Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"
A Woman Out of Time:
The Physics and Metaphysics of Hildegard of Bingen, Medieval Theosophist
I have touched on the visions of Hildegard of Bingen and their possible contents on a number of pages of this site already. It seems that in spite of the fact that she was a medieval Christian, her artworks depicting her "migrainous" visions hint at physics that even now science is barely beginning to understand in any broad sense. They are holographic, fractal, non-linear, and more. I am disposed toward creating yet another page in addition to these others in hopes that the momentum of doing so will bring to a more final close the questions that still hang in the air, rather than simply indulge the natural tendency to repeat what has been already said, for the sake of further emphasis.
I have at this time, foregone so far the opportunity to give examples that Hildegard has used such symbolism as a classical Alchemist's means of conveying the concept of the conduction of ectoplasm through the human body, or that the particular syntax may have denoted the so-called "animal magnetism" long before Mesmer and others. Additionally, she seem to exhibit awareness of the mechanics of the witches' feat of "raising the cone of power", in a very literal sense.
I have also forgone the opportunity to give several examples that suggest that she was very fluent in the understanding of certain gravity waves or wave-particle phenomena in the direct context of the levitation of human beings.
That's very much what it looks like!
Lastly, there are some of her artworks that still remain awaiting appreciable interpretation, let alone the extensive investigation of them that is warranted.
At the moment, my evaluation of the curious human features within atoms waxes toward the rather the concepts of quantum computation and even the rather unheard-of arena of gravitational holography.
I should like to begin with a collection of experimental postulates in an effort to perhaps help establish if such notions are indeed fit for furthering through the application of mathematics.
1. The expression of the gravitational field that defines an object occurs at an atomic level by the incorporation of a gravitational hologram of the entire object.
2. Like the theorized projection of a gravitational hologram, associated with a cavitation, which Paralastor wasps use as the blueprint for their nests, the projection of these atomic gravitational holograms occur through cavitation in the atom.
3. These atomic-scale gravitation holograms are capable of acting as if in a single quantum state even when the associated matter is not, giving rise to organizational effects which resemble the models of capabilities of quantum computers.
4. In the human body, they are affected by the sensing of gravitation by sensory organs or endocrine organs, and governed to some degree by the endocrine system.
5. The previous postulate is a basic accounting of the degeneration of astronaut and cosmonaut physique in extended periods of low or zero gravity, in spite of rigorous aerobic exercise program, and exemplified by the known decrease in levels of human growth factor in these instances.
6. The occurrence of demise, or the false appearance of demise, happens when these gravitational fields accomplish the same criteria as collapsing stars, with numerous differences, and the gravity field or a portion thereof contracts and withdraws into a lesser portion of the physiology, probably by means of holographic reduction in the scale of the field of consciousness.
7. Consciousness may become fractionally dissociate from matter at this time through a perhaps as-yet unspecified means. It must be emphasized carefully that the mechanism of object identity must be carefully contrasted with the normal mechanisms of atomic molecular bonding and attraction.
8. The projection of the atomic-scale gravity hologram may be projected either inside the atom, or outside it. These in turn may correspond to "implicate" and "explicate" states of order according to Bohm.
9. The exteriorized projection may occur when an atom is no longer physically a part of an object by means of the internalized hologram, but through the exteriorized hologram, the situation remains time-reversible and the atom can be caused to return to its place in the physical structure.
10. The exteriorization of the hologram at the atomic level may occur through cavitation in the electron orbitals of the atom, and may therefore be associated with a state of positive ionization.
11. The exteriorization of the hologram at the atomic level may occur at a state prior to the re-acquisition of gravity hologram information causing the object-identity of the atom to shift to identification with the constitution of another object's gravitational field.
12. The extended presence of a disincarnate gravitational form can be maintained through the coupling of that form to the atoms of objects or places, which may here be drastically over-simplified.
13. After a passage of time, the gravitational form associated with sentient consciousness loses, or experiences further degrees to which its pattern data in encoded into the implicate state, of the object identification, and can be associated with a new object-identity in the sense of reincarnation into a new body. At this time it is able to conform to the patterns of the new object-identity, and contain the "four-dimensional" holographic data of this form and its progression through growth.
