Welcome to the Sanctuary of the Sacred Fool
This page is dedicated to the character of the Sacred Fool, who appears universally in fictional, and non-fictional writings. Often depicted as a bumbling hero: who's purity of intention, rather than cunning, save the day.

Consider this my Personal Library, please explore the links. Soon there will be some of my original writing.....for now I'm still busy just 'cleaning up' around here. *LOL*

This site is constantly evolving.

My interests are: Comparitive Religions, Buddhism, Music, Role-playing Games, Humor, Organic Gardening, Food, Computers, Innovation, Management Theory, Problem Solving ....

At the present time I am continuing training in: TRIZ(Theory of Innovative Problem Solving), Dr.Deming's: The Deming System of Profound Knowledge�, as well as the work of Margaret Wheatley and The Berkana Institute.

The object of my practice to be the lessening of the suffering of ALL sentient beings, especially those dealing with under-evolved processes or systems.

New as of 6/3/05: I host 3 discussion groups at Care2.com.
Traditional Baking of course deals with Artisan Baking of breads or pastries of all sorts.
Another group is for fans of World Music and Fusion.
My Progressive Management group deals with the works of Deming, Juran, Margaret Wheatley, Kriegel, and other authors. We can also discuss tools like TRIZ for problem solving.
I will be creating mirror groups to these three in Yahoo Groups. Traditional Baking has already beeen created.

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The Moebius Spiral
by Ra 5/10/81

Move carefully along the spiral Path.
Patience, and the Gentle Chi
Will sustain thy travels.

Silence will guide thee rightly.
Only with the help of these,
Can you know thy True Will.

Know thy Heart, the Path to the Center.
At once, both the Origin and Destination.
The Alpha and Omega of the Path; the Tao.

moebius spiral: circling around it's center point outward(or inward) in constantly increasing(or decreasing) curves, or in constantly changing planes, to it's center.

I would like to take this opportunity, to inform my fellow browsers of the plight of the people of Tibet. Since the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese military in 1959, this has been a silent human rights issue. I invite all who see this to become more informed:
Free Tibet

Spirit Page

Fun and Games

Music Page

Conscious Living Page

Gardening Page

Sourdough for 'starters' on a Food Page.....How to start sourdough from sprouts.

Fabulous Full Flavored Food

I think it's an appropriate time to push these links, especially with the Political Situation in the United States. Perhaps we could really re-invent our government:

Juran Institute

Ideation International

W. Edwards Deming Institute

The Berkana Inititute

Margaret Wheatley's Webpage: Author and Consultant

Requisite Organization International Institute.... the continuation of the work of Dr. Elliott Jaques

The World Cafe

Baldrige Awards (USA)

Noetic Institute

ECD Ovonics: Energy Conversion Devices

Molecular Expressions

Center for Cooperative Research

Wellstone Action

World Energy Network: Alternative energy

National Biodiesel Board: Alternative Fuels

Design Tex: "Green" Textiles

Utne Reader

LinkTV...Our link to the World

Native American Rights Fund


Hubble Telescope

The Particle Adventure

Stone Pages

Travelzoo Hot Deal

Click for Ann Arbor, Michigan Forecast

Email me at tazru@inorbit.com.

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