Straw Bale Paradise: Natural Building/ Permaculture Project
Visitors since December 11, 1998
"We the American people are enormously wealthy- you know that?
Who owns all of those trees in the national forest, this is not a rhteorical question.
We do!
Who owns all of that offshore oil that you read about in the newspaper, huh? We do!
Who owns all of those minerals under the federal lands? We do!
It’s public property, you know...
But we elect people to go to Washington- Who are those *ssholes?-
What have we gotten ourselves into now?
They go to Washington, lease they
off what we own, public property, to private companies
to sell us back our own stuff for the sake of a greasy buck. That’s dumb!"-"Enormously Wealthy" by Utah Phillips and Ani DiFranco, from "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere"