
of Oriental terms and important names of persons and places

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AHARMAN(also spelled as Ahriman)—The Evil God perpetually at war with the Good God, Ahura-Mazda or Ormuzd, the Supreme Creator as given in the Zen-davasta of the Zoroastrians.

AJNA or AJNA CHAKRA—Focal point behind and between the eyes, seat of the soul during waking state.

AKASH BANI —Voice from the heaven. fig. the Audible Sound Current, the creative life-principle, sustaining everything in the universe; same as Udgit of the ancients, the holy Word of the Christians, the Barg-i-Asmani or Kalma of the Mohammedans, and the Naam or Shabda of the Sikhs.

AKATH or AKATH KATHA—What cannot be adequately described; fig. the mystic sound principle—the wordless Word, the God-in-expression power, or the Music of the soul.

AMAR DAS, Guru (Ministry 1553-74)—Third in succession to Nanak.

ANAMI — The Nameless One without attributes. Same as Maha Dayal, Nirala and Soami.

ANANDA — Ecstasy or bliss.

AND — The Third Grand Division in the creation, comprising of Trikuti and Sahansdal Kanwal, where subtle matter in the form of emotions and thoughts predominates and the spirit cannot but make use of them; a materio-spiritual region.

ANGAD, Guru (Ministry 1538-53)—Second in succession to Nanak, original name being Bhai Lehna. Nanak recognised in him his worthy successor, with a claim to his spiritual riches (Lehna), in preference to his own sons. Nanak styled him 'Angad,' i.e., one cast in his own mould and filled by his own light, as a veritable part of his own being.

ANHAD or ANHAD BANI—Sound that is unending and knows no limits; fig. Audible Life-Current originating the Divine Will, endlessly carrying on the work of creating and sustaining the universe; interchangably used with An-hat meaning 'Unstruck,' as it is automatic and not instrumental.

ANTISH KARAN—inner four-petalled lotus of the mind, symbolic of four mental faculties: chit (memory), manas (feeling mind), buddhi (thinking intellect) and ahamkar (the self-assertive ego).

APRA VIDYA—Knowledge of the material world (observation and experiment) through senses, comprising of religous rites and rituals, formulas and formularies, fasts, vigils, pilgrimages as opposed to 'pra', the awareness of the spiritual world, the knowledge of which lies beyond senses and which is quite independent of them.

ARJAN or ARJAN DEV, Guru (Ministry 1581-1606)—Fifth in the line of succession to Nanak, compiled the Adi Granth (Guru Granth Sahib), the Bible of the Sikhs containing hymns of praise to God from the writings of all the Saints whether Hindus or Muslims, that he could lay his hands upon, besides his own compositions.

ASANA — A generic term denoting any posture in yogic discipline for self-development.

ASHTANG YOGA — An eight-fold path of yogic discip-line as developed by Patanjali, the reputed founder of yoga or the path of union of the soul with the Over-soul .

BABA—A reverential prefix, added to the name of a holy man of merit and renown, like the English prefix Rev. before clergymen.

BANG-I-ASMANI—The Call from heaven. fig. Kalma a holy Word.

BANI — Scriptural texts. fig. the holy Word or Naam

BHAJAN — One of the three Sadhans (disciplines) in self-realisation and God-realisation and stands for attuning one's self with the Audible Life Stream.

BHAKTI — Worshipful devotion to the God-Man.

BHAKTI YOGA — One of the three important systems of Yoga: Jnana (The path of knowledge), Bhakti (the Path of devotion) and Karam (the path of action)

BIBLE—The holy scriptures of the Christians, comprising of 66 books: 39 in the Old and 27 in the New Testament.

BRAHMAND—Second Grand Division in creation, below Sach Khand. It is a spiritual-material plane of the Universal Mind and subject to decay and dissolution.

BRAHM GIANI—The knower of Brahm (the Universal Mind), the creator of Brahmand—the cosmos.

BUDDHA—More correctly 'The Buddha'—'the awakened' or 'the enlightened'; title of prince Siddhartha, often called Gautama; the founder of Buddhism.

BUDDHI—Thinking and reasoning faculty—intellect. One of the three constituent parts that go to form a rational being: body, mind and intellect, the last being the discriminating faculty that reasons out right from wrong,

CHAKRAS—Six ganglionic centres in the bodily system by controlling which one attains mastery over various processes going on in the body: e.g. physiological, psychological and respiratory etc. Since these centres are in the form of small wheels or lotus, these are called chakras.

CHID-AKASH — Pure mind-essence wherefrom mental vibrations arise and assume the form of feelings, thoughts and actions.

CHIT OR CHITA — Lake of the mind wherein are stored all kinds of impressions in the form of memories, it is one of the four facets of manas: Chit, Mana, Budhi and Ahankar.

CHHANDOGYA UPANISHAD—Based on Sama-Veda, explains the sacred syllable OM, (Udgita or Pranava), i.e. Brahma, the intelligent cause of the universe.

CHITR—One of the two recording angels—the other being Gupt; keeping a record of the deeds of each person (manifested acts and unmanifested latencies and thoughts).

CHRIST—(Gr. Christos, the Annointed one). Title given to Jesus, the founder of Christianity, as being the Messiah or Lord's Annointed of the ancient Hebrew prophecy.

