My interests are: Comparitive Religions,
Buddhism, Music, Role-playing Games, Humor, Organic
Gardening, Food, Computers, Innovation, Management Theory, Problem Solving ....
The object of my practice to be the lessening of the suffering of ALL sentient beings, especially those dealing with under-evolved processes or systems.
At the present time I am continuing training in: TRIZ(Theory of Innovative Problem Solving), Dr.Deming's: The Deming System of Profound Knowledge�, as well as the work of Margaret Wheatley and The Berkana Institute.
New as of 6/3/05: I host 3 discussion groups at
Traditional Baking of course deals with Artisan Baking of breads or pastries of all sorts.
Another group is for fans of World Music and Fusion.
My Progressive Management group deals with the works of Deming, Juran, Margaret Wheatley, Kriegel, and other authors. We can also discuss tools like TRIZ for problem solving.
I will be creating mirror groups to these three in Yahoo Groups. Traditional Baking has already beeen created.
I would like to take this opportunity, to
inform my fellow browsers of the plight of the people of Tibet.
Since the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese military in 1959, this
has been a silent human rights issue. I invite all who see this to
become more informed:
Spirit Page
Fun and
Conscious Living
Sourdough for 'starters' on a Food
Page.....How to start sourdough from
Utne Reader
LinkTV...Our link to the World
Native American Rights Fund
Hubble Telescope
The Particle Adventure
Stone Pages
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