CSLB&RnR Guestbook
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**they are all read and are very much appreciated!

CSLB&RnR Guestbook

10/21/00 20:14:57
Name: christina sattler My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: the last batal
Favorite CSL character: aslan Other authors you like: JRRTOLKINE Favorite singer: michaelsweet of stryper
Favorite band: stryper Hobbies: red books sing pray lisan to the bible on tape

i love this page

08/25/00 08:02:31
Name: Polpotkin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: The raping of Aslan Favorite CSL character: Aslan (when dead) Other authors you like: smygehug
Favorite singer: tour mom (when she swallows) Favorite band: Narnia (in flames) Hobbies: Play with the beaver

Aslan is going to die tonight, me and my friends are going to burn the wardrobe and wath Aslan scream when he´s on fire!!!! waaaahahahaha

06/22/00 07:00:54
Name: Rena M My URL: Visit Me
Favorite CSL book: The Screwtape Letters Other authors you like: Max Lucado
Favorite singer: Crystal Lewis (coincidently) Favorite band: Hillsongs-ya know, from down under

What an awesome and inspiring site; looking forward to spending a few late summer nights here!

05/05/00 16:12:09
Name: kristen Favorite CSL book: Lion Witch And The wardrobe
Favorite CSL character: lion Other authors you like: popcorn
Favorite singer: Brittany Linch Hobbies: beans


03/01/00 03:10:52
Name: Erika My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: Lion,Witch,,,
Favorite CSL character: Lucy Other authors you like: Ummm i dunno Favorite singer: ummm mandy moore
Favorite band: NSYNC!! Hobbies: sports

I love this site its helped me sooooo much thanx

01/08/00 04:57:14
Name: Skylar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: Screwtape Letters Favorite CSL character: Barak Other authors you like: Jane Austen, Herman Wauk, Elie Wiesel
Favorite singer: Bob Dylan Favorite band: Simon and Garfunkle Hobbies: writing, editing lit mag., websites

Please check out the URL above. I have established a webring for Christian Literary Magazines in an effort to tie togehter the disparaste Christian literary magazine. This will make it easier for writers and subscribers to find CHristian mark

11/19/99 11:09:40
Name: Anna Källström My URL: Visit Me
Favorite CSL book: Narnia Favorite CSL character: Aslan
Other authors you like: Polly and digory Hobbies: read, music, sing and more...

I think that the Narnia books are the best i ever read!!! It is real fantasy, that C.S Lewis made. I can´t tell why I think so, but. I started read Narnia 4 years ago. And I read it know too. I have read the Swedish wersion and the english one. I´m so happy that he made a very good book. Bye Anna, frome sweden.

11/07/99 20:29:51
Name: Erica Favorite CSL book: The Last Battle Favorite CSL character: Aslan
Other authors you like: Margret Mitchell Favorite singer: Britney Spears Favorite band: Blink 182
Hobbies: reading,singing, surfing the net,etc.

This is a really cool website and I enjoyed it.

08/12/99 20:16:33
Name: Bob Delamar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Favorite CSL character: Eustace Other authors you like: Tolkien, Graham Greene, Dickens
Favorite singer: Bono Favorite band: U2, The Smiths Hobbies: Reading, Reading while drinking coffee, drinking coffee while reading

Great site. I am the co-publisher of an ezine called *spark (here in Vancouver, B.C.). People can check it out at www.spark-online.com We're looking for contributions. You guys are right up our alley. The current site is a preview only. First issue ill be October 1, 1999.

08/12/99 20:15:37
Name: Bob Delamar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Favorite CSL character: Eustace Other authors you like: Tolkien, Graham Greene, Dickens
Favorite singer: Bono Favorite band: U2, The Smiths Hobbies: Reading, Reading while drinking coffee, drinking coffee while reading

Great site. I am the co-publisher of an ezine called *spark (here in Vancouver, B.C.). People can check it out at www.spark-online.com We looking for contributions. You guys are right up our alley. The current site is a preview only. First issue wil be October 1, 1999.

07/29/99 03:29:25
Name: Steve Hayes My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: That hideous strength Favorite CSL character: Ransom Other authors you like: Charles Williams, JRR Tolkien, Chesterton, Dostoyevsky
Favorite singer: Brian May Favorite band: Queen Hobbies: genealogy, theology, missiollogy

For quite a while I couldn't find this page. It seemed to have gone missing - has the URL changed? Maybe some broken links need checking.

