Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

How to Walk On Water

J.C. Cooper in "Chinese Alchemy" gives a method of walking on water, putting Juniper oil on the feet. Maybe this is an exaggeration, perhaps the meaning of this statement is that the botanical here gives better breathing capacity when you fall in over your head trying... Maybe...

Of course, insects like water striders do this every day, and there's nothing too supernatural about the scientific ideas about surface tension and so on...

...Although what intrigues me is how they keep from going downstream with the current while they're doing this... Now That might be magic!...

...And maybe the legend from the Chinese alchemists is an exhibition of magickal signatures (like the *turn-key* signature of Mugwort, a leaf that is turned over to expose the white undeside for various purposes, inuding marking trails... or Calendula, whose seed looks like an ear and probably feeds birds, being credited with a magical power to help persons *understand the language of birds*... although That term may also be taken to mean the *Green Language* or the language of Alchemists! (see Fulcanelli, L.M.D.C.)...) since it has a Piscean fishbone structure, and Pisces rules the foot...

...But if you really want to get it into it, you can look at waves and resonance, and Sheldrake and Persinger, and the legends of Glaukos and Dardanos, and the like, as viable high-tech allegories...

Out of this genra is also a very enticing formula for an elixir of youth (Idres Shah, "Oriental Magic") which Might also be jazzed up with euphemisms... Maybe... one might try taking it seriously, perhaps with the exception that it's not the magic words in the formula, it might be what's in the ink (see human Growth Factor promotors)... although it might mean anything, or everything possible... it's like is not unfamiliar and evokes symbols of long standing, like the rainbow and the peacock and the salamander...

It may even be worth knowing about...

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