Frances Dendy Mahaffey's Page
What you'll find here:
Links for Teachers and Others
- ~ search engines, online resources, teacher sites, and just-for-fun sites!
Links for Children and Parents
- ~ fun sites for kids!
- ~ some of my most-requested recipes!
Integrated Curriculum
- ~ integrated curriculum I've developed, sites about integrated curriculum, and other integrated curriculum stuff
Miscellaneous Graduate School Stuff
- ~ various websites and webpages I've created in my work on my M.S. in Educational Technology, with information on ESL, integrated curriculum, and neat stuff from other courses!
Miscellaneous Online Lessons
- ~ various web-based lessons I've created in my work on my M.S. in Educational Technology, or for students and teachers at Lake Highlands Elem.
Some Original Poetry
- ~ a few examples of poetry I've written
The Dendy~Mahaffey Wedding Page
- ~ wedding planning and wedding memories
Write me!
Miscellaneous Online Lessons
Netiquette - In the Fall 1997 semester, we created an "Ethics Symposium" as a distance project between students at TA&M-Commerce and West Texas A&M. As group leader, I created this webpage to present our group work.
An Introduction to Finding Information Online - An online lesson for students and teachers at Lake Highlands Elementary. It is designed to be the first lesson students do on the Internet.
Using a Digital Camera in the Classroom - An online notes for a presentation put together by Faustina Pennock and myself for a course at TA&M-Commerce.
Page last updated: October 17, 2004
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