Cold Fusion:
The Cold War Within
The very phrase is getting to be enough to cause expressions of raised eyebrows and eyes
rolled back-- and probably for all the wrong reasons. The famous experiment of Drs. Pons
and Fleischman in producing “tabletop nuclear fusion” may have been a virtually fradulent
misrepresentation of scientific possibilities, but if the idea gets thrown in the “cranks and
quacks” category, that should be why-- not because the idea is over discussed, not
because it is still alleged to be an “impossibility” by a formidable number of
“knowledgeable” scientists.
In spite of the fact that the news of this experiment may have generated worthwhile
interest in a number of areas, perhaps leading to interest in muonated exotic matter
molecules (perhaps extending from tight-muon orgital theories of cold fusion), for example, amid the grotesque mountain of paperwork devoted to explaining
it within the context of the premises of the original experiment, a glance at standard public
school teaching materials may provide us with a far more sensible explanation, if not a
more complicated one.
Palladium, which was used for the rods in the original experiment is one of a number of
elements in the pediodic table which, when finely divided, for example powdered, exhibits
a property known as Occlusion, where protons- atoms of hydrogen without an orbital
electron, get absorbed into the crystal structure of the atoms, and causes heat to be
released before they successfully find their way out.
What may be most likely it that the palladium rod in the experiment was exhibiting this
property without the benefit of being finely divided, but rather by virtue of the attraction
that electrons travelling through the material (the negative charge of the electrons attracting the opposite charge of the protons), exerted on hydrogen in the water.
This would make the use of deuterium and deuterated water irrelevant in both theory and practice.
Furthermore, this property of occlusion is also exhibited by platinum, and again, it is likely
that passing current through the platinum may remove the necessity of finely dividing the
But there is more.
Platinum and palladium have long been used in chemistry, as Catalysts, materials which
cause change or reactions without themselves being affected. In many of these instances,
there is no necessity to pass current through them whatsoever, or such current may be self-
induced by the electrochemical properties of the reaction itself.
The value of platinum as a catalyst extends to the Catalytic Converters which are standard
equipment on modern automobiles.
Likewise, hand warmers being sold for a number of years already using iron filings and
coconut oil may also be examples of occlusion, as hydrogen from a hydrocarbon (the
coconut oil), are trapped within a metallic lattice.
In other words, “Cold Fusion”, or “Electrically Enhanced Occlusion” or “Exothermic
Catalysis” or whatever one wishes to call it, may not require the expensive metals platinum
or palladium at all, but rather, in so many words, has “harnessed the power that causes
tarnish and rust”, something that has made batteries work for quite some time now!
So this is the Cold War Within, as common knowledge is sworn to secrecy, as our most
respected scientists to whom we expect out children to direct admiration and emulation,
seem to be granted the right to continue as long as they, likely deliberately, public act as
dishonest, or ignorant, or both... and yet for what?
Occlusion cannot be silenced, it is applied everywhere, is has been standard high school
chemistry taught for decades! Of all the perversion in silencing information that lives
depend on, perhaps the most perverse is the attempt to silence, with misinformation and
indirectness, what is already known in its way to everyone.
Furthermore, it can be convincingly debated that this technology has been known here and
there for Thousands of years, that it purified food and water for countless of our
predecessors, and perhaps served to keep them warm, if not far more purposes. The
facades of Artemis of Ephesos mentioned in some of the most dubious passages which
exist in the Bible, for the Ephesians demonstrate a devotion to means of the preservation
of life that would be Exemplary before the Most Devout of Christians, provided that the
proper context of their iconography and symbols is acknowledged and permitted... these
facades are likely purifiers water through electrochemical principles, no different than our
modern water purification tablets, or silver cleaners, or corrosion removal, with the
exception that they are more the product of a less politicized world that still believed that
things grew on trees, the ancient examples are Very likely to demonstrate a little more
applied intellegence and Far more Efficiency.
Failing this, we indeed conspire against our own young, or there is little difference than if we had.
So this is the legacy we are creating for out children, when and where the aspirations we
so diligently fill them with only set them up to feel the sting all the more, of the world we
have managed to make for them, in which “peace at any price” has made us slaves of an
enemy far worse than any foriegn power which could conquer us, slaves of a power that
does not even exist.
Neither does our facade of misdirection and confusion and corruption decieve the
knowledgable heads of foriegn powers, nor their scientists, nor do theirs in this way
decieve those we have appointed.
So too, do scientists complain of living in the shadow of the fear of the Church, claiming
allegiance to a pact made long ago by the Church by the philosopher Descarte, as if their
own names were somehow signed to it.
And yet, even if the Church intended this, with such a high profile as they must keep, they
could never succeed in this.
Whatever darkness we can next expect to befall those so trained to live in the shadow of
their own fears goes without saying; to allow this to continue goes against the deepest
teachings of all walks of life.
Worst of all, when this fear invades those aspirations to promote and prolong life, they
cannot be thought of by any sane person as any longer contributing to these causes, but
indeed they are working against them.
We may be trading our eternities for the hollow promise of a small amount of extra
smoothness in our path through life, barring the intrusion of out consciences into such
matters. In the final truth, not one of us has rational assurance that there is any life which
follows this one, and faith is no true license in any tradition to discard a life which could be spared as if the
blessing of life were a mere unwanted candy wrapper.
Peaceful, loving and nurturing Venus has died at the hands of Aries, denied the pioneering
of new horizons, without a blow raised or a shot fired. A Goddess is dead. We have made
the most unfortunate and avoidable of wars upon ourselves.
The fradulence that fell upon the area of Occulsion as a powerful utility to meet everyday
needs, has fallen into other areas literally on the borders of science and the magickal-
superconductors... buckminsterfullerenes, soccer-ball molecules of carbon with powerful
properties... gravity research... unified feild theories... the list grows on and on.
I do not have this to say to illustrate that it is futile, quite the contrary, to simply emphasize that to recognize
what is right in these matters is the most important step in overcoming the wet blanket
that suffocates us all. But upon the heels of such a first step, too, let us aspire and be
inspired within ourselves to take the steps that follow.
It requires no great intellegence, in fact, and it requires no courage, in fact, merely the most understandable of human qualities, the fear
of a life lived in vain.
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