Urania the "Heavenly" is the muse of astronomy and is represented by a staff pointed
            at a celestial globe. She foretells the future by the position of the stars.


Simon Vouet
                                                             French, 1590 - 1649
                                                            detail of Urania from
                                                        The Muses Urania and Calliope,
                                                            c. 1634, oil on panel,
                                                          Samuel H. Kress Collection

                                                    Urania, o'er her star-bespangled lyre,
                                                 With touch of majesty diffused her soul;
                                                A thousand tones, that in the breast inspire,
                                                 Exalted feelings, o er the wires 'gan roll--
                                               She sang of night that clothed the infant world,
                                                 In strains as solemn as its dark profound--
                                                 How at the call of Jove the mist unfurled,
                                                And o'er the swelling vault--the glowing sky,
                                              The new-born stars hung out their lamps on high,
                                              And rolled their mighty orbs to music's sweetest

                                                 from An Ode To Music, by James G. Percival