Azalea Lane Publishing Presents

Terry Agar's - A Band of Angels©

A Novel by Terry Agar

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This is the age of the heart -- the feminine age. To help celebrate our emergence into this new, spiritual age, comes the novel "A Band of Angels."

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Enlightenment is only as far away
as the closest mirror where you can look in and sincerely say,
"I love you. I can live with you."
Terry Agar

"For Jimbo there was no such thing as a miracle. Since miracles imply special events occurring beyond the realm of everyday happenstance, there was no single thing taking place in his world befitting that definition. No one event, however familiar or unfamiliar, was more special to him than another, and in this sense, everything in all of existence was a miracle."

From "A  Band of Angels©" by Terry Agar

A free Preview of the first 3 chapters of "A Band of Angels©" is now available for immediate download from Azalea Lane Publishing. Simply click the link below to download:

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Following is a brief synopsis of A Band of Angels

The story is about a young man from south Mississippi who is conscripted by angels in physical form to assist them in an endeavor about which they are initially none too specific. Despite the young man’s misgivings and doubts concerning the legitimacy of these supposedly incarnate angels’ claims, he, based mostly on his attraction to the female angel who initially contacted him, reluctantly agrees to help them.  Though with all the powers they seem to have at their disposal, he cannot imagine what they require of an insecure building contractor whose personal life is in a bit of disarray.

The reluctant hero, Paul Beauvoir, becomes a member of a musical group headed by one of the angels and is concurrently set the task of locating one of the angels’ fallen comrades whom he comes to disapprove of heartily.

While enduring misadventures and disturbing dreams, he gradually becomes aware of repressed memories, which at first are so alien to him that he cannot believe the memories are part of his psyche.  As his belief systems expand, he eventually comes face to face with his own personal demon who looks quite a lot like the devil.

Although the story contains elements of darkness, it is not about the darkness but more about the darkness it takes for us to see the light.

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