After nearly a year, I have finally done something about this index page.
None the less, you won't find any information about me personally at this site. If anyone shows any interest, I may at some point make a "me" page but I haven't yet. However, here is some info about my pages in general:
- I like tables, and use a lot of them, because I prefer how they format the pages.
- I use MIDI files on most of my pages. I haven't put one on the index page because I think people should have fair warning.
- I like different backrounds, too, but oddly it seems that I tend to use only a few of the multitudes I have uploaded. I also tend to use the same font style, so if you don't like this one, then you're out of luck unless enough people complain.
- As of now, their is no "links" page to various other sites, except for the few buttons below (all game related links). I haven't gotten around to making a links page, parially out of lazyness but also partially out of the sense that sometimes it seems most websites consist of a smattering of information and a whole bunch of links to other places, equally useless. So I'm avoiding that, and letting the uselessness of this site stand on its own two feet. For now.
I've still saved my realm pages from Darkstar's old PBeM, even though the game ended awhile back. Partly because I'm lazy and haven't felt the need to eliminate them, but also because I am still somewhat attached to that Realm. Depending upon what might have happened in the great war with Ghoere, this realm (and its allies) were either about to rise to imperial greatness or be squashed like a bug by Turn 30, but the game ended at Turn 29.
I've been working fitfully on several other pages, mainly related to TSR's Mystara gameworld, specifically the Empire of Thyatis, which I'm Byzantinizing.
Thouse are the main areas with actual content right now. Eventually their should be more.
Here is a link to some Traveller pages I'm working on. Mostly raw data so far.
