Something about the Abstract World.


In our three-dimensional life, we learn that there is varieties level of consciousness extent to more than three-dimensional planes. Through the wonder of our mind, thoughts, and consciences as well as our knowledge that accept other belief arisen from our understanding of duality in the universe and also holy bibles of mankind belief which express about the non-physical being such as Angelic being or satanic creatures.

We are here to stress the differences of some of the abstract creatures' behavior pattern.

1.Angelic Being.

Is a light being of non-personal self-interest that the main function is to serve the divine purposes in dissemination of messages in terms of truth and knowledge for the well being of others.

Those human race receives the revelations are mostly human of prophetic quality or those in their human existence carries a very crucial and supreme duty to accomplish but solely for the benefit of the society of mankind in general.

As the Angelic being is of no self-interest; so the messages convey to the mankind has never been distorted thus well received and in order.


Its main duty is to carry and execute an order to disturb, to annoy other being directly or indirectly.

For instance to hamper the human, scare, assault and many more bad damaging effects to the human if the human is persuaded.

It can also create disturbance in those humans's mostly care about that is hampering animals, livestocks, home, etc.

Those who can command is its superior or its superintendent or human who has a 'key' of code to give authority.

3. Genie

This creature has sense and opinion that human is his opponent; with this basic senses it has; thus always instill ways to hurt, to conquer the human race. But this does not always works out in their favor; as human race has specific channel to avoid all these created troubles meant to hurt their existence.

This channel is a tool to attain higher level of divine wisdom through very grounded effort that is maintain a peaceful mind and action, charity and generous deed as well as practicing divine love towards all creatures in the universe.

4. Devil.

Its basic nature does not have any intention to mingle and disturb human lives. But once their group or their territory is disturbed by the human sloppiness; then they immediately take retaliation to avenge from such unpleasantness done by the human.

Mankind can obtain ways to command and overcome such creatures for their own benefits and wishes; but these genie and Satan have different ways of executing their orders and requesting their rewards.

In the case of Satan, when implementing an order from its superior, receive strong resistance and lost the fight during carrying out the order. The superior who gave orders shall not be affected much from the rebound effect.

This will not be true and valid anymore if the genie being is the one who execute the order; for this genie, when receive such a challenge and loss the war, it shall return to its master and thus implementing exactly his previously received orders. But now to execute the unfinished task onto the one who gave him the command. So no loyalty is possesses by this creature and genie being requires a victim, either a failure or successful task been carried out.


This is light being that is reign and organize the mankind into groups, tribe, nationality, etc.

6.Others specific spirit being also existed that its function is more towards managing and supervising matters which constitute to daily human routine life. Example; supervising crops, livestock, guiding river, mountain, wind, raining, etc.

There are many more species and type of light beings in the universe, but some of them are interrelated with human existence; others are totally out of human issue in their existence.

Generally the spirit light being has molecular structure different from what we can perceive with our existing scientific knowledge. They are not of neither solid nor liquid form but more in the etherize structures and finer forms. This means that the spirit being is in higher frequency/fluctuation/vibrations. Thus meaning that the elementary essences of particles are manifested in much higher degree of vibration compare to third dimensional objects.

As this is the basic structural existence of spirit being; thus there is big difference separating human characteristics compare to this spirit being.

Some examples of the differences between spirit being that influence and related to human existence are:

  1. Spirit being is not visible with normal eyes capacity
  2. Spirit being specific basic needs to maintain their existence not the same as of human
  3. Ability and capacity of spirit being in many fields and aspect of life differ than human.
  4. Degree and value of conflict resulted by unlawful action differ from the human for same action done.
  5. Value of peaceful act also differs for the same good deed if done by the human counterpart.
  6. Speed of movement higher and faster.
  7. Places to stand not necessarily solid
  8. Obstruction in solid or liquid form, sometimes easily penetrate through without much effort
  9. Resting and relax not the same as human ( sleep duration, lie down )
  10. Can change their shape or form so to suit the place they inhibit/enter.
  11. There are spirit being which can transform their structure/appearance so can be seen by human ( by lowering their vibration frequency )
  12. Rhythm between each "meal" can be prolonging to hundred human hours.
  13. Their existence/age can be of thousand years; some may reach 4000 earth years.
  14. And many more different ability and capacity they can perform depend on type, class, level, and density of their origination.
These differences in characteristics should enrich our view of the nature of other beings way of life, and thus preparing ourselves to be more tolerable and more wise towards all creatures which also dwells in this universe, as we are also some part of the elementary essence of particles but in different form of manifestations that is in lower frequency ( solid, liquid).

We can classify these abstract/spirit beings in terms of their:

  1. Structural formation that composed them.
  2. Sizes of structure contain within their existence.
  3. Organs structure
  4. Foodstuff for basic needs.
  5. Method and manner of getting their meal.
  6. Degree of awareness of their existence
  7. Degree of awareness in pride and rights.
  8. Their different senses
  9. Their different conscience
  10. Different inherent structure ability.
  11. Density
  12. Ability to change their appearance
  13. Ability to commit damage.
  14. Ability to disturb other beings.
  15. Method of crime.
  16. Ability to assist other beings.
  17. Method to help others/beings.
  18. Manner in managing their duty
  19. Consciousness in gratification to other.
  20. Many more…..
We may now perceive that there are thousand of combinations could be form from above classifications of the spirit beings; thus there are ten of thousand of spirit beings in the whole universe if we had guts and spare time to count them.