14. There may be intrinsic differences between the shift in object-identity for living and non-living matter.
15. These differences may be based on the identity of consciousness as some yet-unnamed field associated with the gravitational field, or they may be expressed as the difference in responses between living and non-living matter in Eric Dollard's experiments with Tesla transmitters or similar phenomena of electrical equipment, and may ultimately prove to be a matter of charge-polarity dependent on the specific conditions of the gravitational hologram at the atomic level.
16. Under some conditions, the atom may be able to express the atomic-scale gravity hologram as both implicate and explicate simultaneously, and one of the pair may be re-distributable. This may correspond with an additional state postulated to accompany Bohm's "implicate and explicate order" to facilitate the concepts of materialization or the copying of physical objects, tentatively referred to as the "replicate" state or the "replicate" order.
17. The replicate order, in addition to being usable for the explanation of certain phenomena of materialization, may account for confusion or disparity in classical sources as to the actual processes that occur following the point of apparent demise.
18. The resuscitation of human being by such a mean as "electro-cardio" resuscitation may constitute an example of an energetically-actuated induction of the time-reversal phenomena according to the criteria of Irwin Hahn, et al. It may therefor be substituted for accordingly, and can be expanded upon according to the criteria of the atomic level gravitational hologram.
19. The quantum state exhibited by the atomic level gravitational holograms may replace the concept of phase entanglement as a means of explaining the reversibility of certain phenomena.
20. In accordance with both the concept of the quantum computer and the quantitizable nature of physical forces, the imposition of forces may result in a collapse of the field of consciousness or its wave function. The imposition of the responsible forces may take the form of quantum computations of problems which are insoluble even to quantum computers, which may result in fractal saturation of the means of object identity, or by a related mechanism.
21. While many of these premises are in accord with the principles of both quantum mechanics and the science of "radionics", they are also part of a much broader demonstration that the nature of radionics is in actuality participation in the sciences of holography and gravitation. Such a fact which may have positive bearing on both the perceived legitimacy and the possible legal status of the so-called field of "radionics".
22. In the instance of using such postulates in the efforts of materialization, the object identity may be replicable and transmittable by a very specific means, and may be a means that automatically ensures the appropriateness of the targeted matter. The assembly of the object from a randomized collection of atoms may be accomplished by the act of a single Eigenvalue returning to ground state, at which time its assembly is coordinated by the object-identity information it has been provided with.
These are only a few for now, and remember, this isn't even a theory yet, only the beginnings of a mere hypothesis, even though what has seemingly been hinted at by Hildegarde for a long time has been hinted at by others, and modern science as well.
There may also be alternatives. At least one of Hildegarde's visions seemingly shows a set of atomic orbitals that may include in it a tightly circling heavy electron, a muon. While its accompanying components strongly suggest its involvement in magnetization of the atom, it may appear as somewhat of an alternative to the proposed mechanisms, and its context may not yet be crystal-clear. It's especially important to remember that a number of the probable means of interaction in the miracle-making physics which Hildegarde seems to refer to, may not have ever yet been clearly proposed in published scientific literature.
Hildegard's world-view, once again, is one that is intrinsically holographic in nature, one like earlier philosophers of both east and west. It may well be that Hildegard's view of the "macrocosm and microcosm", and her close involvement with herbalism, gave her the concerns to deliberately ask the questions that her visions may well be the answers to; one of the better models of the workings of the Doctrine of Signatures, for example, may be based loosely on the ideas of quantum computation.
We could, by accommodating the philosophers and the need to explain certain aspects of the Doctrine, perhaps experimentally derive some few of the appropriate additional precepts regarding the workings of "gravitational holography" here for the sake of demonstration:
22. Anaxagoras' view that all things contain all other things, and it is only the proportion (or more appropriately, perhaps, the way in which they are configured so that one particular thing dominates) that determines their actual character, may be affiliated with the quantum computational model of the gravitational holography.
