Why do you ask and do not receive although you have been
praying honestly and devotedly? When we know that “So I tell you, whatever you pray for and ask, believe you have got
it and you shall have it.” That is because you asked wrongly, look at this
words “Whenever
you stand up to pray, if you have anything against anybody, forgive him so that
your Father in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
It is very clear from above statements that God does not
punish anyone, God holds no grudge against us, God isn’t jealous nor does God
mete out punishment to anyone. In fact we are told to extend forgiveness before
we asked !.
Prayer is contacting,
communicating with and working with infinite,
intelligent, creative Divine Power for the benefit of yourself or Others
or both.
There are several steps in
effective prayer :
identify your problems by
describing one by one in detail and try to have clarity in the nature cause of
the problems , once you have sort out all your existing problems, forget the
problems and determined your wishes, be specific of your requests in prayer.
Forgiveness, which means clearing your mind by releasing all past hurts
and failures, all sense of guilt and loss. Nature always forgive, Nature is the
great giver and the great forgiver. “Forgiveness is a Principle of Nature.”
Believe that life already has provided what you need and that it is
yours now. Let go of all inner resistance in you which say “I do not deserve to
have this gift because I am a sinner.” by replacing it with “ believing that
you have the right to have anything you desire.”
We punish ourselves through carrying in our souls the
feeling of past mistakes, guilt, shocks, losses as feeling of having Sins. We
punish ourselves by breaking a Universal Law, The Law of Cause and Effect.
God never ordered punishment on man. Man created his own
guilt and the punishment that would alleviate it. release this need in you that
says you are guilty and unworthy, for you have come into this lifetime to
complete this erroneous belief. Decide to forgive your belief in unworthiness
and release it from you now.
So long as we have a sense of sin or a
belief that we have made mistakes and not made full amends immediately
afterward, we have a feeling of separation, a sense of guilt. A person with
this guilt feeling can not feel that he has the right to have good come to him,
therefore he holds his good away from him however much he may pray, beg or
supplicate. This sense of guilt is sometimes called “conscience distress.”
The past is of no consequence, it has no power over you
except as you hold fast to it in your thoughts, believing you have to suffer. A
sense of guilt is the most common cause of mental and nervous disorders. It
manifests in the malfunctioning of different organs in the body.
Lord Jesus says: “ Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you have
received it and you will have it.” Means that Life
reacts to you according to your faith according to the picture that you have in
your imagination. It is done unto you according to your conviction of what you
actually believe.
Forgive yourself. Believe you are worthy of God's Light and
Love. You live in it! this will restore your worthiness. Let the old days be
gone. You need not to punish yourself anymore. All you really need to do is
love and release these thoughts of punishment and then you are free. The hurts
you feel are but reminders of the lifetime you sought to punish yourself in the
name of God.
What we need is only to release the old memory of guilt feeling and start at once thinking and doing right thing as well as
believing that we have the right to have, to be well, to be richer, to be
happy, to be forgiven and have healthier living.
Why is it difficult to forgive although we sincerely said “I
forgive myself/you”?
You will never really forgive
something or someone entirely until you completely understand the reason why
they acted as they did, when you understand, you will forgive and your
experiences will change from darkness to light, from hatred to love. Love will
flow through; thus you are free from self-resentments, feeling of rejection or
inferiority that have clogged up your mental.
When we know the truth, when we understand the background of
an action that resulted as a mistake, of why he did as he did it, we usually
can sympathize and automatically will forgive. As a matter of fact understanding is forgiveness; so with understanding the cause, it is easy to forgive. When you completely understand, there is nothing to forgive!
Therefore it is true that When you forgive yourself, you are
forgiven. It is important to understand that forgiveness takes place within your own consciousness, forgiveness is a mental act. The tense situation is within
your own mind; and letting go, releasing, is within your own power! Forgive
yourself, see the good in yourself, express the good quality of yourself and
expect good to return to you!
Understanding and transcending problems gives us greater
power and wisdom, greater ability to cope with other and larger events in the
future. A problem will not result in our being weaker and less able to meet
life if we see it as a challenge or an opportunity. It is a fact, there is
nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.
Develop a habit of daily
meditation. Begin to imagine your life as you want it to be. If you are
unhappy, imagine yourself to be happy. Create what real happiness looks like in
your imagination. Feel how it would feel. We cannot wave a magic wand over you
to change your life entirely around to where you want it to be, but you can.
Think of being somewhere and suddenly
you're there! This is how powerful your imagination is. Imagination is the
chosen vehicle on the Earth plane that can be used to explore the subtle worlds
not normally known to us while we are still in the flesh. Did you know that you
can travel anywhere on any dimension and see anything you wish to see just
by rendering it in your imagination?
Start a daily
routine of creative visualization in your meditation such as “I am guided
and directed in such ways that I am always safe for I know in my heart I am
where I am for good reason, I am on my right path and I am an important part of
the Divine Plan and I am deeply loved. So be it “ to take you to places your mind needs you to go. Repeat the imagination in your meditation until your heart
accepts your new message that you are, indeed, Truth, Love and Beauty and
nothing else.
Our joy,
happiness and success depend upon how we react to experiences, for happiness is
simply a reaction to what someone else has done to affect us and make us happy
and how we grow or develop ourselves to meet the challenge/opportunity. Man has
developed reason and intelligence to overcome the challenges of nature. You
have the privilege to choose and to decide to overcome any event.
Man is a piece of the universe which has
become conscious itself and made alive.