Hudsonian |
Christmas, 1999 |
Here is your vote for top athlete of the century!
It has become tradition. Some traditions live on, year after year. They are not spoken of or planned out. They just continue because of the faith with which the participants participate year in, year out. The Christopher James Hudson vs Robert Francis Hudson was has raged on for years. Unfortunately, no official career win-loss record is available in the series. A few contests have been recounted on the greatest newspaper on earth, The Hudsonian, but in general, the final scores are forgotten. The memories consist of the extra weight the older albino father puts on each year, or the way his younger brother seems to become more attractive with each passing year. Amazingly, the long-ago cal bear showed stamina beyond his years, athletic ability and overall fitness by hustling throughout the weeks four game series. The first game was taken by the brick shooting, blonde haired cellist, as he made a shot which may go down as the greatest in the history of the series. Let me preface by saying that Rob Hudson is ineligible for this honor due to his superior athletic ability. He routinely makes shots similar to that of the father of two, yet does not receive accolades for these feats, he performs them each day. The elder albino, though, is in general a couch potato, often looking for any signs of his long-forgotten youth. The miracle came Christmas eve. RFH (me) had just stepped out of his Hyundai Excel at approximately 2:00 pm. He had not eaten all day, save for a few chocolate chip cookies. He was a tad depressed, as his guns and roses tape had stuck in his car stereo, rendering his tape player useless. (more on this later) Yet, the OAF (old albino father, aka chris) insisted that the game begin immediatement! (that's french) So, the young stud from San Diego agreed to play, he had nothing else to do. It was during this game, which was Chris's only win for the weekend, when Chris scored the hoop of his life.
Now, if you know Chris, he is generally uncoordinated, with limited athletic skills. For example, for some reason, he was the number one pick in the major league draft when he was 12, only to become the biggest failure as a number on pick in the history of the RVC little league. He may have never had a hit in his career after being chosen number one. On this day, god said, "today, is your day my albino friend", and so it was. OAF took the ball as he had many times in his life, but today, the air was different, the sun was shining bright, and he drove to the basket. The younger stud, RFH, cut off his older brother and forced him to go left, which he did. At this point, the unbelievable occurred. Chris brought the ball to his left hand, attempted a running, left handed scoop shot. The ball slowly rose to the hoop, and Chistopher James prayer was answered. The ball lightly tapped off the backboard and landed in the basket. RFH was mentally defeated, and albino man finished off the victory.
Game Two- Rob wins Game Three- Rob wins Game Four- Rob trails 9-2, wins 11-9.
Other games- Rob-Cindy defeat Mary-Chris. Cindy scores the winner just as joe awakens from his nap. Chris-Liz derfeat Rob-Mary. Rob doesn't try in this game, bad attitude.
Footbasketball- Rob wins most games, Mary some and Chris one.
New York jets first round pick. Linebacker from San Diego State, 2020!
Mom was calm all weekend, no outbursts or yelling. The former english teacher is recovering nicely from surgery which cured her cataracts. She no longer needs glasses, except to read, but she is somewhat funny looking with no glasses on, she looks blind, yet can see. We have retired her binoculars to the eleanor hudson wing of the hudsonian hall of fame, which has not been built as of the printing of this publication.
Christmas eve, a time for peace and love amongst family members. Don't tell mary this. The fiery red-head from Brooklyn lost her mind Christmas eve and attempted to blame her calm, understanding older brother. I must say, I was not at fault in this argument, so please blame Mary when you are done reading. This is an unbiased account of the incident. RFH, the hockey star and famous scholar-athlete, was watching the biography of Muhammad Ali when Mary strode into the kitchen and said in a rude manner, "Rob, turn the tv off". I responded politely, "mary, I am watching this entertaining program on Muhammed Ali, please refrain from speaking at this time. Furthermore, I accept that you would like me to come to the dinner table, yet now is an innopportune time for me so please go on with your life and I'll see you at the dinner table when I am prepared, thank you" Following this polite response, Mary went into the dining room, muttering something under her breath, probably rude comments which would have hurt me emotionally had I heard them. I finally entered the dining room, to the joy of all my family members. I noticed mary sitting next to me and said "do I have to sit next to her" in a jovial manner, Mary picks herself up and moves to the other end of the table. The next few moment are unclear, yet Mary could not calm down and in a huff stormed into what was once her room and slammed the door like they did on the Brady Bunch. At this point, the entire family tells me to apologize to Mary "because she is crazy and then the rest of us can eat" I go the room, and she is on the bed like Marsha Brady when she had braces, so I give her my sincere apology, telling her that she means the world to me and is the best sister I have, besides Liz, and she emerges from the room, ready to indulge in a Christmas meal with her family. Once again, this is the only true account of this story, all other versions are outright lies, lies I tell you!
Carlin kept saying, "uncle Rob is a dork" after her dad taught her to say that, is this how we want to teach the next generation? I think not.
Dad was generally jolly all weekend, except when the christmas day conversation revolved around vomit (great word, isn't it?) and other often unspoken subjects.
Liz played very well in the hoops game she participated in. She kept asking me how I became so great, but I wouldn't tell her.
Joe is a stud, enough said.
Cindy and Chris gave me a photo of their family for christmas. Thanks so much!
Everytime I went in the kitchen, Cindy was eating cookies.
Carlin attempted to help uncle Rob fix his car stereo which only works now when duck taped to the car. Thank you Carlin, you were a big help.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all from the Hudsonian.