Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 12:55:27 -0700
Subject: Re: ...And One For…
Um, I probably don't need to warn anyone not to do the "Arrow Boy" trick
with any cow parts, small harmless little animals only that you wouldnd't
mind falling on your head from a hundred feet up, but I find the idea
very amusing, really ("Run away!"-- Arthur, in "Monty Python and the
Holy Grail")
Your humble "poultrygeister",
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 13:46:06 -0700
Subject: Quantum Surrogates?
Are there systems of Physical Magic which have employed recorded
impressions of qualities of human Conciousness as an agent in regulating
Observer Created Reality? Such as the Oracular
(Dynamic Magnetic Computer) Skull of such *stereotypical* association to
Wizards and Warlocks? Can these circumvent the shortcomings and quirks
of human conciousness here also?
(Not that Heissenberg, Shroedinger and Castaneda won't be the first
books to go in the fireplace, the former for their vibe of a monkey
wrench sarcastically thrown in what really could be a much shorter path
between nothingness and food on the table without more wrinkles on a
woman, and the lattermost for gross misrepesentation of Native American
practices and perroguetives, but...)
And why does no one ever speak of the very biological instrumentation
of human observation?
Are these quantum functions not potentially given to such forms? (Is it
like Aladdin's genie wouldn't bump into things if he was blindfolded, or
am I losing my grip here?)
Well at least in systems of magic that blame the failure to manifest on
the power and presence of skeptics, the Oracular head or skull is rather
impeccable and unimpeachable, potentially. Note that these constructs
have been associated also with some outdoor Catoptromantic references if
you dig into the literature as if determined...
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 14:05:33 -0700
Subject: Fwd: Re: Meme Junkies
Here is a smidgeon of some discussion on memes that occurred while we
were writing for the list to take flight, I have patiently tried
everything but gunpoint in regards to getting this stuff into additional
archive files... Being merely mortal, without further ado...
Some of the material here refers to Orchids of the Genus, Ophrys largely
native to Europe/ Mediterranean. From the shamanic point of view,
although they were a stepping stone for Darwin, there are many things
about them he and evolution cannot explain, it is almost as if they have
a synthetic type of intuitive ability and the ability to interact with
memes, independent of theories of humans adapting to the powers that
thier morphology implies. Thus Memetics may be the crucible in which
evolution, but many other things are ultimately defined in such a way as
to use the initiative of the magician to initiate changes...
It does Not seem outlandish that these Orchid forms may be archetypes
prototypes for mythological characters, objects of stewardship and
caretaking by attendants of Greek temples (They are highly variable and
hence perpetually endangered) also owing to their love of limestone,
presuming that the quarry for the temple material will be near to the
site, and that the chips left over will be used or potting and
propogating the plants.
Thus, Greek mythology has a primal and potent power for Public Awareness
of specie issue and conservation (basically so that everyone is advised
they re endangered, before they are stepped on, using silly little
stories to simplify and commemorate the identifying features rather than
foist arbitrary and ephemeral botanical terms on the general public.
Um right, wot?
It's interesting how you have memetic evolution qualified as a symbiotic
process; that is another thing about those very-memetic-to-me orchids,
they are noted symbionts, having high particularity in their selection
fo symbionts, according to most literature. Not absolute, I don't think,
but...drives me to still suspect memes are some kind of quantum feild
projections from actual microbes (yuk!)
of course my background is taking Marx's "Religion is the opiate of the
masses right down to Candace Pert's little receptor, and making a list
of cultures who inadvertantly yell the name of a deity during an
ecstasy. When you're an atheist and you're yelling, "My god, it's so
good, My God…", sooner or later while you're having a
smoke you notice something is very wrong with the picture...
This has been some of the worst dogma, when they induce people to give
up dope and treat God as dope, and then the heretic is driving them ll
back to their decadence by tampering. I know few people who give up
drugs or alcohol without reverting to Orthodox Christendom, mind you;
only the introspectives and the stubborn and the meme-masters seem to
escape. I even phased thru some of it kicking the bottle, it's actually
where I got some of my Chutzpah as a priest...
Thank Jesus: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". Gotta be the
ultimate meme-screen if anyone would use it right.
