- House Angelicas consists of the holdings and assets of the Angelicas family and their clientela. The Angelcas family is an old family, once fairly significant, residing in Anuire the city. Their history is one of decline, until reciently. House Angelicas tends to prefer legal, above-board operations, but in the highly compedative merchantile climate of modern Anuire, this is not always the most effective way to succeed. And House Angelicas believes in being efficient, effective, and in succeeding. House Angelicas currently runs only the 5th largest merchantile operation in Anuire, but they make good income, and their holdings are growing rapidly.
- The Angelicae, as a family, are typically honorable, loyal, and responsible. If they are careful about giving their word, it is because they intend to keep it when they do. They are resolute on one matter, however: all enemies of the House must be eliminated. Either by converting them to friends, or by their utter destruction.
- Lady Irullian Angelicas is the head of the Angelicas family, though she makes most decisions regarding policy and future plans in consultation with other family members and advisors, as well as allied realms.
- Irullian is married to Lord Trevan Diem, a scion of the house of Diemed. He has primary responsibilty for the holdings in Diemed, and is prepairing to assume responsibility over the Diem Guards in Anuire the City.
- Lord Rhavas Angelicas is Irullian's "uncle" by adoption into the family. He is responsible for running much of the operations in Taeghas, and is Irullian's Consigliere.
- Lady Raenel Khorien, a niece of the Count of Taeghas, operates a small but growing number of Sources, and recieves funding and support from the Angelicae in return for her faithful service as a member of the House.
- Irullian's older brother Alexius Angelicas serves as her spiritual advisor.
- Irullian's younger sister Alessandra Angelicas is currently in charge of the House's information gathering agents.
Other Assets:
- Arcadia, the estate in Diemed
- Headquarters of the AIMB, under construction in Anuire the City.
- Pharos, great lighthouse monument under construction in Anuire the City.
- Orphanotrophion, Orphanage under construction in Anuire the City.
Security forces:
- 24 Caravells
- 3 units Companion Guards
- Currently working on the creation of a Yacht/Flagship (the Augusta).