DADU (1544-1603)—Brahman sage of Ahmedabad, rejected the Vedas and Qoran; thought of Siva, Vishnu and Brahma as deified men; denounced caste and priestcraft and taught worship of One God, the Creator Preserver of all.

DARSHAN — To have a view of the Master's form with loving devotion, within or without.

DASAM DWAR or DASAM DUWAR—Region between Brahmand and Par Brahmand, both of which form the second Grand Division in creation, plane of Universal Mind consisting of Pure Spirit and subtle form of matter varying degrees; here the pilgrim-soul, by a dip in Amritsaar (the sacred pool within), is washed clean of impurities regaining its pristine purity, becoming hansa or a royal white swan.

DAYAL — Merciful or compassionate. It is one of the attributes of God.

DHARM — The term is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Dhir' meaning that which supports or upholds some-thing. (Here of course the world systems on all levels of existence).

DHARAM RAI — King-Judge; The Lord of the Astral world who judges all by their actions—the law being as you sow, so shall you reap. But those who take refuge at the feet of a Perfect Master easily escape from the pinching effect of this Law.

DHUN—Reverberation of the sound principle in creation, Music of the spheres.

DHUN-ATMAK—Music of the soul.

DHYAN—From Dhi. (Skt. Dhi). Concentration, particularly the holy Shabd; communion with the Word.

DHYANIS—Devotees who go into ecstasy with the musical chants of cymbals.

EK-ANKAR—The Unmanifest-Manifested, God-in-expression power, the holy Word, the primal manifestation of Godhead by which and in which all live, move and have their being and by which all find a way back to Absolute God.

GAGGAN — The upper portion that crowns the Trikuti (the second plane on the spiritual path). it is the place where all kinds of latencies are stored np.

GITA — Bhagvad Gita—(Skt. Song of the Lord, the Adorable One or the Blessed One)—forming part of the great epic of Mahabharata, in the nature of a dialogue of Plato or the book of Job. Dissertation by Krishna on the duty of the Kshatriya to fight a righteous war against injustice, no matter what the odds.

GOBIND or GOVIND—Lord of the universe; here Lord Krishna, the eighth avtar of Vishnu, the creator and sustainer of the three realms: physical, astral and instrumental.

GOBIND SINGH, Guru (Ministry 16761708)—A soldier-saint ranking as tenth in succession to Nanak, brought about the transformation of Sikhs (mere disciples) into Singhs (militant lions), a martial race for the defense of the country against injustice and tyranny of the rulers, and gave the new institution the name of Khalsa—the brotherhood of the pure, by a form of baptism, called Khanda-di-Pahul or 'Baptism of the Sword.'

GOSPEL—'Glad Tidings' preached by Christ and his apostles. 'Good news' (of salvation), Anglo-Saxon 'God,' and 'spell,' a narrative, or 'God-story' of Revelation.

GRANTH SAHIB — The holy Bible of the sikhs compiled by Guru Arjan. It contains the songs of all the fore-runners in the realm of Spiritually, irrespective of the caste or vocation of their authors.

GUR-BANI—cf. Bani, Scriptural texts as given by the Gurus in Granth Sahib, not to be confused with Gur-ki-Bani, the holy Sound Current made manifest by a competent Master (Guru), as a means to attain the highest spiritual realm from where it emanates.

GUNA — Quality or attribute which constitutes a motor-power for all our deeds and actions according to one's inherent nature.

GURMAT—Path of the Guru, both as he preaches without and the one that is revealed within, by following which one reaches the true eternal home of God.

GURU—in Hinduism, a spiritual teacher or preceptor, treated with the deepest respect and greatest reverence; one who lights up the Way Godward; a torch-bearer on the way back to the mansion of the Lord.

GURU DEV —Radiant Form of the Master that meets a disciple as his spirit ascends above body-consciousness.

HAFIZ (1320—-1389 A.D.)—A great Persian Saint-poet born at Shiraz. Hafiz is the pen name which means 'one who knows Koran by heart'. His real name was Shams-ud-Din Mohammed which means 'Sun of the Religion founded by Prophet Mohammed'. Hafiz enjoys great popularity among the Muslims and Hindus alike both as a saint as well as a poet.

HARMUZD —(also spelled as Ormuzdj) The Good God or Ahura-Mazda who in the oldest scriptures is the supreme creator being opposed by the Evil God, Ahriman as given in Zendavesta. the scriptures of Zoroaster.

HATHA YOGA —A form of yoga dealing with the control of the body and bodily activities as the means of stilling the mind. The process of deintoxication and rejuvenation is done by means of six purificatory acts called Shat Karma, like Neti and Dhoti etc. It is considered as a methodical approach to the attainment of the highest in yoga—Raja Yoga. 'Hatha' literally means will-power or indomitable will to do a thing, howsoever uncommon it may be. Etymologically 'Ha' represents the sun and 'tha' stands for the moon. Hence Hatha Yoga aims at coordinating the warm and cold aspects of sun and moon respectively by working through Ida and Pingla.

HAZUR —A venerable form of address applied to persons of distinction in any grade of life.

