Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 19:49:20 -0700
Subject: On Animism and Casual Linkages
(Yes I can also talk to animals too aren't I just neato-keen? Giggle)
One of Brad Stieger's books contains an account of a supernatural entity
with the communicative peroguetives of a dog, it shows that it will not
harm a child by actually placing a child in a menacing position and
ceasing and desisting. While sometimes awkward, this is a highly
developed and eloquent form of communication (Canine Virgo?) which does
so 1. Because the vocabulary does Not possess a term for negative such
as "I would NOT do that". 2. Because the parameters of the statement
involve patterns of instinct, therefore to Half perform such an animal
act demonstrates the ability to conciously override the genetic
I have met too many humans with such a sad and limited vocabulary of
concepts that they just do not get this. "Oh they're showing dominance"
I will hear, when a big dog puts its jaws around the neck of a smaller
one. What this statement is, is also the half-negative or subtractive
negative, it does so, then stops, to say, See, I won't bite your head
off, I was halfway through it and I still couldn't get into it.
This also causes communication problems between some Cancerians, who tend to
*crab* alot without their little naps (yours truly case in point) and
Virgos or Libras who tend to be very literal minded without a
pre-fabricated context, (What? You thought I Meant that? How could I
Mean that? I Said it, I Won't stand by it and I Didn't enjoy it. Did you
Want me to mean that, you're so Insistent I meant it...Eek!) and these
persons in a negative state will also have problems with their *myths of
scarcity mentality*. (I was raised during the Great Depression,
(The bad example is that they smile when you frown, because there is
only so much smile to go around Of Course! (Yes even Myths of Scarcity
of Human Emotion, see what "Playing the Game" can do for you too, this
is not a game it's your LIFE! You'd think Love was Money, gone in the
wink of an eye... It'll take five years with a replicator to make a
damned dent in That...)
Well anyway, another beautiful thing that dogs do is fake a limp if they
think you're goona kick thier *ss, it just milks the sympathy right out
of you if you've half a heart. Much nicer than tearing your throat out.
Now any fool knows that there really is no scarcity of these Graces, but
in a context of limited mentality devoted to grasping that, you would
have to wonder where they got these graces and why are human- kind's
missing? Okay, we gave em to the woofs to save our hides, Memetically of
course. Hmmm, Chronos Wolf Apollo Apollonios remembers when this
happened maybe, think it had Doorweed in it.
(Doorweed= Meme Illustrated, Flux Tangle, etc etc)
Well, the worst case scenario is that if I Do turn into an animal, I
will turn into a Nice animal. Maybe I will even turn into a nice person
someday, one never knows.
How will I turn into this animal? With my Native American Magic hoop and
one somersault or a few for the spinor Coherer that unites Relativity
and Quantum Mechanics, rather literally I might assume? Good, maybe I
can park my human form in parallel hyperspace if not at some Rotatable
(See Anaxagoras) fractal level. (I intend I will turn into this nice
person by getting those several naps a day my doctor ordered, God only
knows how... so I can actually remeber a few years
ago when I wrote *the Book* on Feild Rotation theory....er, maybe it is
just a cool day here? And I am probably a loud mouth braggart on a
pop-tart jag, too; but you can ask...)
In this genera there are the *49* theosophical powers that the limited
mentality *believes* have been redistibuted through the lower animal
kingdoms. Could there Really be casual linkage, Phase Entanglement, etc,
here ???
Other casual stuff? : An anecdote in Steve Richard's "Levitation" of a
Hindu practice causing the stars to appear connected, the Fishnet as
device and icon, Quantum Nitrogen Spin Networks (!) (Shhhh! Shhhh!
Oh speaking of another ERRATA: That Theosophical Sheath on a man and his
horse in the illustrated Guide to Celtic Mythology by T.W. Rolleston, pg
78 wasn't Carbon, it was Nitrogen, the same one the Ojibwe shaman
illustrated in "Mythology of All Races" in Nineteen ten something. The anyon
symbol is there too, pretty damned good for the Dark Ages... Science
wanks along...Call it a Scientific Freudian slip why Wouldn't Carbon
work as a model? It was a halfway good theory.
Next week: The Pauli Principle in Magickal Science... Because only one
of us can occupy the Quantum state of knowing this stuff, and that's me
(LOL!) Communication then, is Anyonic? Meme me up!
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 23:03:47 -0700
Subject: Magick, Faster Than Light?