If you are interested in books and literature, especially the works of the Inklings - C.S. Lewis, J.R.R.Tolkien, Charles Williams & Co? Have a look at our Christianity and Litierature pages, a d consider linking your own Inklings pages to the Inklings Webring.
If you are interested in discussing Christian theology, check the theological discussion forums on the FamilyNet BBS network.

07/27/99 22:10:11
Name: Elizabeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: All of Them! Favorite CSL character: Elwin Ransom, Lucy Other authors you like: Tolkien, Grace Livingston Hill
Favorite singer: Phil Driscoll Favorite band: Jars of Clay Hobbies: talking about the LOTR movies to the point of obsession

I love your ideas for the Narnia continuations. All in all, a wonderful website! Please visit mine(half-finished as yet) and tell me what you think!

04/19/99 14:22:32
Name: Beth Bondurant My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: Screwtape Letters
Favorite CSL character: Ransom Other authors you like: Lori Wick, Max Lucado, and Bret Lott Favorite singer: Celine Deon
Favorite band: fishhook Hobbies: Reading, Nature stuff(hiking, repelling, etc), Cooking/baking

C.S. Leiws is a wonderful inspiraton to me. He amazes me by his intelligence and wisdom. I suggest reading all of his books- One will learn a great deal on life.

04/19/99 14:21:25
Name: Beth Bondurant My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: Screwtape Letters
Favorite CSL character: Ransom Other authors you like: Lori Wick, Max Lucado, and Bret Lott Favorite singer: Celine Deon
Favorite band: fishhook Hobbies: Reading, Nature stuff(hiking, repelling, etc), Cooking/baking

C.S. Leiws is a wonderful inspiraton to me. He amazes me by his intelligence and wisdom. I suject reading all of his books- One will learn a great deal on life.

04/14/99 03:09:04
Name: Lea My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: Mere Christianity
Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Madeleine L'Engle, Chaim Potok, Ravi Zacharias Favorite band: Smashing Pumpkins, Counting Crows, Jars of Clay
Hobbies: Music (piano/guitar), good conversation, travel, tae bo


03/26/99 17:36:05
My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: LWW
Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Mark Twain
Favorite band: Eve 6 Hobbies: internet surfing 24/7


03/26/99 17:32:15
Name: EN Favorite CSL book: LWW
Favorite CSL character: Aslan Favorite singer: Eminem
Favorite band: Nirvana Hobbies: CPU, sports

hello, my name is.....EN The LWW was a good book. ¢¥Ä

11/12/98 16:49:11
Name: Mikel
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Oops! When I signed I mixed up my URL and my e-mail address. Where is my head? I got it right this time.

11/12/98 16:45:03
Name: Mikel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: tough choice . . . Out of the Silent Planet :] Favorite CSL character: Off the tp of my head . . . Lucy in the Chronicals of Narnia Other authors you like: Frank Peretti, Bill Myers, LaHaye & Jenkins (Of "Left Behind" fame), the list goes on
Favorite band: Jars of Clay, Big Tent Revival, Petra, ELO, the list goes on :] Hobbies: reading, surfing the net, editing my webpages, going on walks, listening to music, talking, etc. . .

This is a great website. I'll have too print off some of the stories and read them. BTW, I would appreciate it if you would visit http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Frontrow/5593/imagine-ring.html You'll see why when you get there :]

10/26/98 11:32:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

09/27/98 06:56:21
Name: Darlene Hall
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite CSL book: Til We have Faces


09/08/98 23:10:00
Name: Susan My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: screwtape letters
Other authors you like: too many Favorite singer: my daughter Favorite band: my sons
Hobbies: mere christianity

how can i find out if the screwtape letters are (still) available in German language?

07/07/98 03:33:41
Name: Mike Lutes My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: Mere Christianity
Favorite CSL character: Puddleglum Other authors you like: Robert Jordan, Raymond E. Feist Favorite band: Petra, Guardian, Bon Jovi
Hobbies: reading, baseball

Hey, if you ever feel like writing to me about anything, bring it on. Bring up a subject and we'll have a nice little chat. See ya.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 09:35:18
My Email:

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA.

06/16/98 19:09:36
Name: Bryan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: Mere Christianity Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Edwards, Augustine, Shakespeare
Favorite singer: oh, what's his name??? Favorite band: Counting Crows Hobbies: philosophy, theology, literature (and soccer!)

