Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"
The pages of this site refer to a number of phenomena, esoteric and otherwise. Many of them may seem sporadic, unrelated, but part of my fascination with them, and my enthusiasm for them, comes from how they interrelate, and how they can be interconnected.
Take for instance Magick Mirrors, Time Cameras, and Catoptromancy. Catoptromancy alone shows us ways of using nature and simple objects to create what strongly appears to be four-dimensional holography- a holographic movie that, when run forward, contains the information to accurately "predict" or project the outcome of the present state or situation. As is the original account from ancient Greece, it has the potential for marvelous applications beginning with medicine. Furthermore, this type of information can also be used in conjunction with other systems; the medical uses could incorporate forces that heal and rejuvenate the body, or help to select treatments. The information in these systems is often scarcely little different than possible healing energies themselves. Or, they could play an important part of the sensing capabilities of systems such as the applications of phase-conjugation to biological health. This idea too is put forth on these pages. Even before that, such techniques were endorsed or advocated by many individuals, including Tom Bearden and striking information on the subject can be found in the KeelyNet files, for example.
But that's only the beginning. The techniques of using these systems to reconfigure images, waves of light or fields could be applied to energetic systems. Even though some of these devices and methods seem to be superficially distinctive from phase conjugation, just as phase-conjugate techniques and their terminology refer to "healing" holograms and this concept has been extended to healing living things, we can even think of dead batteries or worn-down machinery as being in need of such "healings". The pattern of atoms and electrons in a charged object is simply that, a pattern, and could be reconstituted using these techniques, requiring far less energy to cause such a change than is generated by such a change. Many of Tom Bearden's notions about free energy aren't much different from this at all. Adding various techniques could give us "magic boxes", "magic repairmen" that we could affix to our devices that could repair them even as fast as they fail. Fuels as well may be eligible to receive such treatments.
The concepts of atomic memory have broad applications also- not just potential in time-reversing miracle magic, reconstitution and resurrection, but in everyday life. To use an expression, we can apply various phase considerations and treat water as we can many crystals- as something with a memory. When we activate the memory of water, we can cause it to "remember" being pure and unpolluted, and thereby cause the contaminants to be driven out of it, with far less energy and effort than processes such as distillation or electrochemical separations.
Atomic memory could also play a huge role in materialization and subordinate forms. Imagine the benefits to the environment if you even routinely perform a crude form of materialization- for example, you could cut down a tree, harvest the timber, and then cause the intact tree to reappear. You could harvest the same tree all day, and when you were through, leave with a loaded truck and the tree still standing. Such a day need not be far away at all, and that's just the beginning.
Regardless of the particulars of the desired technique, such experiments as the astounding number of endeavors in stopping, cooling and trapping atoms could be laying the groundwork. If anything is missing, it's the initiative to apply these experiments directly to such purposes. There may be an astounding number of techniques employing simple quantum mechanical and other principles as well, and again, atomic memory. Even occurrences from everyday life may show us how easily atomic memory can be over-ridden as we please, how we can give matter on the move new instructions.
We can see this in fact, in the failure to exactly reproduce David Bohm's inkdrop experiment because a crude, home made set up has allowed some precession of the cylinder. A failed attempt may become a great triumph.
Any questionable or unreliable results coming from magick mirrors and time cameras, rather than showing us worthless technologies, show us exactly the same thing- the opportunity to customize physical phenomena according to our own particular needs.
Likewise, phenomena known to us only in relatively rigid form- palingenics, for one, have the potential to be modified. The memory active in the restructing of residual remains can be overridden to produce new forms, just as the process's input can also be modified. The Maya, for example, often created artwork showing deer being bound by a foot. Amongst other possible interpretations is that they confined animals for short periods of time in order to obtain urine specimens. Such biologically derived matter can be similar to ashen remains- having salts with memory- and there is the very real potential that rather than cremating an animal and fractioning the remains in order to produce convincing meat products, that the residue from animal urine can be substituted into the fabulous alchemic process, allowing the creation of perfectly lifelike but never living forms to serve as the ultimate meat substitute.
Some Native American traditions hint at a time long ago of having been acquainted with such techniques, and a broad number of variations, a number of which seem to successfully harness gravity as a conglomerating force. The impression that I get of the sacred site, "Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump" is that live animals were not herded over the cliffs to their death, but animals herded in the direction of the cliff could have provided the impetus and the pattern information so that, when turned away from the deadly precipice, familar forces such as momentum may have cascaded into gravity-oriented effects that created unliving replicas which assembled as they reached the base of the cliff.
