
The specific objectives of AUB are as follows:
a) To provide high quality education for human resource development so as to be able to compete in the modern world.
b) To disseminate knowledge in an ethico-human approach integrating our national heritage, values and principles with a view to producing graduates who are professionally sound and morally upright.
c) To make such education accessible to all groups of people in the country, including general masses of the population, rural as well as urban, fresh students as well as working people.
d) To provide a conducive academic atmosphere for intellectual development of the youth in an environment free from political and other disturbances.
e) To contribute to moral upliftment of people and create a society which is tolerant to each other to co-exist in peace and harmony in a healthy atmosphere.
f) To conduct and support research for development of knowledge and for socioeconomic development of the country.

AUB in a Nutshell
Central Management of AUB

Unique Features
Philosophy and Mission
International Board of Advisors

General Academic Information