JAIMAL SINGH (1839—1903 A.D.)—A soldier-saint initiated into the sacred teachings of Surat Shabd Yoga by Soami Ji Maharai of Agra, who deputed Him to carry on His Mission in the Punjab so as to repay, in some measure, the debt the world owed to Guru Nanak who came from the Punjab and whose teachings had imbibed and influenced Soami Jo Maharaj. Baba Jaimal Singh Ji in his turn, left his spiritual mantle on Hazur Baba awan Singh Ji.

JAP or JAPA—intense repetition with the tongue of thought of God's name, losing one's individuality in the act.


  1. Concentrated meditation as may infuse a new type of life (Jia or inner awareness) in the heart of the meditator.
  2. A prologue to Guru Granth Sahib provided by Nanak, outlining the basic tenets of his teachings, by practising which one gets an insight into the philosophy of spiritual awakening as a prelude to Jia-Dan (infusing life impulse itself).

JI-A suffix added to personal names as a mark of respect.

JNANA YOGA — See Bhakti Yoga.

JYOTI —Divine Light.

KABIR (1440-1518 A.D.)—A great Indian Saint and contemporary of Guru Nanak. The modern age of Sant Mat wherein the Science of Surat Shabd Yoga is openly taught and first-hand experience given may be said to have begun with Kabir Sahib.

KAAL (or Kal) —Time, wherein all the embodied souls live, move and have their being, until disrobed of the physical raiment, by disease, decay, and dissolution, called 'death,' a final change in the level of consciousness.
[see also: "Mystery of Death" in the book section]

KALMA —A Koranic term that stands for Word in the Bible, Nad in the Hindu scriptures and Naam as termed by the Masters, all of which denote the Audible Life Stream pulsating in the entire creation, visible and invisible.

KARMA - The term denotes a highly complex system of actions and reactions weaving a ceaseless chain of cause and effect resulting from a thoughtless thought, an inadvertently uttered word or an unintended deed, for each of these has a potential to fructify, not only in this lifetime but even in lives to come; though one may in blessed forgetfulness, fail to find the link and call it a mere 'chance.'[ "Wheel of Life" in the book section, is an entire book on the subject of karma]

KARMA YOGA —See Bhakti Yoga.

KARM BHUMI—(Karrn Kshetra). Field of actions and reactions. fig. the earth plane in which individuals freely sow seeds with a free-will and reap the fruits of their own actions .

KHALSA—The brotherhood of the pure in Sikhism. cf. Gobind Singh.

KRISHNA—In Hindu mythology, eighth avtar or incarnation of Vishnu; the author of Bhagwad Gita, a valuable dissertation in defence of a righteous war, considered from different angles.

KRIYA YOGA —A form of Karma Yoga having its own limitations like so many other forms of Yoga.

KUNDALINI —A serpentine power that lies coiled up at the far end of the spinal cord and is awakened by the Yogi, through various kriyas which when roused up helps to cross the various bodily centres leading up to Sahsarar or the thousand-petalled Lotus behind the eyes which is the goal of all the yogis. It is because of this that sometimes it is designated as Kundalini Yoga.

LAKSHMI—Goddess of wealth, particularly the wealth of Divine virtues, sought by seekers after Truth preparatory to listening to the Divine Song, coming from the 'Veena of Saraswati' singing forever the 'Song of Divine Wisdom' in the soul of each, and heard only when one destroys all vices by propitiating goddess Kali and develops virtues through the grace of Lakshmi.

MAHA DAYAL —Literally the most compassionate—the term is synonymous with the Nameless One, without attributes. It is the same as Anami, Nirala and Soami .

MAHA KAAL—cf. Kaal. The Great Time or eternity with its sway extending over three worlds: physical, subtle or astral and mental or instrumental, forming Brahmand and Par Brahmand wherein everything is subject to disease, decay and final disintegration, until spirit stands disrobed of all the enclosing sheaths or vestures of the body, mind and intellect, besides deep-rooted latencies, and shines forth in its pristine glory, conscious of itself alone, free from all bondage.

MAHA PRALYA—Grand dissolution wherein everything born of the universal mind merges in its source and fountainhead.

MAHAVIRA —Literally the great warrior who conquered his self by extreme austerities and penances; the founder of Jainism which like Budhism was yet another attempt at reforming the Brahmical supremacy based on rites and rituals.

MAQAM-I-HAQ or MUKAM-I-HAQ—(Sach Khand). The abode of Truth; the First Grand Division in creation, a purely spiritual region with spirtuality reigning in its entirety and so eternally the same, beyond the sway of Dissolution and Grand Dissolution.

MANA —Reflector of the mental vibration as they float to the surface, form the depths of the chit. Thus Mana or mind is said to preside at the council table and presents the picture whenever necessary to the intellect.

MANSAROVER—(Hauz-e-Kausar). The fount of nectar in the third spiritual plane (Dasam Dwar), wherein the pilgrim-soul gets real baptism, when washed clean of all the impurities.

MASNAVI or MATHNAWI—A long spiritual poem by Jalal-ud-Din Rumi (1207-73), greatest of the Sufi poets of Persia, am ardent disciple of the illustrious Shamas Tabrezi (the Sun of Spirituality), a perfect spiritual guide of his time. It is a wonderful masterpiece in Persian literature and describes the plight of the outcast soul from the day of first separation from God. The book is held in high reverence and its careful study is supposed to serve as a passport to heaven.

MAULANA RUMI, Jalal-ud-Din (1207-73)—The famous author of the greatest mystic poem called Masnavi or Mathnawi. He was just a school teacher (Maulvi) but under the powerful influence of his spiritual guide and preceptor, Shamas Tabrezi, he very soon rose to the eminent position of a great spiritual guide (Maulana) and became a teacher of mankind, in the higher (spiritual) values of life. Immediately on his death, he was worshipped as a Saint.

MAYA—(Skt. illusion or deception). A term frequently met in Upanishads, signifies the inscrutable and indescribable power inhering in the projections of the Ultimate Reality (e.g. human body), in all the forms in the material universe making them appear as real, when in fact they are but shadowy substances.

MIRA —(B.C. 1504)—A Hindu poetess of the Vaishnavite school. Wife of the Raja of Chitore. A devotee of Krishna.

MOHAMMED (C. 570-632), Mohomed or more con Mohammed (Arb. the Praised One)—The last prophet his age and the founder of Islam called Mohammedaanism after him. Shocked by the prevailing idolatory of Meccans, he sought to work for the reformation of his people both in religion and social order. The religion Mohammed is known as 'Islam' (Arb. resignation entire submission to the Will of God) and the adherents thereto speak of themselves as 'Muslims' (the believers)

MONDUK UPANISHADS—Upanishads (Skt.) esoteric mysterious teachings, forming the most spiritual portion of the Vedas, the philosophical treatises offered by ancient forest-dwelling Rishis to their disciples. Monduk Upanishad is one of about 100 such texts, dealing with problems like origin of the Universe, character of Godhead, nature of the human soul and its relationship to matter and spirit.

MURSHID-i-KAMIL —Muslim term which stands for Perfect Master

NAAM—The Creative Power-of-God, variously called Vak-Devi, Sruti or Sraosha by ancients, Nad or Akash Bani by Hindus, the holy Word by Chnstians, Kalma or Kalam-i-Qadim by Muslims, and Naam or Akhand Kirtan by Sikh Gurus. Being an emanation from the Supreme Being, it reveals the Divine Will to man.

NAD BIND UPANISHAD—One of the ancient texts dealing with the glory of Nad or the Sound Current. It prescribes the spiritual exercises that give power to the yogins to hear Anhad (Omkar or Onkar) sound of Brahma's first manifestation, within one's own self. its realisation gives knowledge and power to create as it is the only creative principle working in the cosmos.

NAMAZ—One of the five pillars of Islam—Allah (God), Namaz (prayer), Zakaat (charity), Roza (fast), and Haj (pilgrimage to Mecca)—so that the faithful work on the straight path, undevious, direct and explicit. The Qoran abjures the faithful to 'be constant' in prayer, at least five times a day—on rising, at noon, in afternoon, after sunset and before retiring—if not oftener. The real Namaz consists in attuning oneself with Ism-i-azam or the Great Name.

NAMDEV—A householder sage of Pandarpur, born in1480, disciple of Guru Giandev, held in great esteem by the people; earned his living by printing calico and spent all his time im worshipful devotion.

NANAK (1469-1539)—The founder of Sikhism, born in the village of Talwandi, near Lahore in the Pumjab. A scion of a Khatri family, he had close associations with Kabir and like his great contemporary, he preached monotheistic faith, compounded out of Hindu and Muslim elements and as such, was equally acclaimed and admired by both.

NARAYANA —Lord, the title of Vishnu.

NIDA-E-ASMANI—The Sound coming from Arsh-a-mu'ala or the high heaven. cf. Akash Bani.

NIRALA —indescribably wonderful. Same as Anami, Maha Dayal, Soami, the Lord of the entire creation.

NIRANKAR—The Formless or Imageless. One without attributes (God-in-abstraction).

NIRVANA —Literally blowing out; state to which a Buddhist aspires as the best attainable.

NUKTA SWEDA or NUKTA-E-SAVEDA—(Til or Teesra [or Tisra] Til). Sufi term for 'Shiv Netra' or 'Divya Chakshu' (the third eye) as known among the Hindus and 'Single Eye' as termed in the Gospels. It is this point behind and in between the eyes wherein the soul-currents are gathered-in by concentration; for rising into higher spiritual planes.
(2) Til: it literally means the mustard seed. Here it is used for the ganglion between and behind the two eyes. Hindus call it Shiv Netra or the Third Eye. In the Gospel it is termed as Single Eye. The Sufis call it Nakta-i-Saveda. It is the seat of soul in man. It is the first stage where the soul collects itself and is enabled to rise in the higher spiritual planes.
Guru Ram Das, in this context, says: "Mind wanders away every second as it has not entered the Til."
Bhai Gurdas has given a beautiful description of it in his Kabits and Swaiyas Nos. 140, 141, 213, 265, 269, 270 and 294. Kabir has also referred to Till, in his Dohas or couplets. Tulsi Sahib, tells us that mystery of God is revealed only when one penetrates behind the Til.

