So far in our society, when we experience something that is eerie, unnatural phenomenon, or supernatural issues, there is tendency that the society will react to it negatively.
This could be understood that we were born and educated in such a way that the unnatural happening is connected to non-physical shape being or something that is not right and against our religion or believe system. This is a kind of perception of most people when confronted to certain mystical events.
Later when we grown up there are more stories, tragedy or curse thing that happened to someone close to us, then we started to question the nature's caused behind such event.
The quests for truth behind the incident instill us further to unveil to the root of affairs, which was formerly beyond our comprehension.
Our investigation start with questions to answers, readings related topics, and talk to someone that knows more than us about the same subject, or go to psychic center. Or might be the other way round that is forgetting, abandoning further search about the reality and or turn to one's religion looking for peaceful life to hold on if something mysterious to happen. That is alright and nothing wrong with that attitude.
In fact many of us do rely deeper on our religion to solve our busy routines life.
For those bigoted minds, the search for truth goes on. Searching for deeper meaning behind an event has always been considered an admirable human intrinsic quality.
Everything in the universe has some degree of mysticism contains in it. This mystical potential that can influence inner or external of the thing, is of intrinsic of nature.
In reality after thoroughful search, one may say that the mystic is merely an indication of nature laws put in force but as the erudition reason is not understood, not known and not recognizable with current available scientific knowledge; thus it is becomes something extraordinary weird or to cause amazement.
Many of primordial events, things, or phenomenon, which was considered as mystic, have now been used and integrated into our normal aspects of life, as part of modern innovated technology.
Example: electrical functions, electrical apparatus, and television, hand phone, facsimile, internet web, laser beam, computer and others.
Believe it or not, in this modern millenium, where television broadcasts can almost be received on any spot on earth, there are people in certain area does not know or ever seen a television in operation. To him this television is just one of the mystic thing in his life. Not to mention to him about the existence of digital hand phone or satellites that can take clear picture of his house from outer space. This will further amaze him and probably frighten.
But once this person is taught with certain level of education, he will understand about the existence of such apparatus. For him may take many more years to learn how this particular cellular hand phone was constructed and the whole technology involved in the innovation.
Amongst us there might be quite substantial people who knows how to operate the cellular hand phone but has very minimal knowledge how it is build or how our voice is transmitted and received by the other person. But we take granted that this gadget is useful without questioning further.
Modern technological advances have shown its marvelous contributions to simplify, relax and bridging human relationship with each other; thus bringing human society closer to understanding and appreciating each other better.
Back several hundred to thousand years ago, when people heard loud thunderstorm-like sound and noises caused by an explosion, they might perceive it as God's anger, which later understood that it was gunpowder explosion.
Another example, thousand years ago a person walked in a dark night in mountainous area carrying green phosphorous stones in his pocket, might be perceived by villagers nearby as greenish alien creatures thus worshipped him for his extraordinary different appearance. This will escalate to worshipping him as God, if he also carried some nowadays-electronic gadget such as microwave oven, laser beam light and gun to 'scare' those villagers, which were primitive in technological knowledge at that moment.
As this 'fortunate' person could miraculously show and operate some of the gadgets brought with him at that time, example he could cook and serve meat in one minute for the primitive village inhabitants with the microwave oven, or cut and chopped down some tree trunks in seconds with his laser beam.
There are many event remains as mysticism phenomenon up to today because of our inadequate knowledge to unveil the nature that cause something to happen. When a cause, which involved and affect an event is explainable in rational way and can be replicated in scientific experiment that yield the same result; thus the mystical affair has transformed into facts of life for common people.
For those people who had attain knowledge encompass esoteric teachings, that yet unexplainable by scientific discipline is a fact of life too since they had acquire certain knowledge pertaining to the events.
To them this supernatural thing
is not a magic at all but merely another discipline of knowledge which
beyond our science grasp, at least for the time being until our erudite
technology advances further.