Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus"

Magickal and Mythological Resources, Page Five

Green Magick, Ecology Resources, & More

Alan Kapuler (Seeds of Change, Peace Seeds, Deep Diversity, investigations of plant proteins, etc. etc.)

Nutrition and Food Systems
Seeds of Change
Deep Diversity
Seeding the Future by Christina Waters
Seeding the Future by Christina Waters (text version)

Gary Paul Nabhan (Saving endangered traditional strains of seed and supplying free seed to Native American growers)

Brief Bio and Links
Arid Lands Newslettter #37
Gary Paul Nabhan by Sheri Chavez
Native Seeds/SEARCH

John & Nancy Todd/ New Alchemy Institute (water purification systems using plants, etc. etc.)

Living on Earth Profile Series: John and Nancy Todd
Learning a Lesson From Nature
The Green Center: New Alchemy and Green Center Archives

Dennis Weaver (Ecolonomics; alternative construction methods & materials, building with recycled materials)

Dennis Weaver’s Homepage

Bill Wolverton (ex-NASA; air & water purification systems using plants, etc.)

Biographical Sketch
Wolverton Environmental Systems, Inc.
Plants for Clean Air Council

John Jeavons (Permaculture, bio-intensive gardening, etc. etc.)

Cultivating Our Gardens by John Jeavons
The Way of Peace is Peace Itself

Alternative Constuction Methods

Strawbale Housing:

Surfin’ StrawBale: Online Resources Part One



Straw Bale Paradise: Natural Building/ Permaculture Project

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Visitors since December 11, 1998

"We the American people are enormously wealthy- you know that? Who owns all of those trees in the national forest, this is not a rhteorical question. We do! Who owns all of that offshore oil that you read about in the newspaper, huh? We do! Who owns all of those minerals under the federal lands? We do! It’s public property, you know... But we elect people to go to Washington- Who are those *ssholes?- What have we gotten ourselves into now? They go to Washington, lease they off what we own, public property, to private companies to sell us back our own stuff for the sake of a greasy buck. That’s dumb!"-"Enormously Wealthy" by Utah Phillips and Ani DiFranco, from "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere"

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