PAHUL—Baptism by sword, introduced by Guru Gobind Smgh, to transform the meek Sikhs into a militant force to fight against injustice and tyranny of the rulers.

PANCH SHABD—Five-worded Word comprising five harmonies, each coming from the five planes on the Way to the kingdom of God. (2) The Word-of-words (Ism-e-azam) or the King-of-words (Sultan-ul-Azkar); whereby one reaches the Kingdom of God.

PANDIT—(Skt. Pandita, a learned man). A teacher, usually a Brahman, learned in religious, legal and social lore.

PARAM SANT—A veritable Sant: a title bestowed upon Saints of very high order having access to the Nameless Region.

PAR BRAHMAND—The upper part of the Second Grand Division (Brahmand) where spirit predominates over matter, unlike in the lower part (Dasam Dwar), where both are at par.

PARVATI—(Skt. Parbati, one living on a parbat or mountain, fig. soul). Consort of Siva, for both dwell togethether on the mount of transfiguration (Kailash) behind and between the eyes; meditation at this focal point leads to the opening of Shiv-netra, the third eye, symbolically depicted horizontally in the middle of forehead. The goddess a symbol of devotion to Siva (the annihilator of vices); as Lakshmi and Saraswati are symbols of wealth (of Divine virtues) and learning, the secret essential nature Self respectively.

PIARAS—(Five Piaras). The institution of the beloveds of God, created by Guru Gobind Sngil when five persons out of the congregation responded to his call to offer their life as sacrifice to the goddess Shakti. He called them the Khalsas or the Brotherhood of the pure ones, vouchsafing that whenever five Khalsas would gather in His name, they will know and feel His presence amongst them. Christ too declared: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt. 18: 20). Similarly, the Society of Friends (Quakers) hold that holy spirit is poured out on two or three gathered together in Christ's name.

PIND—Physical body upto the focal eye-centre, behind and between the eyes.

PRAG-RAJ—Confluence of the rivers Ganges, Jamuna and the subterranean Saraswati, the most sacred place of pilgrimage. fig. it refers to the confluence within, of the Ida, the Pingla and the Sushmana, the three channels as they join together at the sacred pool of Amrit-saar (Aab-e-Hayat), Here the pilgrim-soul, free from trappings, gets completely purified and shines in its own radiance.

PRALABDH KARMA —Destiny or fate with which one comes into the world and over which one has no control. These have to be undergone with smiles or tears as one may like for there is no escape from them. Also Karma

PRALAYA—General dissolution of the universe, as opposed to individual disintegration, to which all material things, constituted as they are by divergent elements, dissolve.

PRANAS—Vital airs pervading in the entire bodily system and controlling the various physiological processes: (1)perceiving, receiving and accepting impressions and things from without; (2) rejecting and throwing away that which the subjective life does not want or does not like to retain; (3) helping the digestive system building flesh, bones and blood; (4) controlling the circulatory blood system, and (5) lifting the mind and intellect to higher and nobler flights in the realm of pure consciousness of the spirit. 'Pranas' are distinct from 'swasas' or 'breathings', the grosser manifestation thereof.

PSALMS—A book of Old Testament comprising 'song of praise' by David.

PUNJABI—Gurmukhi script as introduced by Guru Anga fig. people of the Punjab.

PURANAS—(Skt. old or of former times). A body of Indian sacred writings (18 in number) which followed the Vedas, containing legendary account of the creation, destruction and re-creation of the universe, the genealogy, the gods, besides a mass of encyclopaedic information mostly in the form of parables. Of these, the Bhagvat and the Vishnu Purana are the most venerated.

QAZIS - the Muslims learned in religious law and theology.

QURAN—(Arb. Qur'an, the reading). The sacred book of th Mohammedans; the Bible of Islam written in chaste Arabic as revealed to the prophet by Gabriel.

RADHA SOAMI—lit. the Lord of the soul. It was by this title that Rai Saligram when in ecstatic moods, used to address his spiritual Mentor, Soami Shiv Dayal Singh Ji as a living spouse (Soami) of his soul (Radha), signifying inwardly the union of his soul with the Sound Current as revealed to him by Soami Ji, a living embodiment of the holy Word. Now mostly used as a form of salutation like Radha Krishna or Sita Rama.

RAJ YOGA —The royal road to integration. The path implies a scientific approach Godwards and is best suited to persons gifted with scientific mind and scientific outlook, both within and without. A Raj yogi does not take things for granted or accept them on blind authority, scriptural or otherwise, it being the path of self experiment in the laboratory of the mind.

RAMA—The seventh incarnation of Vishnu and the hero of the great epic Ramayana (Adventures of Rama).

RAMAKRISHNA (1836-86)—The sage-priest of the goddess-Mother Kali at Dakshineswar, near Calcutta. By his constant devotion, he made the Divine Mother manifest to himself. Next, he plunged into the yoga of meditation in every way conceivable and realised the Absolute Brahma, the attributeless Allah and Christ the Master-yogi, establishing the synthetic value of all religions which is his greatest contribution to the spirit of his age, for he virtually laid the foundation for a living Harmony of Religions and a common Fellowship of Faiths.

RAM DAS, Guru (Ministry 1574-81)—Fourth Guru in the line of succession to Nanak.

