~ more to be added soon!
Search Engines and Other Search-Type Stuff
The Electric Library - This is a way cool reference site, but I'm not sure how to categorize it!
Education-Specific Search Engines
Education World
Yahooligans - A search engine specifically for children.Basic Search Engines
Alta Vista
Ask Jeeves - this one is cool in that you type in an actual question!
E-Blast - a search engine from the Encyclopedia Brittanica
Open Text
WebCrawler Meta-Search Engines (these sites search many search engines at once)
Internet Sleuth
Net Locator
Starting Point Telephone Books and Other People-Searches
Big Yellow - telephone directory
Four11 - E-mail address search
InfoSpace - telephone directory
Lookup USA - telephone directory
NETFIND - E-mail address search
Personal Pages Worldwide - a list of personal home pages
Switchboard - telephone directory
Who? Where? - E-mail address search Other Lists of Search Sites
All-In-One Search Page - the title pretty much describes itself!
Search.Com - an all-in-one search engine
Back to MenuFree Internet Resources
Free E-Mail
Free Stamp
TripodFree Web Space and E-mail
SwitchboardHTML Guides (How to create your website once you get the free web space!)
Composing Good HTML
Geocities HTML Help Page
HTML Quick Reference
HTML Reference Guide
Interactive Guide to HTML
Introduction to HTML
Intermediate HTML - the follow-up to the previous "Introduction to HTML" site!
NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML
TableMaker - Provides in (what else?) making tables on your webpage!
Graphics for Web-Design (Where to get graphics to put on those free webpages!)
Andy's Art Attack
ARG!Toons Graphics
Billy Bear's Playground - some wonderful kid-type graphics here!
Design Originals
Icon Bazaar
Somebody's Graphic Links!
Tim's NEW HTML Virtual Library
Back to MenuLinks Especially for Teachers
Curriculum-Type Sites
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Here are the state guidelines on what Texas students are expected to learn at each grade, in each subject.
Armadilo's K-12 Resources
Busy Teachers' WebSite
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
Classroom Connect on the Net
Classroom Connection - Lots of free education resources (things for class, lesson plans, materials,grants,tours, workshops, etc.) offered by corporations.
Curriculum Resources
Curriculum Web
Digital Education Network
Discovery School - From the Discovery channel.
Education Place - A wonderful site from Houghton Mifflin Publishers. They have areas for teachers, parents, and kids.
Educator's Toolkit
K-12 Curriculum Resources on the Web
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Lots of stuff here! Curriculum, teacher professional growth, guides on creating and evaluating websites, and more...
Kids Web - Contains information targeted at the K-12 level.
Math Lessons
Teacher Education Internet Server
Teachers Helping Teachers
Teachnet.ComEnglish as a Second Language
ESL TEKS - Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for ESL and Spanish language arts.
TOEFL -- Teachers of English as a Foreign Language has a lot of information on their site concerning testing. They have a fairly nice "start-off" point for educators. There, you will find a lot of testing information, but there is also a link listing other ESL sites online (that's where I spend most of my time!)
TESOL -- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages is a huge organization of ESL teachers. Their website gives wonderful information on what this group is all about! They also have numerous links to information on their many publications.
ESL Resources -- Miscellaneous links useful to the ESL teacher. These links were put together by the ESL department of James Madison University. Have fun exploring! (The White House and Presidents Crossword links are especially cool!)
More ESL Links -- Also from JMU's ESL department. Good information here on e-mail links and electronic tutoring.
Dave's ESL Link Page -- I don't know who Dave is....but he's got some great stuff here! Lots of info on journals and other articles, and you can add links directly from his page to yours! It's wonderful to see international collaboration like this!
Search for more ESL Stuff -- Lycos has a pre-searched selection of ESL websites. I don't know if this feature is always there or not, but you may wish to check it out! Government Sites
The British Monarchy
Electronic Frontier Foundation's World-Wide Government Information Sources - a huge listing of political and civic resources from around the globe.
Library of Congress
U.S. Department of Education
The White HouseHoliday Stuff
Billy Bear's Halloween Page
Halloween Cyber Card
Halloween Hunt
Halloween Links
Kid's Stories
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Language Arts Sites
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
FolkLore Index
Little House on the Prairie Website
Name that Book - a comprehensive list of booklists - a wonderful site that is sub-divided into their Kids' Site and GrownUps' Site
Laura Ingalls Wilder - Frontier GirlMath
Ask Dr. Math
Math Lessons
Math Worksheet GeneratorMuseums, Etc.
Amon Carter Museum, Ft. Worth, TX
The Exploratorium - an INCREDIBLE museum with an INCREDIBLE website!
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum Links
The Smithsonian
Texas Seaport Museum - This museum in Galveston, Texas, is home to The ELISSA, an iron barque of 1877.
The White HouseNational Parks
National Park Service Official Site
Grand Canyon Explorer
Grand Canyon National Park Official Site
Mesa Verde National Park
Moab, UT
Mt. Rushmore National Memorial
Mount Rushmore
Smoky Mountain National Park
U.S. National Monument Site ListNews and Media
BBC News
CNN Interactive
Dallas Morning News
Dallas PBS
The Discovery Channel
Public Broadcasting System
USA Today
Weather ChannelProfessional Organizations & Associations
ASCD - The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. A wonderful organization!
