Are the opinions held by life-long Seth students different than most? Do these individuals look upon the world through an altered system of beliefs? In many ways, Yes, the extent of which we hope to learn here.

Send questions and comments to Barrie  

I wish to bring up an ongoing discussion on the following controversial topics to see how "Seth" people have adjusted to the world and how they relate to topical, political issues. Some of the controversial items and my opinions on those items are listed below. I wish to elicit debate, deep thought, and fun. I also wish for people to submit their own issues and positions that they wish to debate or discuss. Also, if anyone has questions for Rick Stack or Richard Kendall (other "New York boys" from the Seth class) I will gladly pass the questions on to them.

---Barrie Gellis

1. The Death Penalty: I am against it. It gives the wrong message. It says that its okay to kill if you have the "right" reasons--kill the killers. Others say kill if you need more money, kill cheating spouses, kill those who speak ill of your religion. All agree it's okay for people to kill...the debate becomes where and when to draw the line.

But if you say, killing is wrong, period, then there's no debate. We say to the killers, to kids and to society: "Human life is sacred and holy. The action of killing is horrible, but we will not stoop to your (the killer's)level. We will treat you with human dignity...and if you can't live in society because you are incorrigible...we will keep you in prison for life...but treat you with dignity...for you are not your actions."

The message to everybody is that human life is sacred and killing is wrong.

2. Prisoners: You can only do 3 things with prisoners, regardless of their crimes: Kill them, keep them in prison for life, or release them at some point in time. In order to "protect" society these prisoners must be treated with kindness and be rehabilitated whenever possible. They must not go back into society full of rage and hatred, with no possibility for a job, and with society hating and fearing them. That is a recipe for more crime and violence. Prisoners should not be pitted against their victims. Both prisoners and victims and their families need society's help, for what is society but a family? Not, I may add, a business venture such as the prison system has become. The way things are now the criminal justice system produces more crime and criminals. This system must be changed.

3. Child Abuse, Domestic and TV Violence: There is an epidemic of child abuse rampant in this country. Years ago, Freud eventually began to dismiss all the incest cases he came across as female hysteria caused by the females' wish to sleep with their fathers. If Freud had continued to believe the girls'stories, as he did at first, then this issue could have begun to be addressed a hundred years ago. As of today it is still being ignored and minimized for the most part. Today TV is taking the blame instead for real violence in the home.

Television influences acceptable behavior such as what clothes to wear, items to buy, or expressions to speak, but it doesn't cause people to cross over that anti-social line of abuse. It's real violence in the home that causes children to be violent. Imagine, psychologists say that having a mobile hanging above a crib can affect the child's whole life, as can being held or not. So imagine then how being beaten, and hearing screaming and violent fighting in the background can effect the child in his crib. There is an epidemic of child abuse that is ongoing in America that is behind the crime and drug problems this nation faces today.

Adults have an easy out when they try to blame television shows, movies, or music lyrics for the problems of youth and crime. Kids know that the violence on the television shows is make believe. Seeing a person get hit by a car on TV is far different emotionally than actually witnessing it! Same with violence.

None of this is an excuse for the criminal, but rather it is an explanation of why people are acting out. Once a connection is made, then we can intervene in "Little Johnny's" life today in order to prevent him from becoming the "monster" we want to execute a few years down the road.

4. Legalization of Drugs: The criminal justice system produces more and more criminals. People use drugs for fun or out of boredom. But people abuse drugs when they are in emotional anguish or physical pain. Making drugs illegal makes being in pain illegal. Drug abuse should be considered a medical problem and should be in the medical system, not the legal system. This would not only help the abusers directly, but would free up the overcrowded prisons, thus making it easier to treat the real criminals, and therefore make life on the street safer for everyone--including the police.

Treating drug abusers as criminals helps no one and the money saved by legalizing drugs could be used to build counseling centers and treatment centers in each neighborhood where adults and children can go "before" they get into trouble either by abusing drugs or abusing people. Today when people want help to get off drugs they are told to wait 3 to 6 months for a bed. Imagine if you had a desperate situation such as a pipe burst in your kitchen and water was pouring onto your floor, and you called the plumber who said, "OK, don't worry, I'll be there in 6 months..."

People must feel loved by society and have a place to turn for help. Keeping drugs illegal makes money for both the drug enforcers and the drug dealers. This system must be stopped.

5. Legalization of Prostitution: What difference does it make if a man pays for sex or spends the money on a date prior to sex? What difference does it make if a woman wants to earn money by having sex with other adults? And why should the government get involved? If a woman wants to make money by using her hands to give therapeutic massages or make pottery...what's wrong with that? If she wants to use her hands to make money by performing sexual acts, what's wrong with that? If a woman wants to use her body to make money running track...what's wrong with that? And if a woman wants to use her body to make money by having sex with other adults...what's wrong with that? Why should the criminal justice system get involved? Of course, there should be immediate and available help for abused girls to guide them away from prostitution before they enter the field or while they are in it.

6. Sex and Pornography: The body is good, sexual organs are good, and most images of people having sex are good and healthy. The sight of a naked breast, or a vagina, or an erection is NOT harmful to children; the adult negative reaction to these images MAY BE harmful. Children arrive physically on the planet via sex and the body; and people orgasmically enjoy their corporeity via sex and the body. It is much more harmful to tell children that their bodies are bad than it is to allow them to see sex in a movie or hear a sex joke on TV. Pedophilia and child abuse stem from pedophilia and child abuse in the childhood of the abusers...and not because of nude or pornographic images. Let's try to help the abused kids prevent crime, abuse, and killing tomorrow.

6. UFOs and Abductions: As far as I'm concerned, UFOs exist. The remaining interesting questions are: What are they? Where are they from and what do they want with us and our physical plane?

Seth says that some UFOs are from other planets, some from our own future, and some from other dimensions. He has also said that our thoughts sometimes appear as UFOs to others occupying our "space" but in other dimensions and we are invisible to each other, and that some of our UFO sightings are their thoughts. Since we create our reality and our universe, all of our outer space, deep space, etc. are creations of our thoughts. This means that there's a direct connection between inner space and out-of-body experiences an d outer space and space travel to far "physical" distances. . In the newly-released "Early Session" books, Seth discusses space travel and says that individuals will eventually do it via OB.

About abductions: It must be that people who are abducted have consented and given their approval to the experiments upon them "before" these experiences ever occurred/ These agreements must have been made in the unconscious realm or in the dream-state level and that is why they are no longer consciously remembered. Abductees therefore feel they have been invaded and adducted against their will. In Seth terms, this is not possible. No so-called abduction could occur without this prior consent. Those people who are terrified during their abductions are terrified because of their belief system surrounding the experience. They can change the experience by changing their reaction to it...not the other way around.


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