10 different Body Levels.


We shall introduce the different levels of planes that are close to our existence as human being.

  1. 1. Matter Plane/body.

  2. This is the plane where we know that the existence can be seen and touched, something that can be measured and weighed, touched merely constitute of matter.
    Example: non-living items, stone, bones, blood, meat, etc.
  3. 2. Symbiotic Body/Chemical compound Plane

  4. This is Matter body which has very limited chemical reaction within its existence. We know that leaf cook its food with the help of the sun light and later distribute it to other part of a tree.
    Example: Plants, flowers, trees, etc.
  5. 3. Body that has brain.

  6. This is Matter Body that has chemical compound and also certain level of brain activity, intelligence within its existence.
    It can think of positive and negative issue that can become integrated into its natural habit, later which develop as its mental and thus is considered to have psyche and body in its appearance.
    Example: The Animals, Monkey, dog, etc
  7. 4. Conscience/Moral Body.

  8. This existence has Matter body, psyche, and conscience with the judgement tools of right and wrong.
    It is more a mixture of the previous three planes above but with extra tool that is the conscience.
    Example: Human corporeal body.
  9. 5. Astral of Matter body.

  10. Astral is the emission of vibration that radiates to all directions from the matter body. As all elementary essence particles vibrate thus its manifestation at lower frequency also vibrates at slower rate.
    Atoms and its subordinate that build the physical things in particular shape vibrate too, such as matter inside a blood cell, organs, etc.
  11. 6. Astral of Symbiotic body

  12. This is astral form from the affect of chemical reaction
  13. 7. Astral of Psyche/Mental body

  14. This is a duplicate of Psyche body in astral form that is exact duplication throughout the psyche existence.
    The Psyche body is the body formed as the consequences of Moral body inhabited by a spirit entity.
  15. 8. Astral of conscience body

  16. A duplicate of charisma/conscience but in astral shape.
    This is the plane that some people can be judge as more enlighten or more spiritual than others by an observer.
  17. 9. Projection Body.

  18. Is a plane of some vibration radiation accumulated, which occurs at certain spot that is depicted by the nature at certain time and thus recorded by the surrounding.
    Example: eerie place, haunted place, sacred and holy spot, shrine, highly respected place.
  19. 10.Illustrative Body.

  20. This is a subjective plane where the human's illustration and imaginations are depicted by nature. It is depend on the person strength of imagination capability.
Human actually possesses some of the above levels of planes that construct its physical body and non-physical shape. Thus making its existence more complex than the non-living shape, the plants, and animals world.

What is psyche or mental mean to us? Well this so-called psyche is the result of combination works of:

  1. a. Our five sensory perceptions with its receptive ability.
  2. b. Brain with its seven pertaining functions.
  3. c. Senses that consist of three parts, that are sense of existence, sense of pride/Ego, and sense of rights.
  4. d. The necessity comprising of three items, that is prime needs, created needs and ideal wish needs.
  5. e. The morals that consider right and wrong.
Each individual has some habits in utilizing the above combinations of the senses with his ways of thinking by using his brain in certain activity, to fulfill his various needs and at the same time using his morals guidance in achieving his goals.

This particular way of usage becomes someone's particular standard to react to anything that happens to him/her. It is this standard which inspire him/her to counter any action meant to press him/her thus gives reaction accordingly.

We say this is his mentality that reflects the person particulars.

While confronting to something bad happened to a person, this person could deem that anything cause him/her to suffer is of a burden or as a responsibility.

If the suffering experienced to this person is regarded as a heavy burden, this person will be in a tense situation. This tension can cause him/her mental stress. If left unsolved for longer period this will lead to a certain illness.

On the other case, if the suffering is regarded as responsibility, this person can be in tension but will not cause illness as someone of this character shall not look for scapegoat to blame for the misery that act upon him/her. This person normally will try to resolve his suffering by looking for the truth behind the misery and admit the responsibility is his/her denote duty to serve in his life. Thus less emotions involve, which means that this person can see clearly what is going on and later on he/she can decide what measures should be taken to overcome his/her misery at proper situation and conditions.

That is at least better than to opposed to the external stress by direct counter measure either to retaliate or to blame someone else or to carry the emotional stress the whole day long.

As emotion blocks our conscience and clear thoughts from its pristine ability, which means that we might done more harms while trying to solve our pending problems.

Our attitude in coping with difficulties from external pressure can do harms toward others and us at the same time or we can minimize the amount of affect by accepting that all difficulties are the effect of our previous actions.

This simple acceptation shall calm us down and yield us tranquility in a while to think over before making immediate reactions.

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