One of my favorite Lewis quotes: "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks on the roof: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are no surprised. But He presently starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of- throwin up a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself." -C S Lewis

05/22/98 17:42:45
Name: Phoebe Miller My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: The chronicles
Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Oswald Chambers, Max Lucado, Gene Edwards, Calvin Miller Favorite singer: Crystle Lewis
Hobbies: Photography, making furniture


05/22/98 17:40:01
Name: Phoebe Miller My URL: Visit Me Favorite CSL book: The chronicles
Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Oswald Chambers, Max Lucado, Gene Edwards, Calvin Miller Favorite singer: Crystle Lewis
Hobbies: Phoetography, making furniture


05/03/98 04:10:51
Name: Scott K. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: Perelandra Favorite CSL character: Dr. Ransom Other authors you like: JRR Tolkein; Mark Twain; Flannery O'Connor
Hobbies: movies, computers

Great site! Thanks for your hard work. Come visit my Narnia site at www.archenland.com!

05/03/98 02:14:43
Name: c. n. gray Favorite CSL book: great divorce
Favorite CSL character: dr. ransom Other authors you like: max lucado
Favorite band: chieftains Hobbies: nature photography

mr. lewis seems never to have vanished indicating he is a writer of the 20th century and a prophet since his predictions have manifested since his death. the resurgence of his works shows him to still be answering questions.; perhaps he never suspected hi influence would carry so far.

03/30/98 18:11:51
Name: gary My URL: Visit Me
Favorite CSL book: lion witch wardobe Favorite CSL character: beaver
Favorite band: hanson Hobbies: soccer


03/23/98 15:54:30
Name: ray My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: till we have faces Favorite CSL character: reepicheep Other authors you like: mostly Bible commentators
Favorite singer: larry norman Favorite band: the little one at my church-they lead our worship Hobbies: mac art/cartooning

God bless you for your heart for Jesus and your good work for Him.

02/08/98 23:08:03
Name: Zurrus(priest) My E-mail: E-mail me
Favorite CSL book: last battle Favorite CSL character: Digory (old)


01/08/98 19:03:11
Name: Alex Weinle My E-mail:E-mail Me
Favorite CSL book: The Dark Tower Favorite CSL character: Ransom
Other authors you like: Mark Frost, Iain Banks Hobbies: Books, snowboarding, computers.

What a great topic for a web site, I'll be coming back to watch it expand.

01/05/98 16:23:49
Name: ray My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: till we have faces Favorite CSL character: reepicheep Other authors you like: THE HOLY SPIRIT
Favorite singer: too many to name Favorite band: too many Hobbies: the mac

May God bless your adventures in Jesus name

01/02/98 05:14:14
Name: Steve Hayes My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: That hideous strength Favorite CSL character: Lucy Other authors you like: Charles Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien, Alexander Schmemann
Favorite singer: Pete Seeger Favorite band: Electric Prunes Hobbies: Family history, BBSing

I was visiting your page to check links for the Inklings Webring - it's nice to see other pages dealing with C.S. Lewis

12/29/97 20:33:44
Name: Mr Hand My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: The Screwtape Letters Favorite CSL character: Edmund Other authors you like: LeGuin
Favorite singer: Neil Young Favorite band: Smashing Pumpkins Hobbies: Baseball

Cool site, there is not enough good literature on the web!

12/18/97 06:05:34
Name: Bruce Anderson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite CSL book: The Space Trilogy Favorite CSL character: Aslan Other authors you like: Cordwainer Smith, Gene Wolfe
Favorite singer: Joanne Hogg Favorite band: Iona Hobbies: web design, reading theology and SF

An interesting idea for a web site, I hope to come back and read what you've got. I'll put a link to your site on my page.

12/13/97 15:36:51
Name: karl wendt My E-mail: E-mail Me Favorite CSL book: space trilogy
Favorite CSL character: aslan Other authors you like: lucado, crighton, Favorite singer: james taylor,
Favorite band: newsboys Hobbies: song writing

Hey Mark! It's great to find you. Ron's been at our place since last night... he's put in my new modem (33.6) and we added 16mg of ram (for only $54) ... wow! my computer is a whole new machine! Looking forward to being better in touch. Looking fo ward to browsing your sight.

12/04/97 23:11:46
Name: Gary Illingworth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Other authors you like: Mark
Favorite singer: Tony Bennet

God bless. -Gary Illingworth

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