Erato the "Lovely" is the muse of love poetry and mimicry, and is              seen with a lyre and sometimes wears a crown of roses.

Oak panel, by Simon Vouet

But when Erato brushed her flowery lute,
   What strains of sweetness whispered in the wind!
      Soft as at evening when the shepherd's flute
       To tones of melting love alone resigned,
    Breathes through the windings of the silent vale;
       Complaining accents tremble on the gale,
          Or notes of ecstacy serenely roll.
       So when the smiling muse of Cupid sung,
      Her melody sighed out the sorrowing soul,
   Or o'er her silken chords sweet notes of gladness
       from An Ode To Music, by James G. Percival


The Hunger

                                      Desires seen in another's eyes
                                               A familiar caress
                                          And my passions arise
                                            The singular feel
                                            Of flesh upon flesh
                                  Only you, my lover, know me best
                                          Longings whispered and
                                             Sealed with a kiss
                                         Hint of voyeuristic intents
                                         Sweet promises, unspoken,
                                      Feed the flames of my hunger
                                   To feast upon each subtle sensation
                                      Unhesitant, willing, I now linger
                                   In a fantasy created of anticipation
                                             Oh, my lover, my life,
                                         Sate my hungers of desire
                                      Quench the flames of this fire

                                               written and submitted by Lady Moreta
                                                       © 1997 Lady Moreta