a day in the mind of me
You are walking down a narrow dirt path in the middle of a forest... the warm soil is gooshing under your bare feet and between your toes.
Suddenly, you begin to notice subtle differences in the everyday nature of the world around you... the grass is greener, the sky is bluer, the flowers smell sweeter, and each bird chirps a different melody...
If you try to bottle, or 'can' that feeling, that realization of the miracles of everyday life, you may come across...

make sure you drop by this page I've been working on ..this is my excuse for not updating THIS one.. hehe..
the EFF Blue Ribbon for Free Speech Campaign is back... this time fighting for the rights of minors!!

one of the few things that have been here since the beginning.. as well as one of the few parts that is constantly updated..{last updated: 12/20/99} go look!
this is a tiny little page i just wrote that you should read, hopefully it helps you understand the time paradox that is this site.

well, since i haven't put new pictures up in awhile, I figured I'd do it bit by bit. some of these are older pictures that i'm recycling though, so don't get *too* confused.
no, i haven't put up any new poetry recently, okay?!? (actually i'm flattered anyone asked) ... but lots of good stuff there, um, well, good is a relative word ..
What about Karolynn, Karol, Karolynne, Kara, Karole, Karalynn, Karoline, or Karolina? (or any other "abnormal" spelling of a Carolyn/Caroline based name) If one of these is your first name, and you operate a website, join the Karolyns of the Web web ring!
The right of all Americans (of any sexual preference) to have marriage rights now!
First the International Lyrics Server is shut down, now LyricsHQ as well! If you agree that posting lyrics to songs is NOT a copyright infringement, please sign this petition.
...now please peel yourself away from my existence...
I've had
splinters today alone!
I want to find...
something creative
something about activism
something pointless
something about me
something else
Go to beginning of document Sign the guest book!
Send me mail! cool schtuff
quote of the week and more all about me
the ultimate-cool word list my poetry
some cool-word people some cool quotes
pictures of some cool people Blue Ribbon for Free Speech
not-so-FAQ old quotes-of-the-week
various writings of me Teal Ribbon for Actual Reality
Karolyns of the Web fetal pigs
disclaimer baby seals
site map now
Last updated: 12-20-99