egypt : red sea: 2004

I've been to Egypt twice during this last year. I actually think that Egypt is one of the places to be visited profoundly!! I was choosing the places to stay far from traditional Russian touristic spots, not only because I was willing to abandon my fellow russians for some time, but also because I thought that it might be more fun too. So, first time I was in Taba (which is very close to the border with Israel, only 15 minutes from Ellat), and recently I returned from Nuweiba, which is in two hours drive from Taba. Tourists who are traditionally coming to this area of Egypt are mostly Israeli, though I've seen some Finnish and Estonians fellows.

I also have a preference for local hotels and restaurants, which means that I do everything possible to escape such chain places as Hyatt, Mariott, Sleep Inn, etc. Of course, there is always a chance of not good enough accommodation or food poisoning out there in the wilderness, but I prefer this option to the predictability and artificial chain atmosphere of the place. So, in Taba I stayed in Salah El Deen Taba hotel, rated 3*, and enjoyed my stay in this truly Egyptian place greatly. And in Nuweiba the name of the hotel was Domina Nuweiba (4*), and it was very very nice place too, with great beach, wonderful Arabian restaurant and good facilities.

We have also tried all nearby food spots. Well, in some doubtful and seemingly 'dirty' food places in Egypt I'd recommend to try everything (especially iced karkade tea, hummus, flafel, salads) -- but try to avoid meat!! At least, if you need meat desperately, ask the owner how long might it take to cook the thing. Because small restaurants are sometimes too poor or lazy to keep fresh (in cases even frozen) meat, and sending a boy to beduins to get from them some obscure bones with weird meat on them could be very long and not worth your time (up to 2.5 hours of waiting!!). Anyway, even if you are waiting for something in Egypt it will be not a lost time, because natives are very kind and talkative. You can learn many interesting things about Egypt from them. That those bright green bushes which you see growing in the mountains are called 'marihuana'. That camels are afraid of horses and more lazy, but do not try to offend a camel -- it will remember this and might try to kill you. That beduins are living up to 130 years old, because they don't call for doctors and the environment is clean and crisp in the mountains. That goverment recruits only the sons of noble and reach people to police officers to avoid corruption. That beduin tea has black tea, mint and grass in its recepee. And much, much more.

In Egypt I tried camel riding for the first time. It was rather fun, but slow. I have enjoyed more feeding a family of camels with bananas. Baby-camel was too small to eat bananas, and smelled like milk. In Egypt my dream of riding a horse on the seashore came true too -- I was galloping right close to the water line, and it was breath-taking. I was lucky to get very fast, smart and at the same time kind horse, so I have really enjoyed that 2 hours ride.

What I would definitely advise you to take over to Egypt is some warm sweater (for air-conditioned places), white summer pants (or you can buy a pair of them at the market), some anti-food-poisoning drugs and band-aids for the feet hurted with corals. In case if you are not staying in Russian-invaded places do not take evening dresses, high-heel shoes and stylish purses -- you will look and feel a bit stupid with such a wardrobe, especially in comparison with some loosy Finnish girls in baggy T-shirts.

I don't feel the need to describe in detail wonderful reef inhabitants of Red Sea. It's a fairy-tale world deep there!! And the sea in Nuweiba was always different and surprised me every time, one day it would be warm on top and cold down there, the next day -- it will be milky warm, then refreshingly cool, stormy, calm and quite -- so many variations!! In Tabe the Sea was more 'stable', it was always very warm and charming. (Can the sea be not charming, i wonder?!!)

If you go to Taba or Nuweiba region be sure to take a taxi to the place named El Trabin (it was 25 minute beach walk from our hotel in Nuweiba) -- they have a very good market place there, cafes, water-pipe (and not only) smoking places, and people from all over the world.

Click on the thumbnails of the photos to enlarge and enjoy!!

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