a collection of talks given by Sant Kirpal Singh:
[ Note: ... more to come. These articles were converted using a cheapo hand scanner with what appears to be 'technically challenged' OCR. While most of the mistakes have been caught and cleaned up ... please excuse any obvious errors.]
Dear Ones,
May the grace of God be on you all.
We are seekers after Truth and for that purpose we have joined various religions, which are our schools of thought. Truth is not the exclusive right of any particular creed, or place, or age. It is a man's birthright. Just as every man has the right to breathe the air, and absorb the rays of the sun, we are all privileged to draw from the Unseen Source of Life, Strength, and Wisdom, which is within each of us. That infinite supply cannot be exhausted. Anyone belonging to any religion can delve it out from within with the help of somebody who is competent - call him by any name you like. Take all that you can. Not only will it suffice for you, but through it you will become instrumental in helping your fellows. Your smile will inspire another to smile. Your strength will impel another to be strong. A noble soul always draws forth the noble quality in others.
God is love, and our souls are also love and it is through love alone that we can know God. Love knows true renunciation, service, and sacrifice for the good of others without any consideration. A true man is one who is truthful, leads a life of continence, radiates love to all others for the sake of God residing in them, and knows "giving," "giving," and always "giving." We never lose anything when we give. When you give love, do you find that you have less love in your heart? On the contrary, you are conscious of an ever greater power of loving, but no one can be convinced of these things till he has applied them in a practical way. An ounce of practice is worth tons of theories.
It is a practical age - therefore, it is for us to make our idealism more practical. Believe in God, Who is Spirit; Love - the principle of all things; Who is in me and I am in Him; Who resides in every heart. We should therefore love all mankind and others. If one cannot love those whom he sees, how can he love God whom he does not see?
There is a Religion above all religions which teach rituals, dogmas, and doctrines. That is Truth. Religion truly means "re" - back, and "ligio" which comes from "ligore" - to bind; i.e., to bind our soul back to Truth - God. You have to be born into the Truth. All Masters who come from time to time speak of the same Truth. We are lovers of Truth. That is the True Religion, on the basis of which the whole world can sit together and the East and West could be united.
The purpose before me is to bring together all children of God (now forming part of various religions) to understand each other and find a way back to God. I am glad that I found a great response to this Message of Love, with the grace of my Master - the Man-in-God.
My hearty thanks and best wishes go to all who have been helpers in this Noble Cause of Humanity.
Yours affectionately,
Dear Ones:
I am sending you the following message in brief on my physical birthday, which will bring peace to all the world over.
(i) Be good and do good:
means, to be able to do good, you must be good in the first instance.
Being good means good in thought, word and deed.
God is all goodness and innate in all.
Be friendly with everyone, be kind and compassionate.
See goodness in all around you including even those who hate you.
God is all love, love all, serve all and do good to all.
(ii)BE ONE:
God made man. All mankind is one.
Man is an ensouled body—bearing labels of differcat social bodies.
As men we are all one, born the same way with equal privileges from God.
As soul we all are of the same essence as that of God, a drop of the ocean of all consciousness, and controlled by the same Power, which we all worship—calling by different names.
Unity already exists, we have forgotten.
With all love and best wishes,
Dear Ones in the Lord:
On this Christmas day, I send you my hearty wishes for your progress on your way back to the sweet Home of our Father. Entire self-surrender to God is the secret o a true lover of God. Therefore, he should be a man of purity, humility and meekness. The main thing one should do is devotion to the Name of God and see the Light and hear the Voice of God—the Sound Principle reverberating in all. For this, he should devote regular time to meditation and conquer the passions through communion with the Master. He should sing of God the Beloved, and enter into the 'Super-conscious' through intoxication of His sweet remembrance. In such intoxication of love, one wishes to kiss the very ground, love all creation and all mankind and breathe peace unto all the world over. My work is to reveal to you the Unity already existing through all and would ask you to turn away from sectarian strifes to the Path of Love. This will be achieved by one who will be intoxicated with love.
God is love and our souls are of the same essence as that of God. Love is inherent in our souls and the way back to God is onty through love: "love and all things shall be added unto you."
You may read libraries of books. Of what avail arc they ? You may have many meritorious acts. What avail are they ? Far are you from the Beloved if there be not the longing in your heart. Consume hundreds of books in the fire. Let your heart blossom forth with the sweet remembrance of the Lord. Be absorbed in the white radiance of the Beloved. Be absorbed and you will know that the Master is but One with God. He appears in every picture. In every race and religion, every prophet and saint, every scripture and song, is the shining 'One' revealed. Let your inner-self be overflowing with the love of the Master so much so that all thoughts of yourself be lost in Him. Saint Paul said: "It is I, not now I, but Christ lives in me."
Be not imprisoned in the jail of ' I ' and 'me'. He who hath transcended self, he verily hath attained to the Highest. He hath become Perfect. Such a one knows no difference between the Hindu, the Muslim, the Sikh the Christian. the Jew, the Buddhist or the Zoroastrian, for God is the Lord of all and in all shines the one picture Divine; we are worshippers of the same Lord. The One is within thee, outside thee, in me, in him and in every place. That One alone doeth speak in all.
1971 Christmas and New Year's Message
Dear Ones,
This blessed day of 25th December, 1971, is celebrated in the sweet remembrance of Christ, when He manifested at the human pole of Jesus for the guidance of the child humanity. He was the Light of the world as long as he was in the world (John 9: 5). He gave Light of Life to whomsoever came in contact with Him.
Each of the prophets and messiahs is sent into the world who carries on His work of uniting souls to God. The law of supply and demand is always working in nature. There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty; where there is fire, oxygen of its own comes to its aid. When He fulfills His mission, He is recalled, gathered up and passes away the scene of His activity on earth plane.
Those in search of God, are ultimately led by the God-Power to the feet of the Master-Saint--the 'Word made flesh'—for the journey back to God. "No man can come to me except his Father which has sent me draws him; and I will raise him on the last day." (John 5:41) "Last day" means the last day of the earthly life, when the sensory currents are withdrawn from the body.
You are taught to rise above body-consciousness by daily spiritual practices and meet the Master within. It is only when the outward man perishes, that the inward man (spirit) is renewed.
"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:24 & 17:37)
It is a pity that we have made wonderful progress in all walks of life but woefully lack self-knowledge and God-knowledge."What does it profit a man if he gains the possession of the whole world and losses his own soul ?"
We are fortunate to have the man body, which is the highest in all creation, in which we can know ourselves and develop God-consciousness. The word 'religion' is derived from a Latin word 'Ligare' and with its derivative ligamant, which means to bind. 'Re' denotes 'again', so it denotes to bind back the soul to God, which is a common heritage of mankind.
Time and tide wait for no man. We should do our utmost to achieve the object before us. And my best wishes are with each one of you.
Yours affectionately,
Kirpal Singh