RAVIDAS—The cobbler-saint of India, who earned his living by mending people's old and worn-out shoes, and spent all his time in meditation. Among his followers were personages, like Raja Pipa, the Rajput princess Meera and others.

RIDHI—Ridhis and Sidhis usually go together and stand for miraculous or supernatural powers of 18 kinds that one may acquire by developing the mind-force but such powers prove a positive hindrance in the way of spiritual growth and development.

RUMI (Jalal-ud-Din Rumi)—(1207-1273 A.D.)—Greatest of the Sufi poets of Persia; the author of many odes in praise of his Master, Shamas-i-Tabrez. His monumental work, the immensely long 'Spiritual Masnavi' is a collection of ethical precepts, illustrated from Koran, and the sayings of Mohammad.

RISHI—in Hinduism, an inspired poet or sage. The hymns of the Vedas were revealed to the seven Rishis—the Sapt Rishis—referred to as Prajapabs (the highest among the people), being born from the mind of Brahma.

RUHANI SATSANG —A gathering of purely spiritually minded persons. Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji, constituted it as a Common Forum for the meeting of representatives from all religions, who believe in the efficacy of the Science of Soul as panacea for all the ills of the world.

SACHI BANI—The True (eternal and unchangeable) Sound-Current, the life-impulse in all creation.

SACH KHAND—Realm of Truth, the First Grand Division in the creation, which is purely spiritual in essence and hence eternally the same, and beyond the sway of grand dissolution.

SADH or SADHU—A disciplined soul with inner access as far as Par-Brahm. His greatness and glory extend beyond the trigun-atmic spheres or realms.

SADHAN -Spiritual discipline for subduing the mind and the senses as preliminary to self-unfoldment.

SAHANSRAR-—The region of the thousand-petalled lotus with thousands of lights in a pyramidical formation. It is lower astral plane where subtle matter predominates and as such is very tricky and treacherous.

SANCHIT KARMA —All the unfructified karmas lying to the credit of individuals from time immemorial in the shape of vasnas or latencies which from time to time help in the process of reincarnation.

SAHIB --The Supreme Being, the Overlord of all. As a suffix it is usually added after the names of saints, as a mark respect, as Kabir Sahib, Paltu Sahib and Tulsi Sahib.

SAINT JOHN—Christian apostle, reputed author of the four Gospel, three Epistles and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. His Gospel is a manual of Christianity identifying Jesus with the Logos or the Word.

SANGAT—A holy congregation or a religious brotherhood fig. communion of the spirit with the holy Word.

SANT—One with an access to the purely spiritual Realm—the Sach Khand (the First Grand Division in creation). It is the highest rank in the spiritual heirarchy.

SANT MAT —Literally, the path of the Masters. It is elastic in essence free from the rigidity of religious doctrines and dogmas. Attunement of the soul with the Life Principle within each individual through the agency of a perfect Living Master who is the alpha and omega on this Path.

SARASWATI--Hindu goddess of eloquence and learning of the highest spiritual type. (2) As a compound word it consists of Sar and Swa; 'sar' meaning the essence (essential nature) and 'swa' the self. Mother Saraswati generally represented as playing her veena and singing eternally the song of Divine Wisdom in the soul of each. (3) As consort of Brahma, she is credited with the inven ion of Sanskrit language and letters. (4) As a suffix, it is added after the names of learned Rishis well-versed in t essential knowledge of the self, like Rishi Dayana Saraswati.

SAR BACHAN —Literally, the sayings about the eternal Truth. Metaphorically it is the name given to the utterences both in prose and verse of Soamiji Maharaj of Agra who expounded Sant Mat in the present era.

SASTRAS—Name given to the sacred religious and legal textbooks of the Hindus.

SATGURU—A Sant commissioned to teach the inner path to the seekers after Truth and to grant them contact with the saving life-lines within. Every Satguru is basically a Sant, but every Sant cannot be a Satguru unless and until the Sat-Power in him commands him to take up the work of leading the world weary souls back to the true eternal Home of God (Sach Khand).

SAT NAAM—Name given to the Primal Sound Current (Ek-Ankar) as emanating from Sat Purush, the first manifestation of the Absolute God, an imageless abstraction without attributes.

SAT PURUSH—The presiding God-Power (the first and foremost manifestation of the Absolute God) in Sach Khand, the First Grand Division in the creation, a purely spiritual realm.

SAT SANGAT—A congregation devoted to search for Sat or Truth eternal. On the earth-plane, it is presided over by a God-man who is moved by the Holy Ghost in thoughts, words and deeds. On the inner plames, it is the union with the Power-of-God, practically effected by a Master-Saint, by contacting the soul with the Light and Sound of God, the primal manifestations of Godhead.

SATVIC —Pertaining to Satva Guna or attributes like tranquility or equipoise of the mind. The term also applies to diet that is conducive to bring about the above qualities.

SAWAN SINGH (1858—1948 A.D.)—The Great Master who succeeded Baba Jaimal Singh Ji Maharaj at Beas.

SEHAJ YOGA —Literally, it means an easy path leading to Sehaj or equipoise. Usually used as synomyn with Surat Shabd Yoga or Yoga of the Sound Current which can easily be performed by all alike, old or young.

