Chronos Chronicles

September 1997 Part Seven

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 12:09:36 -0800
Subject: Speaking of Random...


Let's see, my personal physician (me) has prescribed that I think no heavy thoughts today, like how all trees have muon activity, they just spread it around a little differently, what the oak uses for strength the willow uses for suppleness and water tolerance, and the ability to draw water. These are clearly absurd let alone some generic Singature of trees here dealing with neurology since they all look like little dendrites when the leaves fall. Not for mortals this, what with this action at a distance and precision as well, what might only happen if someone teaches this effortless Zen archery to the human Macrophage...

Will pass on crowing that I bought 'Flying With The Eagle, Racing With The Great Bear" told by Joseph Bruchac and I think it will turn out to be a helpful as well as concise and refreshing little collection of Native American Stories.

Will skip any mention of homeopathy's potential to make replicator food taste like real food (no this could give anyone a headache if they're not careful) and certainly won't suggest a little wormwood on it either.

No, today is a good day to sit on my lily pad and concern myself with casual things...

...and it's occured to me that since list membership Chronically hovers at @72, we could all get together and form a sort of huge human Tarot deck or something... at least we're playing with a full deck Collectively... which is more than I can say for myself...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 21:58:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Powerless Magic


Hmmm. I've said before, I think, this sounds unfamiliar *at first* but isn't in the long run; I think "powerless" is getting a little Arbitrary treatment here, as well.

But besides the *Let God/dess* approach, there is Zen, I think, and just certain philosophies. Whether they are all *technically* magic seems a little Arbitrary here also, but certainly I can see where that approach can be worked into a lot of magical framework. Many others indeed should be familiar, as well as many social ills resultant, in a way, of failure to observe them

Granted I'm no expert on these sort of definitions; in fact, when Don Juan *Did Nothing* with his petty tyrant and the horse finally kicked this tyrant in the head, I didn't think it was magical personally. But Don Juan certainly did.

In fact the tedium of "well you could say he was Doing Something even though he was Doing Nothing" also fits in very well here, which is of course the Chicken and the Egg migraine in thin new guise. Science also readily suffers the same problem...

Anyway, Powerless Magic as an open abstraction could also imply where you are taking power out of an overcharged system, rather than putting it in, it could also refer to where the magic involved entaills *information* rather than *energy*, such as Tarot which may be magical but is not generally spoken of as a cause of change, or the role of the affectee's subconcious/ superconcious in many spells that would look superficially like force or impostition of free will... thief repellants and the like...

I can also think of incidents where power has driven purpose right out of an act, rather than powerlessness excluding goals.

I don't think there so should be a monopoly on the use of the term in a singular sense, IMHO.

Just my 2-cents worth.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 21:35:12 -0800
Subject: Angel Signatures


Just to speak of what may be less spoken of, in my younger and wilder days when I working on Signatures rather intensely, and had reached that point where Passionflowers took on tones of *UFO* designs (and good ones too, I'm proud to say. It'll take you earthlings centuries to fathom the ramifications although suffice it to say Tom Beardon applying negative and positive time to Feynman Diagrams probably only represents the written tip of an imaginable iceberg)... and obviously after that anything goes...

So I start finding flowers that look like angel wings, even some like angels.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean in the Doctorine of Signatures.

I could look up angels in a dream dictionary, okay so there, the homeopathic extracts of these plants might promote altruism, benevolence, etc etc... promote angelic contacts is going to be invitable isn't it?

I'm never one to leave it at that, I don't think... I'd been thinking things like a semi solidified modified astral projection and wow, look, I really have wings (yawn) and they work (yawn again).

But to tell you the truth, I have no idea really.

Somedays even Nicads for the Nebris is beyond my speed...

Again I have no idea what nature had in mind here. Maybe I should be thinking they're just birdseed? Just thought I'd mention it though. Maybe somewhere in the inquiry is an interesting angle on something (,*he said suggestively*,) more... substantial?

Just smoking birdseed...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 23:43:06 -0800
Subject: Re: Tarot

Hi All...

Haven't noticed anything *odd* in the Tarot other than it is very odd to find me doing Tarot in the first place. But I was getting unusually emphatic amounts of trumps in the spreads, yes. Okay, one reading on the same subject as the previous did have the same first four cards but inverted. The second time the question was specific rather than general. (I've yet to decipher them actually.)