Perhaps I'm even more the anarchist (the kinder gentler, "Smooth
transition", "phase-out' type, not the IRA type.) than you? (giggle)
Well anyway, my beef is that
infliction of modern tribal rejection falls at random and not according
to any other criteria. Not that I don't think it should be outmoded
entire, which makes it actually worse that it's unpredictable. Frightens
me really, I note alot of self-delusion in many a friend's sense of job
security. My favorite is the "tell you you're fired after you've blown
all your money on a vacation, and don't have zilch to tide you over"
Now the Gods, on the other hand, let me tell you THIS much about Plato,
have you seen the one where he is talking about his distaste for belief
in them, basically, what if young men should fall for the Zeus model and
run around trying to impregnate everything in site? While I may not
resent the Tantric use of cattle and sheep, well, it's none of my
business really is it? (G) other than there are some deep cut marks of
Greek pseudo-aetheism. This remark is actually very tongue-in-cheek
because "he" KNOWS no teacher will allow their students to believe this
for a minute...they would be likely to be held responsible, legal or
Ok, normally I think of Plato as a collective Pseuonymn for about nine
different authors, and it comes with some jokes about how Plato=
Platonic= Pluto= Death rather; his cold-fish aspect wouldn't likely be
real because a practical premium is put on progenating, I think. In the
same way I suspect Plotinus, same etymology, to be more a satirical
parody, a negative role model, etc. It's as dead pan as you can get, I
think... It's my impression anyway
Notice how often 9 concentrics will appear under names and titles of
this root, if I'm not mistaken.
Well, anyway, that "Isn't this what we're supposed to do" meme thing, I
have confronted Christians straight on about some of their BS, and they
give me this thing like "Well, uh" is supposed to be mind read by me as
"Well, we know we're full of sh*t, but well we found some redeemable use
for it so we're rationalizing right along so you'll just have to agree
and shut up" Makes me want to for God-to-Adam, "WHO TOLD YOU it was your
duty, YOU! Nobody else, you just assumed!Now get your head out of it and get on with it."
Unfortunately my wisdom and authority take a back seat to God's
brilliant ideas about how to pacify the elderly by keeping them ignorant
neophobes, xenophobes and borderline psyhcopaths. Literally kept in a passive but highly excitable state, I am
not supposed to display any saving grace that might tick them off. Some
plan, eh? Again, I think those who don't like shocks here are busy
setting others up for just that; the blame automatically defaults to the
helpful well-meaning and fresh...
Then again It's hard to tell; the Arcanoids who don't really believe in
astrology made a fine Capricornian scapegoat out of me instead of
telling the Pop-tart knockers, hey why DONT you read the posts
before you go batsh*t and save everyone a pain in the *ss? Seems like
the typical sheilding from reality so common in dogmatic religious
groups. Stunts their growth if you ask me...
I really would like to know how to diffuse this meme; I don't expect
anyone to renounce Christendom, but alot of the rough edges that get in
their way could be smoothed. You know what I mean, it's hard to be
multi-model when some redneck southern baptist is kicking your kidneys
in for being a pagan. There is a certain point…
That's why I like the hope that pagans and Christians will unite,
actually, maybe not so much that then they can't fight (I wish) but it
will mean that meme management may have been secured in the process. It
would mean an "as if" Christian such as myself could interact
successfully with the "as" ones, and they would be recognizing and
respecting each other as such. Sadly "non-denominational" is
increasingly rumoured to be equivalent to "we accept pagans, and then
scr*w their wives"... anyway, it's a pain on the kids to have to change
paradigms in mid-stream, I'm sure...
So I will risk your loving chastisements to presume to THE TRUTH, you
bet …
I not only stalk the multi-model/ multi-modal spectrum, but I am aware
of that one point where all the roads began and end. (I am not speaking
transcendentalist here) Joseph Campbell is one who shows this BASIC idea
anyway, in titles like "The 1000 Masks of God" (and then he dopes it up
with cannibal quotes, with a straight demeanor). To me there really is
only one way anyway, I think the
separatist meme is a nasty bugger.
ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~"Soon, oh, soon, the light, ours to shape for all time, ours the right, the sun will lead us, our reason to be here" Yes, Relayer album (Lyrics by Jon Anderson)
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 14:10:09 -0700
Subject: Fwd: [Memetics] How Flowers "Do It"
Here is another in the thread prior to this list. My apologies for my
inability to edit posts on my system, you will have to forgive the
impertainent business and so on…
I hope this is helpful...