SHABD - Sound Current vibrating in all creation. It can be heard by the inner ears. It is termed by Mohammedans as Bang-i-Asmani and among the Hindus as Shruti, variously known as Nad, Word, Naam, Bang-i-Ilahi, Sarosha and the like.

SHABD-BANI - The Eternal Sound or Music going on within each living creature for It is the very life-principle sustaining all that is, visible and invisible.

SHAITAN (Satan)—The god of evil residing in each individual as mind.

SHAMAS TABREZ—The illustrious mystic of Tabrez in Persia, the spiritual mentor of Maulana Jalal-ud-Din Rumi.

SHAREY MARG —The path of expansion based upon scriptural texts which enjoins performance of rites and rituals, strict adherance to doctrines and dogmas, sacrifices and worships of all kinds on the plane of the senses. Such practices, good in themselves, do not and cannot grant liberation to the soul.

SHIV DAYAL SINGH JI, Soami (1818-1878)—Seth Shiv Dayal Singh Ji of Agra, popularly known as Soami Ji Maharaj who, in the modern age, revived the teachings of ancient Masters including those of the later times like Kabir and Nanak; with emphasis on the Surat Shabd Yoga or Yoga of the Sound Current providing way back to the Kingdom of God from where this creative life-principle descended.

SHIVA or SIVA—The 'blessed one,' the third member of Trimurti of Hinduism. He is Mahadeva, the 'great god' but primarily the Destroyer or Rudra, 'the terrible,' he destroys all that is born of evil and as destruction is but a prelude to fresh creation and the so-called death gateway to new life, he is worshipped as a creative expression of the Supreme Being, the one great god, (Mahadeva).

SHIV NETRA—The eye of Shiva, the third eye behind and between the eyes of flesh, providing an access to the higher planes within. It is symbolically shown in the middle of the forehead.

SHRUTI—(Skt. revelation). That portion of the Vedic scriptures which was directly revealed to the ancient Rishis.

SIDHIS—Yogic powers of supernatural character.Also: SIDH—A sect of the yogins, who claim to possess supernatural powers, by means of yogic discipline. SIDHAS—Higher disciplined souls endowed with supernatural powers.

SIKH—lit. a disciple, one engaged in learning higher truths life. fig. a sect mainly living in the Punjab and the adjoining areas, forming a brotherhood based on religious ideas and traditions as propounded by Guru Nanak, on the simple creed—Oneness of God and Brotherhood Man.

SIMRAN—Constant remembrance of a person, place or thing of one's liking. By habit, all are doing simran of of one kind or another: of our relatives and friends, riches and possessions, or name and fame, all of which are of a temporary nature, and give just a flicker of pleasure which more often than not is tinged with sorrow. Saints enjoin the Simran of the God-power revealed by a God-man, a veritable source of eternal happiness.

SITA—The heroine of the great Indian epic, the Ramayana; the lovely and loving wife of Rama. lit. the word signifies 'a furrow,' as she personifies the goddess of agriculture and fruit-culture for she is supposed to have sprung from a furrow and ultimately disappeared into a furrow.

SRITIS—(Skt. that which is remembered as opposed to Sruti which is revealed). The Hindu term for inspiration or inspired writings which include such works as the two great epics and the puranas.

SRAOSHA—The Gathas of Zendavasta make mention of two divinities- Atar (fire) and Sraosha (lit. obedience— obedience to the Law of Life or the God-in-action power, i.e. His Divine Will as revealed by the Sound Current within).

ST. AUGUSTINE (354-430)—Christian Saint and one of the four great fathers of the Latin or Roman church.

SUFI—A Muslim mystic. (Arb. Suf, 'wool' originally ascetics who wore coarse wool, symbolic of their having renounced all the comforts of life). The earlier Sufis were indeed ascetics rather than mystics, more of saints than seers. Mysticism as such grew and developed in Persia and not in the Arabian desert. Pantheistic unitarianism is the essential characteristic of Sufism. It signifies a person with a pure heart.

SUKHMANA or SUSHMANA NADI—The subtle central nadi (the fire channel) in between the Ida and Pingla on either side of it, the one representing the moon-influence and the other the sun-influence. The way-in for the soul-currents when collected at the eye-focus lies through Sukhmana. Of all the astral tubes, these three are the most important. Sushmana for functioning of bioenergy and the other two for co-ordinating and controlling voluntary and involuntary functions of the human body.

SULTAN-UL-AZKAR — Meditation on Ism-i-Azam (the Highest Name), deemed by Muslim mystics as the highest form of prayer (zikr).

SUMER—The golden mountain which the pilgrim-soul comes across in its spiritual journey.

SURAT —Attention or individual consciousness

SURAT SHABD YOGA - the yoga or union of the Surat (soul) with Shabd (Sound Current) ; also called Sehaj Yoga because it can easily be practiced by all, young or old; strong or infirm.

TAYUMUM—An easy process of cleansing the hands by rubbing them with sand, before going in for meditation in desert places that suffer from lack of water—the object being just to wash the hands clean of all the affairs ofthe world.

TEG BAHADUR, Guru (Ministry 1664-76)—Son of Gul Hargobind, but ninth in the line of succession to Nanak. Captained the Sikhs during the tumultuous times of Aurangzeb, was beheaded in Delhi where now stands Gurdwara Sisganj in commemoration of his martyrdom.

