ART SCHOOL is a dynamic and lively school, open and sensitive to the problem of creating the new professional figures that contemporary society needs. A lot of emphasis is given to COMMUNICATION as a whole, as well as students' concerns and interests, in particular their need to find a job when they leave school.
At Trento's Art School, students can attend two different types of courses: experimental courses and ordinary courses:
a) EXPERIMENTAL COURSES are 5 year courses and they are arranged as follows.
- In the initial 2 year part, which is common to all specialisation branches, students are taught cultural subjects such as Humanities, English, Mathematics, Science and Law, together with the art subjects, such as Drawing, Plastic Art, Painting, Metal Work and Wood Work.
- In the final 3 year part, students go on studying cultural subjects, but concentrate on the artistic-professional branch they have chosen and want to specialise in.
The three branches students can take are:
a. Industrial Design
b. Painting and Visual Art
c. Relief and Cataloguing of Cultural Heritage.
At the end of the 5 year course, students take a final State exam, which gives them a "Diploma di Maturità di Arte Applicata". This diploma allows them to attend Universities, Art Academies, Specialisation Schools, and so on.
b) ORDINARY COURSES are 3 or 5 year courses.
Students have to choose the artistic-professional branch they want to specialise in when they enroll. The three branches students can take are:
a. Architecture and Interior Decoration
b. Metal Work
c. Painting.
The courses are arranged as follows. In an initial 3 year course, students study cultural subjects but special emphasis is given to the subjects that belong to branch they have chosen. At the end of the course, students take a State exam that gives them a "Diploma di Maestro d'Arte".
Students can take an extra 2 year course, in which, besides going on studying and applying the artistic and professional techniques pertaining to their specialisation branch, they devote more time to the study of cultural subjects. At the end of the course, students take another State exam that gives them a "Diploma di Maturità di Arte Applicata". This diploma allows them to attend Universities, Art Academies, Specialisation Schools, and so on.
At the school the following courses are active:
Numero visite dal 12
Novembre 1997
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (experimental course)
PAINTING AND VISUAL ART (experimental course)