Not only is such a notion very similar to the ways in which the apparent separation of human consciousness is accomplished by centrifugal motion in gravity simulators, making them known to the military or to NASA as reliable and predictable triggers of out-of-body experiences, but the ancient configuration of two arms of the buffalo run set at a 90 degree angle to one another and the cliff are familiar elements of the often studied phenomena of such gravity manipulations as the famous "Tibetian Accoustic Levitation".
Likewise, some Native American customs regarding shape-shifting rituals seems full of similar precocious detail. All things considered, these customs preserving a perhaps forgotten science hint at the possibility that what was routinely transmographied was not human beings but lifeless matter, in order to materialize or manifest life-giving goods.
Much of it of course is based on having a small sample of physical material from the form to be imitated through materialization. Time and again, this involves the knowledge that comes to us through modern holographic science, that the part re-creates the whole. In radionics or radiesthesia, that part, that sample, is known as a "witness"(which is a very peculiar word by the time we investigate parallels between the words and icons of ancient Egyptian materialization science, and the words and icons of our modern American criminal "justice" system).
There are predictable and recognizable patterns to the acts of the ancients.
In our future, holography can readily entail not just optical images, but dynamic images- illusions that do things. Holograms of lenses that could use sunlight to heat water, but could never scratch or be broken, holograms of dwellings that could interact with light to produce the electrical charges to mobilize and place particles of material to form the solid structure. You could open a suitcase in the desert, and within hours, perhaps even minutes, there would stand a dwelling. Such things are possible if we want them. This is in fact simply roughly the equivalent in air of what Wulf Hilburtz has long been already doing with steel mesh skeletons and familiar electrochemical processes in sea water.
We have already been shown that a hologram of a lens in relationship to an object will behave in that respect exactly as the real thing does. All of this is akin to such other wonders as optical illusions of fire or heat sources that actually radiate heat, rapidly approaching the undying flames of legends, just as Wulf Hilburtz's work is strikingly akin to materialization, two differences being rate and the complexity with which various elements are involved and configured in the latter case. These, mind you, are routine and minor challenges in such a field of possibilities.
As I've mentioned before, because I've tried to apply simplicity and creativity, a combination of devices that includes Georges Lahkovsky's "Multi-Wave Oscillator", which puts out a variety of energies and the body recipient of the benefits of such devices purportedly "chooses" the appropriate ones from the "palette", could help the initial frameworks of objects to be materialized to "choose" the appropriate atoms, and may also lend impetus for their migration into a conglomeration. It may sound simple-minded, but the possible underlying principles of absorption and emission that could implement such an idea, may be considered amongst the most simple and straightforward components of physics.
Part of my being relatively silent in regards to materialization, a situation that certainly must risk creating a false impression about my level of enthusiasm for the subject, partly stems from the vast potentials there are to approach such a task in so many ways, which has never ceased to amaze me, and left me largely in dumbfounded silence about the matter. This isn't to say the thoughts on, for example, the balance as an ancient materialization device haven't included "gravitational equilibrium", nuclear magnetic resonance, various symmetry theories, and many, many more.
I've come to the conclusion, even as Tom Bearden stresses the importance of various, possibly less-recognized, symmetries or asymmetries in his theories objects, that what he has to say might be extended to the symmetries of objects, or perhaps in another manner of speaking the, symmetries of their corresponding gravitational fields.
As I studied many ancient artifacts, it seems to that both the proper forms and contexts are present, that nature's desire to set systems at rest can be expressed as a desire for there to be two identical objects hanging on a balance. The rest, as usual, is applying input, impetus, or sometimes, removing the ambient obstacles. That's not the only way to go about it, but it's one way...
It becomes deceptively simple, then, to look at a knife or sword or other symmetrical "weapon" and try to assess what we see until we encounter the magick knife or flash upon a spear- a rock on a stick- as the biggest crystal tipped magick wand we have seen in our lives. If these, too, were machines of materialization, they were so almost to the point of the loss of labelling. Now and again a nuance catches the eye, like a hollow-handled knife. Why hollow? There are not necessarily many good reason for this; amongst them is the inclusion of a sample, the witness, of what was intended to be materialized.
Ideas! Imagination!"This is like that, and if this can do that, why can't this do that then?" It's not presumptuous, in fact, it's how human knowledge gets anywhere, and it needs to apologize to no one for that, nor do the luminaries who have already used these tools so well.
