Vologda photos : March 2002 : Вологда : Март 2002
These wonderful photos were taken by the co-worker of my friend Alexei during his business trip to Vologda, Russia.

Churches and cars at twilight.
Monument of the Horse.
Vologda's churches.
River bank.
The Sofia Cathedral.

Vologda is one of the most ancient Russian towns, dating back to 1147. Vologda is northwest of Moscow. If you board a train at 8:00 p.m. in Moscow you will arrive in Vologda at 6:00 a.m. the next morning.

Since 19th century Vologda is well known for its lacemakers, and fairy-tale Vologda lace is handmade and always unique. Lacemaking has a big impact on all the aspects of city decoration, and you will find a lot of houses and fences decorated in a "lace" style, with wooden details matching the most famous lace ornaments of Vologda.

The Vologda region is famous for its dairy products. Just mention butter and quality together and every Russian will invariably reply "Vologda butter." Vologda butter (Vologodskoe) is traditional Russian product, with delicious taste and natural lightness. It is exported to many countries, and you can even find it in the USA if you come to the Boback's store! (Be sure to try Bolshevik headcheese there as well!).

And just an interesting fact I found recently: There were some blind taste tests produced by MOFSA (some Western agency, I guess) in Moscow between Western dairy products available there and Vologda dairy products. The testers were Russians and Westerners and they tested kefir, butter, sour cream, tvorog and other dairy products. In every case the Vologda products were seen as the equal or superior to the Western products and in the case of butter and sour cream the Vologda product was preferred nearly three to one by Russian and foreigners over the Western product.

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