Mary's Met Story, a guest article
One month until Mary continues to get old (she'll be 28), someone please marry her soon!
Video: Isles Jamie Heward scores vs Dallas.
Mov: 668k
Sunday, October 24, 1999
NY Jets 23 Final
Oakland 24
It's been a tough life. I was raised in an upper-middle class neighborhood on Long Island before moving to an upper class hood outside Los Angeles. I often had to worry while walking to school whether or not a friend may not pass by to give me a ride, otherwise I would have to walk the entire way. In New York, often a snowball would fly by my head, these were daily fears which I lived with. I've been hit by cars (3 times) hockey sticks (numerous times) and suffered various other injuries. I've been dumped, laid off, kicked off teams and slept in the back of my car due to excessive drinking, though I don't recommend this to others. I've walked through south central LA after the Notre Dame-USC game with my sister and her friend Heidi with no other living souls in site. One would think I would be prepared for a simple trip to the Raider-Jet game on Sunday.
This was simply a football game, the end result really is meaningless in the grand scheme of life, but not to Raider fans. We entered the stadium knowing the reputation of Raider fans. I chose to wear my Met hat due to a past experience in LA when a raider fan flashed gang signs at me, mentioned something about Compton Raiders and discouraged me from using the restroom, which I did not. Chris, the sometime degenerate father of two who only shows pigment after 4 beers, wore his Jet hat. Liz, the soon-to-be cal grad, wore a jet shirt and hat, but had the shirt covered most of the game. Mary, the former gaucho turned publisher or something to that extent wore her newly purchased Jet hat. Chris, Liz's boyfriend, wore his raider shirt and cap, he was safe.
The good-natured banter began the second we sat on BART, as a friendly Raider fan said "no jet fans on the train". We arrived in Beautiful Oakland and exited Bart when a nice young man holding the hand of his son looked at Chris and said, "Jets suck". Very original. These two words seemed to be the common feel for the day. We were often told that the "jets suck" and it turns out they do. The mood was festive on this sunny day as the game began and the Raiders took an early lead 3-0. Eventually the Jets would score 20 unanswered points to lead 20-3. I knew this game wasn't over. One could feel the anger and pain in the stadium as the jets took the lead, the lives and joy and happiness of these raider fans hinged on the teams success. We kept our celebration to a minimum as the jets lead, no reason to incite a riot. Violent and scary people would look at us as if we had come in their house and stolen their television, there was no sportmanship, these Raider fans wanted to and would kill us all. As the raiders crept back in the game a security guard asked us if we were ok. It turns out some fans down below had targeted us as the cause for their life problems and wished to put an abrupt end to our existence as human beings. Well, this was a jet game, so we all knew the day would end in defeat.
The jets gave the game to the raiders, but, without realizing it, may have given us back our lives. Two things are certain: Usually, the Jets will lose and Raider fans are psychos.
Other noteworthy events from San FranJoseph is the consummate ladies man, his father had none of these skills, ever.
I was helping my brother move furniture into the new extension to his house carrying a heavy box and had to put it down. Cindy called me "weak" Carlin was in the bathroom and yelled out, "Uncle Rob can't carry the box because he is old".
Mary tried to help move furniture, but really was no help at all.
It's about time Chris and family acquired a second bathroom.
Chris vowed to only attend certain Cal games after the Bears choked against Washington. Reaction- Yeah right, you'll be at every game next season.
I was wandering into the stadium during the Cal-Washington game eating nachos and a lemon drink when the paramedic lady was attempting to push the stretcher into the stadium. I offered my assistance despite having hands full of food and drink. I expertly guided the stretcher into the stadium, aiding future fallen Cal athletes who would be nursed back to health by Dr. Cindy Chang. I am a hero.
Cindy relaxed and watched a movie with us Saturday night, it's good to see the type a personality slowing down a bit.
I ate about 15 pieces of pizza on Sunday.
Liz will graduate in May, may she follow in the successful footsteps of her older brother, who has proven that one can overcome serious obstacles to succeed in this life.
Always remember to forget The things that made you sad. But never forget to remember The things that made you glad. Always remember to forget The friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember Those that have stuck by you. Always remember to forget The troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember The blessings that come each day.