ATPE - Association of Texas Professional Educators
NAFSA - Association of International Educators.
NCTE - National Council of Teachers of English
NEA - National Education Association
PACE - Professional Association for Childhood EducationScience Stuff
Air Travelers
California Academy of Sciences - A cool site encompassing the Natural History Museum, the Steinhart Aquarium, and the Morrison Planetarium.
The Daily Planet - Cool weather stuff here!
Dinosauria - Lots of dinosaur info and pictures, and you can search the site for what you're looking for!
Earth and Sky - This is the site for the PBS radio show.
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education
EnviroLink - My favorite part of this site is the link to current environment news!
The JASON Project - An international scientific research project involving students, teachers, and scientists from around the world.
KidSource OnLine - Lots of health information here. A good site for parents as well as educators.
Odyssey Magazine Online - Cool online kids' science magazine!
The Princess America Project - A free Internet newsletter which chronicles the voyages of the "Princess America" sailboat, and reports on marine, scientific, and environmental issues.
Science Study Web
Science Study Web - Oceanography
U.S. Environmental Resources
The Weather Channel Education Index
The Why Files - A look at science behind the news.Social Studies Sites
50 U.S. States & Capitols
National Geographic
Nebraska History
Lewis and Clark Expedition
World CulturesTexas-Specific Sites
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Here are the state guidelines on what Texas students are expected to learn at each grade, in each subject.
The Alamo
Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Lone Star Junction
Region 10 ESC - A Texas Education Service Center for the area around Dallas, TX.
State of Texas
TENET - the Texas Education Network
Texas Education Agency
Texas Government Website
Texas Historical Commission
Texas Indians
Texas Newspapers
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Texas State Aquarium
Texas State Department of Health
Texas State Department of Transportation
Texas State Electronic Library
Texas State Fair
Texas Weather
Travel Texas
Miscellaneous Other Sites
21st Century Teacher - This national network of teachers is sponsored in part by the University of Phoenix.
Alice's Restaurant - A wonderful site, full of family-friendly links on various topics!
Arachnoid - I have no idea how to categorize this one! Lots of unusual information, including software, math and science stuff.
ERIC Resource Center - More than just curriculum, ERIC offers questions & answers, a virtual library, research & development, and much more!
Kids Domain - Cool site for young children!
Net5000 Education Resources
NEWTON - A Bulletin Board Service (BBS) for teachers, students, and scientists....and more! They have a wonderful "Ask a Scientist" program as well.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
Street Smart on the Web - Children's safety rules from Yahooligans!
Technological Horizons in Education - Good information about educational technology, including a helpful section on how to find grant money!
Back to MenuSome Just-For-Fun Sites!
(Here's where you get a glimpse into my personality!)
British Comedy (I love the BritComs!)
Are You Being Served?
Black Adder
More Black Adder Links
British Comedy Links
Chef! - A serious profession! :-)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Links - Nice jump-page.
Keeping Up Appearances - In our family, my mother was Hyacinth Bucket....that's pronounced "Bou-quet"! Always keeping up appearances...
Monty Python
More Monty Python Links
Red DwarfChat
ICQ - Cool software which allows live-time chat and notification if your friends are online.
PaddyNet Chat Room - An Irish chat room. I've made some interesting friends there!Music
Cab Calloway - My heart is still saddened over his passing. I had the priviledge of seeing him perform some years back - he was an incredible showman.
Celtic Music - Great information from "Ann's Place."
Eric Clapton
Another Clapton Page
Links to Still MORE Clapton Pages...can you tell that I love Eric Clapton???
The Official Al Di Meola Site
Ella Fitzgerald
Billie Holliday - Wonderful Billie Holliday website from (where else?) the Netherlands!
House of Blues - Okay, so it's NOT a musician! But you can get some great info on some great blues musicians here!
OLGA - The Online Guitar Archive. A wonderful resource for music and lyrics to thousands of songs!
Mannheim Steamroller - A bio page of Chip Davis, the man behind Mannheim.
Alan Parsons
Professor Longhair - A House of Blues spotlight page from their archives.
Suzanne Vega
Frank ZappaScience Fiction
Douglas Adams Information Page - Hysterical author!
Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
The Children of Gallifrey - The Dallas/Ft. Worth Area Dr. Who Viewing Society
Harlan Ellison Homepage - One of my FAVORITE sf authors!
Robert Heinlein FAQ Page - Frequently Asked Questions about the Grand Master of science fiction.
Anne McCaffrey's Home Page - Anne McCaffrey's world of Pern is incredible! Many thanks to my friend, Lessa (self-named after Pern's leading Weyrwoman), for introducing me to the Pern novels when we were in college!
Star Trek Nexus - Good site with information on the many facets of Star Trek...and I won't even get into the "Original Vs. Next Gen" argument!
Official Star Wars Web Site - I don't want to be cliche, but I just couldn't leave out this site!Science Fact
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal - WONDERFUL organization, striving to promote rational, logical thinking in a world increasingly filled with "fuzzy thinking" passing for KNOWLEDGE!
Richard Feynman
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