Central Management

AUB is managed by Asian University Trust. The President of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of AUB. The Vice Chancellor, the Pro Vice Chancellor, and the Treasurer of AUB are appointed by the Chancellor. The other senior officers of AUB are appointed by the Board of Trustees. But the senior posts need the consent of the Chancellor.

Subject to the consent of the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees is the final decision making body of the university. The academic matters are under the direct supervision of the Academic Council. There are several committees at the operational levels to deal with specific matters, for example, Curriculum Committee, Selection Committee, Finance Committee, and so on.

The University Grants Commission of Bangladesh monitors and supervises the academic standard of AUB on behalf of the Ministry of Education, the Government of Bangladesh.

AUB in a Nutshell

Unique Features
Philosophy and Mission
International Board of Advisors

General Academic Information