From previous pages we learned that radiation can be sensed and measured with our five normal senses.

Heat can be sensed and measured its intensity by our skin, sound can be measured and traced to its source by our ears, eyes can determine lights in terms of colours and so on.

I believe that most of us can tell that there is a difference in seeing and sensing the radiation.

Seeing is limited at certain distance and brightness of the object observed. We may have some gadgets to assist us to lift the obstructions but still limited in certain way, thus not a perfect gadget to solve our constraint of our five senses to explore something beyond its nature heritage capability and capacity.

While measuring with the six senses such as using our palms to detect radiation from an object can be strengthen to reach a far distance and can also detects very fine objects which our eyes could not see at that moment when sensing is still in progress.

For example a person which trained and uses his palms to detects objects for quite a sufficient time can traced disoriented organs inside of our body, or detects a moving object separated from him in other room and can identify this object without seeing it.

As everything has its own frequency of vibrations so this can be measured and detected to its source.

Now we shall discuss the Radiation source and its effect to its own self and to its surrounding.

We walk into a room full of ornaments and creatures, such as painting on the wall, carpet on the floor, furniture, Tv, and living objects such as living plants with different flowers, cat and dog.

As we are now aware that anything will have its unique radiation; so thus all the things inside this closed room, namely paintings, carpets either from its material composition or its specific colour, furniture leather or plastics, plants and animals inside, all will gives its radiation and thus conserve in the room, mixing with others radiation emanated by other objects inside the room.

By following the Laws of Caused and Effect and the Laws of Equilibrium from previously discussed chapter, we know that any radiation outward from any objects shall exert its influences to others in the room, at the same time, other objects in the room shall return this exertion equal amounts which it received.

This mixture of influences will reach a certain new equilibrium atmosphere inside the room; the air inside the room might have less oxygen and humidity level depending on the number of plants and animals inside. This is clear to us, but there is also this radiation which released from within the occupants such as dog, cat, plants, paintings, material used in decorations and in the furniture, etc.

Keeping in mind the freshness of plants, the animals' status, are they hungry, tensed, etc.

So now we have many things added, but they all will influence the quality of air and radiation inside, thus formed a new radiation.

As the Law of like attracts the like and the dislike attracts the dislike, so when a person walked into this room, which existed before he entered might give a certain reactions.

When this person radiation is matching to the room radiation, this person will feel like being at home, if this person's radiation its against the room's unique radiation, then might feel as being rejected from the moment he/she entered, or a few minutes later depend on his/her sensitivity.

When his/her radiation is stronger than the room, he/she might stay longer, but at the end this person might be astonished to find out why I can not concentrate or my concentration is wearing out so quickly although he/she has enough strength before entering the room.

What was happening is that his/her radiation were used in two ways, first to defend the room' s radiation affecting on him/her, second his/her radiation bounced back from unseen wall of radiation and some released to fill room's weaker radiation.

The other person who feels well received in the room, because his/her radiation matches the radiation inside there, so no radiation to spend to work against the room and exchanges of radiation occur smoothly.

We had said earlier that energy is specifically focused of certain wavelength vibrations.

Now if we removed or added new objects into or out of the room, it will have another new equilibrium radiation inside, as new objects presents thus new radiation added or some objects omitted thus new radiation formed.

Each time we add or omit objects from or into the room, each that moment time a mixture of radiation occur.

So to say if every second of time, we do addition or reduction of objects to the room, we in fact creating new radiation environments inside.

At every moments of time, there is a specific radiation resultants in thereof. If we have one hour to change and to influence the contents inside the room, and we take a second to change the contents either moving the objects around or adding or removing objects therein, then we have made sixty different radiation in one hour.

If we could put these one-second happenings in a file, then we have sixty files.

As we proceed this process for a day, and then we have accumulated 24 times 60 files, which is 1440 files recorded in 24 hours.

Thus each file is recorded per-second of time. By same analogy we can create file per-nano-second or per-nano-nano second. Time itself is measurement used to define displacement in space/room/distance/period.

We can extent the scope by adding more than one human in the room with his/her emotions vibrations, thoughts, educations, feelings, senses, etc...or by extending and enlarging the room to be as big as our planet or even the solar system and farther to become a galaxy or eventually the universe itself.

Or we can narrow down or shrink the room to a one cubic meter box or very tiny objects or even smaller, lets say a sand, dust, atoms, sub-atoms, etc....

Any object vibrates as the property of origin particles governs its existence.

The radiation which exist at particular spot of places and particular time frame has its own unique capacity and capabilities to influence its surrounding or itself.

This endemic file of specific radiation recorded in per unit of time is to be called Projections.

For example, there was a pencil that was inside the room discussed and be used by a person inside the room.

A week later this pencil falls in the hand of someone, which happens to have sensitive feelings and senses.

When he touched the pencil, momentarily this person gets a feeling that this pencil was previously somewhere and used by particular person.

This phenomenon can be explained that this person eventually had access to the radiation of the pencil when his own radiation matched to the pencil's, as the pencil itself previously mingled with previous user, so there was exchange of vibrations/radiation at particular time.

If this person not only can sense beyond space but through time, then a complete file of previous user can be obtained.

When exchange of radiation happened, one must imagine that radiation itself is matter and non-matter as well as anti matter involved. Thus the previous user had exchange his/her particles with the pencil, which translate that information interact and interchange occurred.

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