Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 21:17:21 -0700
Subject: Magic vs Pyros
Oh right and my other job as Volunteer Pagan Fireman, well I said you
could dowse water right out of the ground, make it come to you from the
sea, magically condense it from the air, and probably tap any naturally
occuring quantum-matter streams rising from the interior of the earth
and manifest it as water, there was some small amount of stuff about
Native American "Fire Societies", their tricks of holding hot coals in
the mouth, and very occasionally an herb granting this power, like
Coneflower (Echinacea pupurea, or other species of Echinacea) or Yarrow
(Achillea specie) Both specie are from the Aster family Asteraceae or
Maybe I should see if they prevent sunburn before I bother to put some
on before dashing in or out of a flaming house, but I did have some
coneflower root
I chewed keep some hot coffee from burning my tongue, and I'm sure it
didn't just deaden the pain, it's sore for days when I do that and it
couldn't be That long lasting of an anaesthetic could it? And I could
still taste the coffee well too, I think...
Does anyone know of such references outside of Native American
literature? Should I generalize it under invulnerability in Witchcraft
and other literature as far as herbal things go?
Now if I could just tell a Babylonian Terra Cotta Devil trap from a
Smoke detector before coffee, or how to cross the two of them
Ah, if I only knew how Ancients tuned things like that, I might be
making them... or was that if I knew quite how they actually programmmed
them? Associative memory techniques quite frequently, that much is
obvious, may be the only trick in the book... "Maybe Associative Memory
Effects in Phase Conjugate Crystals" was the important part of a subject
line in a sience magazine a few years ago, probably "Science" was the
magazine actually, thought there were colored pictures in some. This
journal's articles always give references, too I think.
Heck I'll just throw this on here, I'm beginning to wonder if Celtic
knotwork has the property of preventing crosstalk and demagnetization in
the programmed dynamic magentic memory of Magickal Objects to us
Trekno-Pagans. I think these are normally a function of being hand made
with not two objects alike enough to cause trouble, mostly, which maybe
explains why they didn't just take materialization en masse and crank
out endless copies, give or take programming a device to scan the
proximal planet and induce differences in objects created and shut down
safely in case of a duplication, but I am probably speaking far too
generally here to be safely stating fact...
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 22:51:22 -0700
Subject: Chronos, Meme Warrior...
Hmmm, right, let's get the little buggers... In general and
One of my meme-immunities may be Sagaciousness, God as portrayed in
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" does wonders to keep me safe from the
clutches of Organized Orthodoxy, and I have Sagittarius in my chart as
I am not so sure the Jonestown thing was without host regard, or regard
for host-specie: Cyanide is bad for the respiratory system, grapes are
good for the respiratory system. There may be more...
Of the TV meme, obviously the trance thing doesn't help much... Have
been smarting off to the thing since I was a kid, use as needed...
Meme-traps for th' little rodents? Got this off of Dandelion as the meme
sign, along with what that's saying, Dandelion has mild sedative and
analgesic properties, funny when I'm talking about memes in terms of
mass hysteria and opiate receptors and all.
Sooo, Dandelion with it's flyaway seeds has a milky latex that could
glue 'em right down if showed up there, so it has that trap signature
too kind of, and some magnetic overtones. If that's the case there are
countless protectants of this kind. Not kidding, all the meme vectors
mentioned so far have electromagnetic presence, keep in mind that this
may be coming out as partial externalization in a confined sensory
frame, but then if the immune parallel holds up, the body and or subtle
bodies might want to push them out there, some part of them could be
floating around. Most all of the Thoughtforms in Leadbeater's book are
shown as externalizations, and I have a book on auras that is so much
worse, there are bats and all kinds of things in the persons aura as the
seer sees it. Djwal Kul's "Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura" is but one of these sources. I'd really like to know more about why the Kirlian
photography isn't picking these up, maybe...
Do Dream-catchers stop the little buggers? And does that help us figure what they are?
And okay, I won't have a serious go at dredging up how supernaturals
using information transfer could use microbes as vectors, that's
alt.germs.vs.evilspirits for the serious (I'm not :-)
Okay sure it sounds like Lewis Spence, "Encyclopedia of Occultism"
actually blaming or crediting tuberculosis with certain mystic gifts of
perception (germs can sensitize you to memes simply by getting the hell
off your opiate receptor for a minute when there's nothing around to
appease it? Sunflowers are onto this, the seeds may help memetic
problems, and those herbages which fight substance habituation). But
Queribus has heard of those two years I spent cringing in the basement
between the mercury poisoning and the magical literature on the
Contagion principle, so I'll easily conceed all this stuff...
And we haven't discussed the cement here have we? Again memes are spread
more effectively by pushing evolutionary survival buttons, is what I am
told, those basic primal drives to eat, reproduce, and what not. You know the list... hope it contains social status, for you must buy x
product to be one of us, or get your whatzzit peirced or whatever,,,
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 23:41:17 -0700
Subject: Meme Warrior, The Series...
Right, a couple other things,
Alien memes: Was funny you could actually read the writing from the
Roswell crash, says Video or something. Meaning it runs on light or they
want you to look at it? Could be a fake but the Galvanic Wachpress
controller plates were really classy...
The Narcissos Meme: This is why I can't quite tell meme information from
viral information because somewhere in the process of the proposed
co-evolution here, what's going on perceptually and what's going on
genetically are becoming less distinguishable...
Optimism is good too, saves you from stepping in all the meme-doo on the
magic road. Poison broomstick? No way, man I wanna Really fly! Never
settle for second best, which must keep the ego too preoccupied to
rationalize memes. To have high standards for others and yourself as
well is good memescreen? Good in history class too. That's the law, if
it's too good to be true, it isn't (Real estate is the opposite). It's
hard to push the food button when I think I'm this close to beaming in
dinner, so providence is good immunization, the mortality button while
talking about resurrection, and so on...
Mark Twain is a healthy influence here maybe too
for some persons... Did me good when he was on Star Trek NG, but then
they let the Ferenghi start pushing Latinum on DS 9... boo hiss
Of course it still takes self vigilance in literature
and history not to trip over the pseudo memes, cannabilizing babies
pushes at least two or three survival buttons, and apparently this has
caused some confusion, and the witch trial tales likewise have many
layers of inherent urgency, or else they'd probably be preposterous to
everyone. It's funny that's what they tell me, "It's documented". So?
Obviously being able to name any other plausible theory must be great
immunization against memes.
Is that the Pauli principle at work, only one meme can occupy a
particular quantum state in the brain at a time in normal conciousness?
(Well at any rate, Captain Kirk didn't give into the tears of the Dolmen
of Elas, because, well, he'd already been bitten by his starship... so
there! :-)
Uh, yeah, potent fiction is a good memescreen isnt it?
Then there's Crowley. Especially considering the kind of discussions
that have been going on lately, how many meme buttons do you think this
alleged one time propoganda artist was concious he was pushing with all
the weirdness and especially sordid details, all probably fabricated but
being memetically emphatic? "Hermetic memetics"? well it has a ring to
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 11:19:01 -0700
Subject: OH: Re: Meta-memes
Um, not sure I undertand this, the only thing that comes to mind is
Stith Thompson's Motif-Indexes of Folklore in his regarly encyclopedic
workk and some of his others like his single volume on Native American
Tales. They are particularly good for spotting the ways these recombine.
Maybe I'm confused here because I'm not sure I understand the point of
taking memetics into folklore, or because these aren't the hollow tall
tales that some people might think. Not a bad meme amongst them I don't
So I'm starting to wonder if the survival categories, food, shelter,
transportation, medicine, and progenation (are there more?) are sort of
the periodic table columns; the motif index would be more like a
chemistry book then. His own broader categories are unfortunately not
necessaritly viable. Dunno, really.
And so we can have a sub-category of some kind here if you want; it is
one thing to spread a folktale by having it push the *right* buttons,
and another thing to take it to be of any *periodic value*, and probably
another yet to be devoted to it maybe?
(I have Zero letters that say, "psssst! Chronos! Can you actually Make
me one of those Cauldron thingies?") :-)
And I of course will bite anyone who lists spirituality or morality as a
meme perroguetive. :-) They are more natural to the well fed and rested.
Conversely if you lock up two saints in a cell long enough and one eats
the other, who should be scandalized...
My itsy bitsy branch of Christendom of course takes this to be the rock,
you base your spiritual ability to express spirit on your physical well
being. Wanna stop shop-lifting? Beam the culprit in more presents...
Maybe some one's down with the Crime and Punishment meme, or a sad sense
of Justice?
Or maybe *my* traditions don't spread well because there isn't Really
enough blood guts and other big memetic ammo in 'em? (or enough filth?
That Fruedian meme is a legend in itself albeit not a good one...) Or
just having some dollars and feeling able to go to the store literally
knocks the replicator meme stone cold dead.
Hope I am even answering the question that I think is being asked... I
am probably babbling....
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 11:48:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Radiometers
Um, haven't woke up yet, lesse...
Can't forward the letter on this system now, in general, then, a
different view of a radiometer was presented than the one I was
wondering about in that "Magic Mirrors, Hows and Whys" post was it? The
vanes and not the light accelerate, and light doesn't get going over the
c in E=mc2. I wouldn't be surprised if I am in fact wonrg...er, wrong... :-)
What happens at the initial start up of the vanes just before they are
moving? Or does this qualify the white side for acceleration too? Anyway
this is what I have been told in all cases, that the black side
accelerates the light, period. Maybe the light accelerating alone is
enough? I cannot rule out a vacuum layer surrounding properly managed
materials either. And then there are lesser known parts of physics
possibly interacting, they've never told me if a quantum statistical
shift can accellerate light for example, or decided what a photon really
is; I prefer Ruderfer's composte model of a neutrino and antineutrino
Anyway, I know these guys are the ones who keep saying that time isn't
reversible and thermodynamics isn't reversible and you can't do this and
you can't do that... Now they changed their tune on those, a few of them
anyway...They tell me one minute light only bends around giant masses
and event horizons and the next they tell me it bends in a candle flame!
...I never know...
Um, and then there were any of the faster than light methods that might
be quietly present? And the idea that it won't matter much which is
accelerating, the light or the vane actually if an inertial coordinate
system is formed? What this inertial coordinate system is capable of
preceeding, then... It's even not outlandish that the light might
accellerate through mass displacement (Pause to chain down nun from
levitating off again...)?...and some foggy thing about negativizing an
infinite or a constant in this context.
Dunno, I'm a shrubber by trade, really... :-) Hope I don't aggravate
anyone with that "Big Wide Wonderful World stuff...but what is that
quote I always see, "there are more things in the universe than.."
Amazed and Confused,
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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