Lodge name and No.: St Jørgen no.523
Constitution: Kolding Denmark

Greetings from Denmark.

Leonard A. Johnson,W.M. - 01/05/99 08:25:11
Lodge name and No.: Paul M. Schneidau #391 F&AM
Constitution: New Orleans, LA. USA

Greetings to all Brothers from New Orleans, LA. Fraternally, Leonard A. Johnson Worshipful Master

Bro. Evan Summerson RWM 98/99 - 12/09/98 13:39:28
My Email:evan@memo.absa.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Lochiel no. 1460
Constitution: S.C.

Fraternal Greetings, Keep up the good work

10/26/98 11:36:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Charles J Smith PM - 09/11/98 15:24:06
My Email:charles@smith.dynagen.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Unity 1154
Constitution: Scottish


Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 09:46:49
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Allan Dickhart (RWM '97/'98) - 06/17/98 14:18:49
Lodge name and No.: Unity 1006
Constitution: S.C.

Just browsing! Happy to see we're not the only South African Lodge on the net! I greet you well!

Victor A. Auld - 05/13/98 15:49:42
My Email:au95@mweb.com.za
Lodge name and No.: Lodge Centenary 1328 S.C.
Constitution: Scottish

I have just surfed in via Grand Lodge of Scotland Web Site. Plesed to see such a good Web Site is being developed in South Africa. Perhaps you might suggest to Bro. Barrie Glenn (District Grand Secretary / Durban ) to set up one for us in Durban, Kwazulu- atal. I wish your site every success.

John More - 04/20/98 09:53:23
My Email:john.more@clear.net.nz
Lodge name and No.: Hinemoa No 786
Constitution: scotland

greetings from the District Grand Lodge of NZ North S.C.

Richard Bonds - 04/20/98 02:30:17
My Email:dbonds@myriad.net
Lodge name and No.: Sul Ross 1300

Great Site! Just surfed in looking for other Masons. I,m thinking of creating a home page and looking at whats out there for ideas. Our Lodge is located in College Station, Texas.

Bro U Riches - 04/08/98 08:40:37
My Email:hiramkey@hotmail.com
Lodge name and No.: Lord Roberts 2827
Constitution: E C

greetings from Lord Roberts lodge

Willie Davidson - 03/17/98 23:24:18
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~w.j.d/glos/
My Email:w.j.davidson@btinternet.com
Lodge name and No.: St Cuthbert Kilwinning No:41
Constitution: Scottish

Well done, Brother Ken. That's another nice site you've set up. I navigated here from the link on the GLoS HomePage. I specially like the GLoS coat-of-arms :-))) Keep up the good work.

Christian Buhl - 02/26/98 16:13:04
My URL:http://freimaurer.org
My Email:christian_buhl@magicvillage.de
Lodge name and No.: Zum Schwarzen Baer (Black Bear Lodge), # 79
Constitution: VGL-Germany

Dear Brethren ! We are just about to build up our own homepage in Hannover, Germany . Would you be so kind and help us ? We would like to have your gif-animation of squareand compasses at the bottom of your side. Please send it packed to my email-address above. Thank you so much fraternal greetings yours C.Buhl

Mark Kennedy - 12/23/97 22:55:48
My Email:mlk@aracnet.net
Lodge name and No.: Royal Edward Lodge

Hello and season greetings.

Al Moore - 12/14/97 18:56:03
My Email:PegasusAl@aol.com
Lodge name and No.: Albuquerque60 AF&AM
Constitution: New Mecico USA

i was surfing the net and just want to say hi to my brothers

RW David Chase, DDGM 1st Masonic District, GL of NJ - 12/08/97 15:08:57
My URL:http://www.2be1ask1.com
My Email:dave.chase@sandoz.com
Lodge name and No.: Musconetcong #151
Constitution: GL of New Jersey (USA)

I visited your Masonic web site via the em@son ring. Your site is very well done and I commend you on your outstanding effort. The Internet is proving to be a great tool for Freemasons the world over and of all walks of life to ommunicate. When you get a hance,visit my Masonic website at: http://www.2be1ask1.com. Regards, R.W. David A. Chase, District Deputy Grand Master First Masonic District of New Jersey F&AM

Bro. Ken Peck - 11/29/97 17:56:48
My Email:ken.peck@pixie.co.za
Lodge name and No.: Fish Hoek No. 1390
Constitution: Scottish

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