..."I'm sorry, the Great Bodhisattva Warrior you've requested
is being exterminated by Gestapo
Nacht & der Starke und Dicke Nebel 'color-of-law' bioterrorism
and is no longer available for consultation...


(Too Cool Tom Noonan)

Big RudraGets Published

"Have Buddha, Will Travel"...

The Captain's Page

"The Message"

Tale of the 47 Ronin...

The Warrior's Creed...

Longevity and Medicinal Prayer Sutras...
CLICK HERE for FREE Secret of Enlightenment!

"No matter how hard we are beaten,
Our linked arms cannot be separated...
The time will come when the sun
Will shine through the clouds."
- Lines from a song recorded by the nuns of Drapchi prison.

Longevity and Medicinal Prayer Sutras...

Three Taras...




An Ancient Celtic Christian Prayer (for Troubled & Ignorant Times):

Oh Lord (Our Father & Mother in Heaven)--

As another has meted out calamity & misfortune
To our most noble and fine;
May You in Your Wisdom--of both Sun and Moon
Measure out Treble Justice as Thine...

May those false friends who Judas'd their benefactors
Be granted, in turn, the exile of Heaven's closed doors;
May those hag-eyed fustilarians & Pharisees claiming the right things
Fall to stations where Salvation's pure clear bell never rings...

I prostrate to TA-RE, the swift warrior;

She who with TU-TA-RE dispels fears,
Tara who bestows benefits through TU-RE,
To you of the letters SVA-HA, I bow down.


Another Celtic Tiger of the Dharma...

Yet another "snapshot"...

The Fullness of Time (A Solstice Present)

Contact WebMaster: Big Rudra, fenian47ronin@yahoo.com