Since its inception in July 1997, Bahtera has attracted subscribers from various backgrounds: scholars, translators and interpreters, language experts, as well as individuals who are interested in Bahasa Indonesia. This has made the list an invaluable source for helpful hints related to Indonesian language. Subscription is required in order to post and receive messages. Discussions are conducted mainly in Indonesian.
Summary of addresses:
To post messages to the list (subscribers only) |
To post messages through the Web (subscribers only) |
Click "Post" |
To read messages through the Web (subscribers only) |
To subscribe via e-mail (blank message) |
To subscribe through the Web |
and click "Join this Group" |
To modify the way you receive messages (subscribers only) |
sign in, and click "Delivery Options" |
To unsubscribe via email (blank message) |
To unsubscribe through the Web |
sign in, click "Delivery Options" and click "Unsubscribe" |
To contact the list manager |
Online help |
The following pages are only available in Bahasa Indonesia: