The Joseph Laufer Family
The Laufer Family of Vincentown, New Jersey, consists of Joe and Penny, the parents of Kurt (37), Kerry (35), Kevin (32) and Kris (31).
Here's the latest family photo, taken at Kris and Sara's wedding on September 13, 2008. The only one missing (well, partially) is Tracy's baby, Ellie Joanne, who was born two months later on Novembeer 17 (Kurt's birthday!).
Here's a photo taken on November 23, 1997. Left to right: Kerry, Kris, Penny, Joe, Kevin, Kurt.
Family gathering at Red Lion Inn, December, 2002
Here are the links to the individual pages of each member of our family:
JOE'S PAGE . . . . . . . . . . .
PENNY'S PAGE . . . . . . . . . . .
KURT'S PAGE . . . . . . . . . . .
KERRY'S PAGE . . . . . . . .
KEVIN'S PAGE . . . . . . . . . . .

Kurt, Kevin, Kris, Kerry - August, 2007

Kris, Kevin, Kerry, Kurt - July, 2003

Extended Laufer Family at Volunteer Award Ceremony honoring Joe - November, 2007

Joe and Penny (June, 2008) enjoying grandchildren Michael, Mary Grace and Luna Rae
Vincentown, New Jersey

Air-view picture of Vincentown Village
Our home is in the upper section above the body of water
We moved to Vincentown in July, 1972, when Kurt was a year and a half and Kerry was six months old. Joe is currently a member of the Township Committee, having been elected to his second three-year term in November of 2000 and a candidate for a third term in November, 2003. Joe is a past president of the Southampton Historical Society, and past president of the Vincentown Library Board.
This is our home on Smith Court, a cul de sac in the village of Vincentown, located on the Vincentown Mill Pond (right), which has been formed from the Rancocas Creek, which runs through the village. Our home was built in 1961.

An air view picture of our home
That's it in the center of the picture
The Laufer's discovered Vincentown in 1972, settled here and became involved in the community. The four Laufer kids attended the Southampton elementary schools, within walking distance of our home. They fished off the dock in our back yard on the Mill Pond and they played ball in Memorial Field, within a stone's throw of our home. It is a great place to live!
Click below for a virtual tour of Vincentown. You'll find information about its "vital statistics" and its history, including pictures and descriptions of several historical buildings in the village.
The Village of Vincentown, NJ