Mission Statement: Society seems to focus on the problems within it, therefore hurting and overwhelming the public. It is our mission to promote joy and happiness to each person we come into contact with in our daily lives, in hopes that they will in turn continue the spreading of joy and love. Eventually encompassing the entire society and making it a happier healthier place for all to reside. Ways to Initiate Joy and Happiness: 1) FIND JOY AND HAPPINESS FOR YOURSELF a) See the glass as half full; not half empty b) In order to spread joy and happiness to others, you must first find it for yourself...joy and happiness can be found anywhere as long as you are willing to look for the good in things. You will be surprised by how the smallest things can bring incredible joy. 2) SMILE-----we have found that smiling has many positive repercussions; a) Smiling can help you; exp. You should always be able to smile about something, no matter how had your day is going, there is always something to make you happy. b) Smiling can help the recipient; exp. Something as small as a kind look from a peer can reaffirm their faith that joy and happiness DOES exist!!!!! 3) CARE--- Honestly caring is an important aspect in the promotion of joy and happiness, in that if your good intentions are not from the heart and honestly felt they will do more harm than good because people can sense when you are being insincere. 4) MAKE A JOY AND HAPPINESS LIST a) If you write down things that make you happy each day, when you look back at it, and notice everything you have in life and all there is to be grateful for, the things that made you upset before will now seem insignificant. b) Use crayons or colored pencils only, to ensure the best of happy results...the vast array of colors will make the list LOOK more appealing and more cheerful. Conclusion: We hope that recognizing the need for joy and happiness in our daily lives will help to bring about change in the way we see ourselves and each other, along with the way we see the world around us. By finding joy and happiness for yourself, smiling, caring, and making a list and checking it twice (just kidding) this mission can be easily accomplished. LOVE, JOY, AND HAPPINESS, Heather Feehan and Erika Rosted.
© 1997 jhappiness@hotmail.com