Black Holes


What are they? where are the black holes?, and where are they going?

Astronomers, physicist and scientist including many thirst-knowledge people like us have searched to find the answers for many hundred years back to thousand years ago, maybe since the existence of human on this planet.

To start with the black holes explanation, let us go to get some knowledge about physical celestial objects such as planet, moon, meteorites, comets, cosmic dust, and the sun itself, as well as stars which are visible to eyesight or either with exterior instruments binocular, observatories equipment.

There are also celestial's things that are not visible by naked eyes or today man-made instruments such as gravitational force,

very fine interplanetary electromagnetic force fields, non-matter and anti-matter particles floating in the space between planets and moons and within a solar system.

Now we shall go deeper to define what is solar system, scientists and astronomers say that a solar system is a collection of sun with its physical celestial objects namely planets, moons etc, and the non physical things such as gravitational forces as described above.

These objects rotate around the sun at certain velocity and radius from the centre of the sun, and yet it rotates at its axis is called planets.

The physical celestial object, which rotates a planet, is termed as moon.

The sun itself is a giant celestial object floating in space exerting out many particles out of itself such as lights, flames, new matters, fusion energy, fermions, bosons are released into its surrounding.

By the Law of Equilibrium and Cause/ Effect as well as Law of dependency where these three Laws combination can be interpretative as whatever given out ( Cause ) shall return ( effect) the same amount as to comply with equilibrium's law and that it is interdependent each others although they are apart at far distant through gravitational pull.

Lets do some re-remembrance here, we all know from physics and chemistry classes back in our school days that electrons in atom can be expelled to its outer layers from its normal ground-state orbital by supplying enough and adequate amount of energy. The electron rapidly returns to its ground state and emits the excess energy as photon of a specific wavelength when not enough heat was supplied.

We also remember that any molecular compounds; atomic decomposition or disintegration will involve a certain amount of energy or heat. In chemistry, they called Endothermic and exothermic reactions/ Law.

To decompose molecular/atomic/matter bonds at certain intensity, heat/energy is necessary at proper amount and intensity too.

If the energy is insufficient, the disintegration dies out, and thus re-unification to occur. At this stage whatever dissipated previously shall return to its core, depending on the distance, form of the matters transformations, etc.

As there was no more availability of energy, electrons from different orbital state shall return to its original ground state.

Each atom has several electrons revolving the core centre.

It is constantly pushing its electrons to higher energy orbital ones, when the atom core centre/nuclei is supplied with excessive heat at extreme temperature.

This minimum temperature necessary to induce a rapid, self-propagated disintegration depends on type of atom, molecules compositions.

These electrons which bump outwardly from its original state, shall move inwardly when not enough energy to maintain its new orbital position.

It takes us a tinkering to convince ourselves that by the same token, that is the sun is analogy to the nuclei while others celestial objects as the nuclei's electrons.

As this particular sun has its own energy from its burning core-centred, thus most of matters, particles, fermions, bosons, quarks, lights, massless particles are sending outwardly into its outer-self, into space.

This is same as constantly vacuuming the centred of the sun to the certain extent.

When this sun centred energy/particles is used out, no more fusion, combustion heat available, it shall dies out.

As photon particle of lights worn out, then the sun is becoming a vacuumed darkness.

Then anything dissipated long time ago shall be redeemed. The repulsion law shall become the attraction law, expanding changed to condensing. The once bright and shiny sun is dimming and eventually dies off.

The dead sun begin to collect back as many as possible and almost anything near to its presence, its vicinity.

Long time before this sun completely died, but dimming, some of the celestial objects were inhabitable.

As the lights and many others sun's produced particles and forces, from the dimming sun could not reach the planets, so life on these planets, moons, and so on, terminates earlier at certain degree.

Major changes happened in the planets, moons, meteorites, asteroids, etc, in order to defend its existence and so to adapt to the new situations and conditions. Moons might be pull apart from its previous planetary orbital and are possible to be drawn to nearby bigger planet or eventually collided onto the planet.

Speed, radius of planet rotation around the sun and to its own axis changes.

Major earthquakes, floods, icing, volcanoes eruptions, dying life forms, new combinations of life/things to form, atmospheric and climates changes and many more changes took place, it can be abrupt or slowly adaptation to the new environments. All are pulled toward the dark and vacuumed sun at all cost; nothing can escape, as it was part of the mother sun.

Taking back all previously given/radiated/repulsed/expelled outwardly, including lights photon particles, bosons the force carrier and fermions the building blocks of matter, leptons, quarks, asteroids, comets, etc.

This dead, vacuumed, and dark sun collecting back its belonging is called Black Hole.

This belonging does not mean only its original belonging but extended to possibility of other objects or particles around its vicinity and thus sucked into its system or influenced space.

For example a comet fly by and entered this dead sun system at this moment could be pulled into this hole, also imminent that other particles or even celestial objects from neighbour solar systems.

Other solar system's celestial objects, let us say a moon of a planet which happened to be at farthermost distance from its own sun ( aphelion ), but within its normal trajectory, thus gravitational pull to its sun is weaker than this black hole pulls, can be suck into this black hole too.

Why could this neighbourhood objects could be suck in? Do not forget that when the sun is sending everything out, some of its particles, energy were also attracted by others object of other solar system which happens to be closer to than its own celestial objects and also remember that space is always changing and moving, expanding, etc.

Scientific evidence ascertain that the more massive an object the stronger its gravitational pull.

The more the black hole sucks anything into its structure, then the more massive the black hole will be thus the gravitational pull becomes extremely strong that even light can not escape from it.

The black hole will pull in anything as many as possible at an unprecedented rate but also limited to certain universe laws...that is whatever condense shall disburse until condensation at centred of black hole is reached then it shall start or initiate to disburse and explode.

There is no infinity life in the universe, even for the sun or the black hole; transformation and impermanence are part of the universe properties.

Everything within the Universe has its own life cycle.

The birth of a sun until it becomes black hole may take billion to trillion earth-measured years, each sun to black hole life cycle differ from others depends on many aspects. example contents of origin pure particles in it, etc.( see Creation Laws ).


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