Each class can be divided into several new groups.

In order for us to better imagining these abstract world beings classification, lets compare with classifications/group/ type of plants on earth including those under water and those under seawater, related directly and not directly to human life.

Although they are many and populate the universe as we do, but all beings must comply and bend in submission to the impeccable Universal Laws. In fact everything must obey to such immaculate Laws of the universe.

We have known that some of these spirits being are related to human society either welcome, invited or bonded.

Several methods used to attach us to certain obligations and promises into signing a "contract" with the spirit beings.

Some of these methods have been experimented in the ancient times, those are:

  1. Specific Mantras
  2. Amulet
  3. Vocation
  4. Specific way in praying
  5. Worshipped
  6. Sacred offerings
  7. Blood sacrifice rites
  8. Etc.
Is there any fatal effect or only blessing to gain in binding ourselves to the spirit being? Regardless of our true intention nature background to sign in the specific 'contract'?

By the Law of Nature that is the Law of Action/Reaction in particular, there is absolutely nothing is free of reaction. If the respond of a cause is positive towards the doer than it is consider right but when the respond is disappointing to the doer, then it is wrong. Is that all to that? Well, at the same time the doer says that the result was good and satisfactory for him as the outcome match his expectations, maybe that is the case for the other party or maybe just not okay at all.

For instance, the other party was forced to accept the doer's request or action and thus respond to the action from the doer in an unpleasant way of carrying out the duty ( reaction ). That might just be sort of responding render to in fulfilling the request by the doer ( action ). Or the other party just replies by giving reaction to the doer happily as that is the inherent nature of the other party.

We are implying that we must be aware of our actions and to manage our expectations of result properly. Thus calculate all consequences from every possible angles, sometimes it is not imminent to us until it is too late to avoid damages.

In common, when we utilize something there must be some repay for using certain thing. For example when we drive a car, we have to purchase fuel to run the car and spend some money for the maintenance either spending on worn spare parts of the car or buying lubricant and grease, etc.

The same matter apply to owning a house, cattle, rice fields, stereo sets, etc. There is always something to sacrifice in order to keep these belongings intact for latter usage.

In any case above, we are still the owner and possess certain ownership thus has certain status, rights and control over these worldly possessions.

It would be entirely different when we exploit/ make use of the spirit beings capacity and their ability solely for the human benefits.

As we had made agreement or had dealt with spirit beings, we are obliged and must comply with certain terms and conditions before we can exploit them for our purposes. This deal is bind to us till we fulfill the terms and conditions agreed previously with them before they executed our wishes.

Once they had carried out their duty, they will wait for the rewards promised in the agreement.

If it happened that we broke or neglect over such agreement, there is serious and fatal sanction to be implied on us, regardless of our excuses of inability to comply with the demand agreed on the deal. Do not expect dispensation can be obtained from breaking the contract with them.

Major or minor the terms and conditions of an agreement made between human and the spirit being community depend s on the class, rank, and qualifications of the spirit beings we dealt with.

It does not mean that any people can utilize the spirit beings as one pleases. There is certain code known to both party involved to command a task and certain ways to maintain their relationship also some taboos or avoidance not to be violated by the exploiter, the human.

Most human using such short cut in accomplishing their worldly wishes by contracting to the spirit being does not know or aware that there is sanctions apply whenever the human broke their deal with the spirit being.

Such un awareness of this sanction often brought fatal consequences to be realized later when they broke the terms and conditions set forth previously in the agreement. Sometimes it is a death penalty to be paid for the negligence caused.

These sanctions are implement in various ways and forms of sufferings, example:

1.Ridiculous illness

2. Sudden internal organ failures

3. Prosperity and luck is diminishing fast

4. Unstable social status regardless of good efforts

5. Often receive hostility from other people

  1. Uneasiness and tense for no reason
  2. Facing tough and tougher challenges in life
  3. Endless pesky accumulated in a period of time
  4. Losing self confidence and sudden anemia
  5. Very frighten without strong reason
  6. Feel like being chased and followed
  7. Disappointments and unsatisfactions in life
  8. Heard or seen awful tragedy often
  9. Deplorable Nightmares
  10. Act in weird ways/ not being normal
  11. Paralyzed
  12. Blind or deaf at sudden without symptom
  13. Un-natural cause of death example: burn to death, drown , suicide, fatal accident with body scattered, etc
  14. Tendency to commit suicide without reason although healthy as ever.
  15. And many more…..
Again do not analogy above phenomenon as whoever has such similarity cases as above is the human who engage in or adopt such attitude in his life.

It is of importance to be known that whoever makes transaction with spirit being to carry out their wishes for worldly beneficial affairs; it is this human exploiter who is finally the enslave or the servant to the darkness forces.

Thus it is no more happiness to gain but endless misery.

It is the human who will be made fool and lose his freedom.


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