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 17:29:05 -0700
Subject: How Flowers "Do It"
Re: The concept of specie itself is a meme.
That's good. Has anyone developed that?
I knew the specie concept was um, dubious? in some way.
D'ya think I'm a "Good Bigot" then? As a meme filter? You notice I'm the
opposite of someone who will not hear a good word about such and such a
people? I think I have censured everyone about the "Greek Culture"
expression :-) and the ritual cannabalism… and the ignorant savages… and…
Maybe the Inca are an interesting meme study, they allegedly have a
custom of disremembering, writing unpleasant things right out of the
history books. I like this quite a bit... I can go here, pick up the
software to be purged of ancestoral guilt, and then go download a little
of the culture of my fascist and imperialist parent races, being
predominantly German-English. (So, No, I don't have to reflect on the signifance of WW II as part of some process to see that it never happens again. I don't even want to think about it.)Otherwise, I chunder at the thought... :-)
Um, pollen as a meme vector, that wasn't what I meant, but that's a
significant idea, I wouldn't have thought of it for a while. I'm buggy
on the "metaphysical" or "wireless" way in which plants are
people-interactive You remember my brilliant paper on Arcana I can no
longer retrieve about the "metaphysical" sensitivities of plants and the
impact on germination and populations?
The normal suspect in traditon I think may be often a certain element
involved with the operation of Calcination, known only to Alchemists and
their Evasiveness License, giggle. The coverage of Palingenics in
Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, refers distincly to the salts or
ashes; calcium is also an alkali; these orchids are Calciphiles,
limestone-loving; the Catoptromancy anecdote in Spence, another amazing
Holographic-projective effect, occurs at the springs of Patrae
(Pausanias: A Guide to Greece )whose healing properties are sometimes
attributed to mineral content in the water. Calcium is cited over and
over surrounding metaphysical phenomena; I cited the presence of a
calcium compund being one of two in Ectoplasm analysis; the Theosophists
have insinuated strongly that some type of calcium should be set up in
the subtle bodies as a defensive sheath. Doorweed the one that has radar
for doorways, another brilliant contribution to arcana, by yours truly,
is such a calciphyle it apparently eats sidewalks to put down a root.
And neural calcium in every twiching, ecstatic, spasmodic, epileptic,
orgasmic, paroxysmal, tic, trick tantric and trance state. Hark the
lucious and lurid descriptions in Von Schrenk-Notzing and or
Theosophists about dusting apparitions projected by mediums from
cabinets and finding on the medium when the OBE returns to thier
corporeal shells. Chill to Von-Schrenk Notzing decribe the borrowing of
matter from the thighs of seance paticipants, and anyone else physically
distorted during a mysticsm, as or on the verge of saying that the
ectoplasm sucked from them is what Rene Sudre in Parapsychology claims
it to be, Calcium so-on and another compound. Thrill as we blame
Astrological Mental Modes on the neural Calcium that Jaucquelin
scientifically observes having it's physical properties determined by
the moon the scale stuck to furnace boilers has its appointed time to be
its worst., and the mordant of a blue dye in Janice B. Alcorn, Huastec
Mayan Ethnobotany. (a salt that fixes the pigment is a mordant) having
instructions that observe the proper phase of the moon, which too, is
comprised of a considerale amount of calcium. The Aztecs habitually
remind us that calcium the moon and corn are the same stuff as
seashells, pictographically. Does Goat-Boy ring a bell in the stomachs
of his intendeds, or does he just ring the calcium? I take a "Tums" when
this happens, but yea blame also the animate, pseudo neral things those
plants do due to no doubt, an influx of calcium ions from the
appropriate receptacle. Oh and then there is mana, and chi... and Moxa I
swear mugwort plays with calcium ions to alter dreaming patterns, with
ions in the water to be a purifier or bioflocculant; essentially forming
a soap film?
Thus, with a fuller bestowal of the rites of
Calcinato from an appropriately petrified Capricornian Gnostic
Goat-sprout, do I promote thee to full rank of Alchemist, being that
Paracelsus Etc. is one of yours, you are worthy. And thus you see that
None of my Arcana posts were about pop-tarts, they were about Calcium
each and every one. It is a good thing the Subject line did not match
the subject, is it not?
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