With me, maybe that's because I have taken an unusual approach that merits it, because I was trying to do readings for herbs rather than people?

But others have been talking about the unusual psychic weather, and of course the Sun or Moon Sign book for example always speaks ominously about what has a tendency to happen when the sun is in this particular sign.

I have nothing nice to say about it myself, which itself will probably be like mouthing off to a cop, which is someting else ominous to not do at this time, since Scorpio rules the police with their indigo rainments and far too few compunctions about flaunting power and using deadly force, it not coincidenally rules money, and a great number of unsavory things.

Not that I don't think I'm sterotyping terribly. Not doing so, however, does Not seem to keep the sheep from hitting the fan...

If I'm not percieving some turbulence in divination, I'm certainly feeling it elsewhere.

I actually only got through Halloween by putting a sympathetic twist on an old advice that scorpions up the nose are the cause of headaches. Not really, but leave it to the underlying truth to assert itself as nothing but some Basil snuff would relieve the sinus pressure. Astrological medicine. Learned long ago not to laugh anymore when the old ones can "feel these things in their bones" and so on.

Some books suggest things like, say, wearing a symbol of Taurus to balance these powers, like an amulet, since Taurus is opposite; it is stabilizing...

Expecting relief when the sun returns to Sagittarius, at about which time great thanks will be given...

Strength &

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 12:47:04 -0800
Subject: Re: Powerless Magic


Far be it from me to argue with a system of magic that I'm not aiding in developing...

But there were a couple of points I did disagree with, in what is hopefully a meaningful sort of way...

Firstly, regarding how things may be hidden by openness... okay, I'm fond of saying the worst threat to Western civilization is a public library. And I'm not kidding. Even some of the worst ones contain enough information about things *unusual* to topple the status quo instantly.

But I've never been sure that it's openness is any singular concealment. Maybe what it is is rather rhetorical, okay, some of us never dared to dream, and some of us were just too busy and some were even comfortable with the way things are and some...

I do think it deserves attention because I think some of the worst cultural destruction we've experienced is that where the oportunities are allowed for exploration. Obviously, there are times when a Shaman is going to have to have someone else babysit for him, or the seeker's wife will have to weild the patience to tolerate his periods monasticism, and so forth, and I don't see that kind of support anymore. I think that the degradation of these priorities and values is capable of striking anyone and anywhere anymore, and frequently does so through an economic base. How many can afford the liberty of exploration unless they can mangle it into some kind of professionalism?

The choices also here start to show much regarding being forced to sacrifice the progenation of the wise, and it's not a position that anyone should be finding themselves in, ever.

Almost contrarily, as regards the proper function of a shamanic society, besides the ones mentioned above, regarding that "not everyone has what it takes to be a doctor", tremendous attention was paid that that kind of mental confinement be taken right off the map.

Every facet of that kind of society can be interpreted at seeing that everyone Was a doctor, whether the peculiar methods of tranmission of the information such as children's stories be seen as an outright open communication to children at an early age, or as a *candy-coating* to serruptitiously *force* the necessary information down the throats of the reluctant and obstinate, cleverly disguised as cultural drivel.

And when you get right down to it, why shouldn't the owner of a body end up with something approaching that degree of responsibility for it?

Usually, I am mystified by the wherewithall that such elaborate pains were, and often still are at times, taken. But I'm pretty sure of what I see...

Which is, well, you know, seems like nine-tenths of the troubles that inspire the use of any kind of way of promoting change, and maybe especially magic, seem to arise out of the accidental secrecy that comes from misunderstanding.

At best, any value secrecy especially that is not really secrecy has is the reverse psychology of something mandatory being passed off as forbidden, rare, secret, etc simply that it be regarded and respected, much as there are people whose measure of quality is how much they pay for something, no matter how absurd others know this to be.

I am ommitting of course voluminous commentary here, but indeed magic belongs to those of any age, and something tells me that it's just too hard to really find people in that age group that really need to be told not to eat their vegetables just so they will do it.

A simple set of icon keys and the mysteries revert back to entertainment and teaching integrated. Beats hell out of playing golf unless you live in a total cultural vaccuum already...