Last year, I had the painful misfortune of running into Lawrence Kraus' "The Physics of Star Trek". A fellow who has all the makings of someone to help us keep from being perpetually naive about things, and doing a fine job bringing these things to our attention, ends up as someone you can only take so seriously. While it was delightful to have him point out the computerized materializers, the "replicators," on "Star Trek" cannot work with digital information processing because the information about the locations of billions of billions of atoms in even a single everyday object, would fill enough floppy discs that when stacked would reach from the earth to a distant star, it's become something that sounds suspiciously like the "why it will never happen at all", as opposed to the "why we need to take a different approach to do it".
One information technology that already exists that may be inherently capable of such information density, or of systematic abbreviation of such massive information, is of course holographic information processing and storage, and in the last ten or fifteen years, there have been numerous articles describing the efforts and progress.
Indeed, it seems rather serendipitous to persons of many crafts that were we to implement materialization, we would still with all likelihood need skilled persons to produce the original articles to be copied. It's also an interesting possible piece of the puzzle why ancient peoples would seem to have utilized primitive technologies. (They may very well in fact have often utilized primitive technologies to make various objects, and then applied advanced technologies to reproduce their handiwork. Unfortunately, this is a challenge for history. An ancient person who synthesized the lifestyles of farmer and magickian could all too easily be mistaken by us for a "simple farmer".)
We would also very likely find that many inherent worries besides the possible but improbable obsolescence of human skills or the lack of relevant human activities, other concerns about such technology might be unfounded. Many preliminary methods of materialization may be incapable of producing weapons, or any metal objects, inflammable materials or explosives. Looking seriously at such possibilities can be dramatically encouraging, and the same serendipity would seem to apply in the case of rare elements. Materialization isn't as likely by far to pave the streets with gold as it is to help soften our "unending" obsession with the yellow metal.
The physics of our quest for materialization, in accordance with my assertions that it is an art ages old, runs hand in hand with the undeniable record of the "philosophy" of the ancients being equally advanced. The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras deserves much credit for possessing a world view incredibly similar to that of Einstein's pupil, David Bohm. Like the philosophers of the ancient Orient, who were aware that "the hair of the tiger contains all of the 'tiger-ness'", Anaxagoras's view was that all things contained a portion of other things. In other words, his view was holographic, or of Bohm's "implicate" and "explicate" order, the very world view that goes along with expecting to be able to recreate the body of the tiger from the "tiger-ness", the holographic information about the whole, that is in that part, just as Bohm could re-create his inkdrop from the shambles he first makes of it.
One wonders indeed exactly how the ancients possess such sophisticated knowledge without taking many of the probably necessary pains leading up to.
This holographic view was also maintained in the form of the "macrocosm and microcosm" by medieval Christians, persons not far from some ancient fountainhead of knowledge. Amongst the notable proponents of such a view is Hildegarde of Bingen, whose mystical visions may yet prove to be one of our final keys to understanding the holographic nature of matter and objects.
The "worlds-within-worlds" kind of thinking is also found in the traditions of India, where such miracle making is relatively routine.
What is left for us, as we approach a time when we can see, and possess, such miraculous technologies for ourselves, is to look back at the probable historical precedents for inspiration in order to circumvent the likely difficulties we may have reconciling such opportunities with life has we have grown to know it. The ancients, who had identical knowledge, did not opt for the choices we have made, nor did they appear to attempt to consign the fruits of such knowledge into such an incompatible system as we might be tempted to envision should result from the union of these opportunities.
We have the pieces now, we have a substantial grasp on the means, we have the elements of our own "Star Trek"-like existance. What we do not have thus far is any outward willingness to come to terms with the fact that we have it.
Even though we've reached the point where the cynic and skeptic are now most clearly the deleterious enemy of mankind's well-being, there are no public priorities on "materialization research", no public admission of the possibility, no far-sighted political plan for humanity's future of the "phasing out" of present industries and societal modes, leaving only denials from those who make the actual progress, and power barons mindlessly clinging to investment strategies geared as much as a hundred years in the future, helping to ensure that these things will not become part of our lives unless we muster the will to resist.
I will, however, do my very best to fight this tragedy, and to continue to reveal the ancient magick where ever it lies slumbering in hiding, as so many people in their own ways do. Join us, won't you please? Let's take this walk though wonders together...
Visitors since Dec. 24, 1998