23. Anaxagoras' view that that by means of this arrangement that the food one eats for example, has already as if by predestination, been designated to become a part of the one who eats it so that it is "already" them, can be affiliated with the quantum computational model of the gravitational holography where four of the conventional dimensions are granted.
24. This assimilation can be seen as the critical point in which the object-identity undergoes transition.
25. The necessary conclusion that ailments are in part coordinated by a sophisticated inherent intelligence so that the remedy can be found in the closest proximity, a providence long granted by the Doctrine of Signatures, can be seen as the same sort of quantum computational function in gravitational holography, accompanied by the corresponding internal shifts.
26. The pattern of an ailment inherently possesses the quantum computational ability to demonstrate the configuration and identity of an agent or agents that are antidotal to it.
27. The effects which must govern the germinability of seeds in accounting in part for this particular distribution of medicinal or nutritious vegetation may be actuated though the quantum computational functions of the system of gravitational holography, and expressed directly as a gravitational impact on the chemistry of the seed.
28. Any ability our immune systems may possess to prepare to contend with the constitution of a substance or object before our sense have even encountered it, may occur through quantum computational effects in the system of gravitational holography.
29. The ability of some parasitic or pathogenic organisms to persist within the human body may be due to any ability that they may possess to interact with the system of gravitational holography and object-identity.
30. Allergenic responses may be coordinated according to the system of gravitational holography and object-identity.
Likewise, allowing practical concerns to help shape our understanding of the occurrence of this gravitational holography in nature may prove beneficial.
There is a point at which we no longer desire the reversibility of time or motion of particles, and there are a great many points at which we are forced to concede that there are separations of effects. In the instance of rejuvenation, for example, we may reconfigure the physical form and even some of its atomic scale gravitational holograms, but we do not succeed in reversing the consciousness in proportion to it. Likewise, we have no need or desire for all matter that has been labeled with the gravitational object-label of our bodies to return to it at any time that form experiences time-reversal or reverse-kinetics, and the same is true of our relationship with our environment.
Basic issues of this holographic physics: At upper left, a general holographic formation showing adequate resemblance to the models of space-time curvatures from Einsteinian physics to associate the two; the expression of that physics theoretically occurs here. At upper right, the most general form, modeled after Hildegard's visions, of an atom encoding holographic data about a living form to which it belongs. At lower left, we see a experimental representation of a complex set of holographic information; this atom both belongs to a body which in turn "belongs" to the earth or is gravity-bound to it, hence, both holographic forms appear. The sum total of these two object-identity influences, however, may simply be the holographic data of the human and the particular expression of physical properties it demonstrates.
One of the encouraging extentions of such a physical model may be that the gravity body data of the earth in this instance could be replaced by the gravity body data of another celestial body, in the atomic holographics of a given object. An object so "programmed" may be of a nature that the laws of the universe, in establishing equilibrium, will compensate by moving that body to the planet whose data is included.
Space propulsion schemes such as the field-resonance propulsion of Alan Holt, may inherently contain similar unacknowledged effects.
The image at lower right has been made to include the magenta chakra as disclosed and discussed in Kenneth Meadow's book, "Earth Medicine". This format of gravitational forms in spherical atomic envelopes and their projections in larger scale reality may indeed by a way of accounting for chakras such as this one or others which do not coincide with the physical form but reside entirely in the aura.
In context, there is the suggestion that at least one chakra may be the correspondent of the planetary hologram at the atomic level; this is a perfectly appropriate fractal model for actual conservation of the planetary body hologram rather than its destruction thorough wave mixing or holographic superimposition.
One remaining puzzle about the exact phenomena in question, is whether these holograms truly exist in projected form, or whether that projection is a coincidence of the system of imaging. The actuality of the encoded holographic data may take the form of a region of an orbital or other atomic shell, perhaps as a section that is encoded with concentric rings of data (as is a zone plate hologram), as is modeled at left, or the actual "finger-print-like" encoding of data modeled in the example at right.
Such regions may also coincide with the area defined by the axis during any precession of the particles.
Alternately, if we cannot establish that the data is actually encoded on the atom as opposed to summoned from some "non-local" source by such effects as precession, we may be looking at a precise model of interaction with a quantum-computer like mnemonic function of the aether (ether), which has not ceased to be part of many physics theories. Such a premise may be far more in accord with the traditional assertions of mystics and Theosophists.
In such an event, we may be left with a working, practical model of the aether here.
Here is an additional question subject to further consideration and investigation: what if a holographic form on an orbital were to coincide, or conversely, to fail to coincide, with the location of a pi orbital? Would the convergence of the gravity hologram and the electrical projection of the atom be a constituent, for example, of the physiology of individuals whose bodies possess bioenergetic fields of considerable charge?
Perhaps furthermore, is this a mechanism for the "immune field" proposed by Christopher Hills- a bioenergetic field capable of specific and selective electrocution of microscopic pathogens? Is this very mechanism pictured a route by which pathogens can interfere with the body's abilities to generate such fields, and possibly for them to interfere with numerous other expressions of human potential as well?
It's rather ironic how my poorly-drawn models have the ability to suggest ghosts, because this may be a physics that can account for every single aspect of parapsychological physics.
Are Hildegard's "gravity hologram" atoms not only our best way of explaining that effect, reproduced by Borderland Sciences Reseach Foundation's Eric Dollard, but does the similarity between these models correctly indicate for us that Tesla was working with gravitational waves as well as electric ones- as if he knew need to wait for the unified field theories from those who would not acknowledge the simple physics of his faster-that-light model?
Indeed, they seem to take virtually for granted at a glance what proves so cumbersome still for scientists- the curvature of space-time.
Such models may be on the very verge of quantum-computer-like technology that is capable of tapping zero-point-energy, and many other astonishing achievements
If we restore, for example, a plant to its entirety that has been partially harvested and consumed, we have no wish or need that it should reclaim its original atoms from our forms, although we may often encourage it to reclaim its original atoms from waste matter in our environments. If we are resurrecting an animal that has been consumed, we likewise do not wish it to reclaim matter from our present bodies.
There are also concerns of the acquisition and distribution of matter in classical spiritualism and parapsychology that may concern the activities of the object-identity system in question. Again, Hildegards' artworks do indeed strongly appear to incorporate depictions of ectoplasm and the concerns or contexts that surround it. We have a few formidable quantum questions yet unresolved in such cases as where mediums or materializing spirits appear to draw matter from the participants of seance. While one may simply say that they in fact be borrowing some aspect of those forms, such as fractional quantum particles, we may also apply the idea of gravitational holography on the atomic level to explain the broader spectrum of phenomena.
Perhaps not conversely, this parallel may raise for us the possibility that we are not talking about whole quantum computational effects, but fractional quantum computations, and we may not be talking about whole-quantum gravity, but fractional quantum gravity! As you can see, it may remain rather challenging for the total lay person, although it need not be whatsoever for true and accomplished scientists.
Such effects, however, might only be present in the given situation as a mandatory consequence of matter in a fractional quantum state. The basic concept still preserves much viability for further illumination of these phenomena.
Ectoplasm, therefore, may be as ephemeral as it often is, and as fleeting as it is in maintaining any contributions from seance participants, because it is inherently lacking in the object-identity labels, whether it simply has not been given them in a permanent sense, or because giving the atoms a more permanent infusion of object-identity data may have required fractional quantum data to impact it on a fractional-quantum particle.
Likewise, the ability of ectoplasmic events and phenomena to, which I have hypothesized, acquire matter from the ground, may also be an obvious function of some degree of object-identity labeling. The nature of ectoplasm may be that it uses quantum statistics for its moderate stability of form, while its object labeling remains in that transient, explicately labeled state of free atoms, and has not been replaced by an other data than the explicate data of its original source.
Accurately labeling such concerns puts on the very brink of being able to routinely manifest the materialization of necessary objects with the aid of devices.
Like prodigal genuis, Nikola Tesla, who has often been called a "man ahead of his time" or a "man out of time" altogether, so too, may Hildegard of Bingen have somewhat outdone the later Theosophists and their powerful insights by centuries, with her even-more-modern and sophisticated visions of the ultimate necessary physical nature of reality.
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