Alas, what seem to me personally like perfect clarity is indeed in the end merely my opinion. (And by the way, it's also a secret )

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 16:50:17 -0800
Subject: "I Didn't Know That" Dept.

Hello. Was just thinning out my mail from the Mediterranean-plants list. Someone posted that Schinus molle was useless as firewood and that several specimens survived a California fire.

HMmmmMMmMm, I says...

For starters why aren't we building with a Floridian weed like that, and of course I'm dying to jump right into the magical implications of that.

Schinus molle is of couse one of the Peppertrees of which so much fuss is made in the literature of the Conquistadors in Peru, of it causing Miraculous healing of wounds.

I'd have to check, but I think it's one of the traditional woods for Inca gardening tools, which choices readily seem more magical than practical.

Perhaps time to dust off Cunningam's Encyclopedia and plot to knock off the bay tree in the bay window?


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 17:16:37 -0800
Subject: Pop-Tarts on a Spit...

Yawn, what trepidatious facts will spew out of a search engine next?

Can't find diddly on that Celtic Sun design that I was making an issue of a while ago, gee, maybe it Is a *Johnny-Come-Lately*...

But all that talk of roasting the *Champion's Portion* over cauldrons on spits (Over cauldrons On spits? Okay what's wrong with that picture then?) makes me think there is more that one way to do the Native American Loaded Arrow materialization (see legends of *Arrow Boy*, Sioux, was that?...we will now call him "Spit Boy"...)...

I mean I'm contending that trees may have some magnetic thing going sucking water as if by and probably by magic, why not just retune the open band there to suck pop-tart parts? And, gee, yeah, this Isn't inconsistent with the lot of ideas about Kirlian is it?

Nope, never been Here with the Golden Yawn, er I mean, Golden Dawn (nice save, eh? :-)

Now we try it with a Peruvian Peppertree, "as seen in my last post"...

But would even I eat something called a "Peppertree Pop-Tart"? hee hee hee...

But, er, why do they call them spits? Do they spit, or what's the deal?

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 18:40:55 -0800
Subject: Hypersomething


Geez, all of these years worth of fallout from that stuff in Hardy and Killick's Pyramid Energy Book, "Superconductors will turn physics into metaphysics" (gee, what will they turn psychics into?) and I never noticed this one:

Moray King paper from Rex Research: "Cohering Zero Point Energy" (Don't miss his book, "Tapping the Zero Point Energy") pg 9: (big block capitals mine)

" Conclusion:

By modeling the ZPE as an energy flux from a physical hyperspace orthogonal to our 3-d space, and showing that this flux is coherently interactive with nuclei through their stable vaccum polarization annels, the possiblity of ZPE coherence or orthorotation arises from the principles of system self-organization theories. The use of abruptly pulsed, opposing electromagnetic feilds was identified as the trigger to induce the orthorotation of the ZPE flux, and it could result in a hyperspatial vortex ring structure that was given the name "scalar waves". This form exhibits scalar or static components in its 3-space projection, but guides energy through a hyperspace channel parallel to our 3-d space. It was shown that the nuclei of ions could detect this scalar wave but that conduction band electrons would not. Experiments involving GUIDING POWER ALONG THIN WIRES WITHOUT HEATING or Faraday sheild penetration, were suggested as experiments to demonstrate the hyperspatial physics..."

Hope this stuff doesn't give others as much of a headache as me... and the Nightmares, My God!... but anyway, what if this meant that superconductors were already propogating energy through parallel hyperspace? That the skin effect should be "The Parallel Hyperspace Effect"?

Makes for the terribly common bad brew of making promises of the same thing again by another name, and every price tag seems more expensive. THere are reports that ZPE is being developed for home use in the near future that were alluded to on the Techspirit list, but it will be interesting if a company is ever able to do this for tripping over the fact they're a ($!) company...

Can we conjure some integrity for these people, ppppllleeeeassssseeeee?

Meanwhile, stuff like this is fun for the imaginative hobbyist... and it Might even turn out to be Far More magical than it looks...Might figure prominently in some creation myths I think, and... and...

I''ll refrain from going on about just what all you might be able to stash in that parallel hyperspace too... for now...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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