TENNYSON, Alfred Lord (1809-92)—First Baron, a famous English poet with faith in God, immortality, and the 'on far off divine event to which the whole creation moves'. As a lyrist, he ranks with the highest in English poetry.

TIL—(Tisra Til). cf. Nukta Sweda.

TRATAK—A yogic exercise for developing the gazing faculty by putting a black-spot on a paper at a distance, in front of the eyes and then steadily looking at it without blinking, until the blackness transforms into whiteness by the concentrated spiritual rays proceeding from within. It may be done on the tip of the nose or in between the eyes, as one may like, for developing concentrated attention as a means to meditation.

TRIKUTI—The upper part of the Third Grand Division of the creation, called 'And,' the sphere of Maya wherein matter predominates over spirit—a materio-spiritual plane, including Sahasara, the lower portion of it as well. The karmic law of transmigration works in full swing in this region as in the gross material region.

TULSI or TULSI SAHIB (1763-1843)—Shama Rao Peshwa, the elder brother of Baji Rao Peshwa. Renouncing all worldly ambitions for spiritual enlightemnent, he settled at Hathras as Tulsi Sahib: author of Ghat Ramayana, the inner version of the great epic; passed his spiritual mantle on to Soami Ji Maharaj of Agra who greatly venerated his mentor from quite an early age when he came under his influence.

TUN-TUN—An onomatopeic word for the sound of a big bell or a gong when struck with a mallet—the sound that one hears within on the spiritual path, resembling that of a huge bell as is found in the central dome of temples or in a church belfry, symbolic of thc inner Sound.

TURIYA PAD—The fourth stage of Consciousness, above the consciousness of the waking state, the semi-consciousness of the dream state and lack of consciousness in the deep sleep state. It is a yogic awareness at the supra-mental level that comes when the senses are at rest, the mind is in a state of vacuum and the intellect is at a stand-still.

UDGIT or UDOGEE - The other-worldly Music coming from the realms beyond the mind and the senses.

UPANISHADS—cf. Monduk Upanishad.

VEDA—(Skt. Divine knowledge). The most sacred of the Hindu scriptures, some dating back to 1,000 or 2,000 years B.C., before the Aryans left their original homes beyond the Himalayas. As they were orally revealed by Brahma to the ancient Rishis, they are known as Sruti, 'what is heard.' There are four Samhitas or collections: (1) Rig, the Veda of praise; (2) Yajur, the Veda of prayer and sacrificial formulae; (3) Sam, the Veda of tunes and chants; and (4) Atharva, the Veda of the Atharvans, the officiating priests at the sacrifices.

VINA—A stringed instrument of music, also the melodious music-sound of the instrument itself.

VISHNU—Sccond of the Hindu triad of divinities, a benevolent deity with Lakshmi as his consort, god of plenty and prosperity, credited with the work of sustaining the universe.

WAZU—Among thc Muslims, the washing of the important parts of the body like face, hands and feet, just as Panj-ashnani among the Hindus, necessitated perhaps by scarcity of water in drought-affected areas, or when one is too ill to have a full-bath.

YAMA—The Hindu Pluto or king of the nether world—the world of spirits; a Judge-god administering justice untampered by mercy, according to the inexorable law of karma: As ye sow, so shall ye reap, with sway extending to Pitrilok or the region of the Pitris (manas) can neither create nor destroy spirits, but perpetually keeps them in bondage of matter and mind of varying forms and patterns, as one deserves.

YOGA—(Skt. yuj—to join, much the same as yoke in English). The practice aims at stilling the mind as a means to concentrated meditation for securing at-one-ment of the soul with the Universal Soul (Isvara, the Lord). (2) One of darshans or orthodox systems of Hindu philosophy developed by sage Patanjali about 300 A. D Composing Ashtang or an eight-fold path of reunion with the Divine.(3) Of all the different forms of yoga, the yoga of the Sound Current or attunement with the holy Word, is by far the easiest, the safest and the speediest, yielding results that are verifiable with mathematical precision.

YOGI or YOGIN—One who has mastered the technique and practice of yoga and can impart yogic discipline to others. A true yogi (of the Sound Cutrent) can, by transmitting a little of his own life-impulse to others, cast them in his own mould. (2) in common parlance, a yogi is a yoga-ascetic engaged in hard yogic disciplines. (3) Yoga today is reduced to physical level and is practised for health and longevity. YOGIC—Pertaining to yoga.

ZRE-I-RUHI—Communion of the Ruh or spirit with the holy Word. cf. Sultan-ul-Azkar.

ZOROASTER—(Gr. form of the Persian Zarathustra—600?-583 ? B. C.). Founder of Zoroastrianism whose modern version is Parseeism. He is believed to have been the first of the Wise Men or Magis. From Gathas in the Zendavesta, we find that he was possessed by a new vision of God and gave to the world a dualistic theology of the good God (Ahura Mazda or Ormuzd) and the Evil God (Angra Mainyu or Ahirman). The way to Ahura Mazda lies through two divinities, Atar (fire) and Sraosha (willing obedience to the Divine Will).