Nick Herbert, (Author of the useful "Quantum Reality") "Faster Than
Light: Superluminal Loopholes in Physics" pg 59:
Table III: Fourteen Things That Move Faster Than Light:
Scissor-blade intersection
Searchlight beam
Eclipse shadow
Perfectly rigid rod
Galloping waves
Quasar expansion
Plasma phase velocity
Marquee Lights
Comet Tail
Oscilloscope trace
Neptune and Pluto
Expansion of Space-time
"Practical speed" of NAFAL ship
Notes: The Comet tail may be used to significate this value in
association with Magic Mirrors in "New World" Mesoamerican Art (Anthony
Avenni "Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico" pg 15 (?) is one example. (There
is another in G. C. Valliant, "Aztecs of Mexico" pg 240 with Moctezuma
where the magic mirror *is* the head of a bird ie is made of material
the same or comparable to the magnetotactic inclusion of magnetite with
which birds supposedly navigate by the earth's magnetic feild.
Neptune and Pluto are rather interesting in this; does not the very sign
of Scorpio suggest something getting ahead of itself? What practical
value might this have in materialism oriented magic?
Expansion of spacetime may be quite common on a smaller, microcosmic
scale in numerous magical instances.
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 23:49:47 -0700
Subject: Mythological Magic &...
Several impressions from a monkey with a typewriter:
The Wheeled Club of the Dagda: Iridological Observer Created Reality;
(and possibly Stereoscopic Observer Created Reality?)
Reads Iridological patterns (Iris of Eye, see Iridology) to influence
the output of materialization devices in regards to what is most
appropriate or the individual recipient of worldly goods from the
process. It can see it in my eyes I would hog the Haagen-Das, so none
for me or none too much or whatever. Supplimental: The wheels= the Wheel
of Fortune, Quantum/ State/ Element Cycles Cardinal points
The involvement of the Swimming principle, or Flotation testing need not
necessarily be used to have the proceed of materialization physically
lifted but may of course be incorporated. Some of the thermodynamics
that may be involved may be macrocosmic replicas of various agencies
governing wave-functions, like Thermodynamics of large bodies and light
conserve some comparable performance values. Thermal energy and gravity
are ostensibly two of the two key players in hologram energies like
heat, which can pass thru and provide data about the interior of
objects, of course. Gravity governs the indicative actions of buoyancy/
specific gravity... Thus also could the collapse of the wave function
be: harnessed, copied or otherwise involved in the process? Remodulation
of wave function effects provide a more direct source between two
configurations? Who might have used this technique when?
Other temporally-projective/ prognosticative ideas like fractal particle
effects and development situations for probability threads may of course
be considered.
And thus this type of system will also prognosticate what is
particularly appropriate for a particular person and incorporate it into
the direction of the assembling material.
This is all remarkably well known, and the world at large considers it
How? You're kidding! :-) Go on! :-)
Coverely, Iridological informaion might also be used as input in the
flotation test also.
Of course I am just making it up. Always. And, I am a Chimpanzee. Tarzan
is getting his beauty rest, honest... Monkeys discover fire, smoke
bananas and
bingo... Zoopharmacognosy. Next week: A hundred monkeys in a room with
pop-tarts pan Hamlet, creating more questions than are answered, as
Here is a rumour worth starting?: The detail on the petals of many
Carnations being shaped like a chevron or roof of a household
replicator, that is what they are for, the abundant grassy leaves
Symbolize Probability threads? Other Carnations have grassy tops or
bracts, and darkened coloring.
This symbol may be seen as a sign of "Binding energy", however it may be
applied. A certain Soapwort, (Saponaria specie) a relative of Carnation
was initially conspicous and had tachiness or stickiness to its
qualities also. These probably reflect on Rupturewort or Herniawort as
to how it might work Energetically... Carnations may be *moxas*, another
potential energetic value, and there are additional supportives...
But, like, everybody knows this stuff right? Like the feild resonance
thingies of the Glaucos school that keep sea creatures from squishing
way down there are related to some possible feilds that acquire and
arrange atoms; the pattern of the poppy, the Wheel, Arianrhod's wheel,
etc, are also suggestive of Circularly polarized light techniques per
Tam-Happer's experiment, which seems also rather corroborative for an
initial effort...? Or is Cheetah just giving himself a
multidisciplinarian headache?
Hmmm... Okay the little indoor temple replicators roof simulates a Phase
conjugate beam device? Or a beam splitter? Or a prism? Jeez, maybe I
should just pick one and try to stick to it, life can be so short, you
know...Cheetah is also short... Cheetah suggests storing patterns as
probability threads, in the pile that it is sitting on, converting to
large magnetic bubbles (=Grapes of Dionysos, Perephone's pomegranate,
going underground to retieve themes congrous; Buirsephone, Bear + "--" a
Chtonic????) and having the selected one rise up and give guidance to
matter-Tunneled? ooh, new one, Tunneling effect in matter stream (what
else would it be? And does that mean we can diregard collisions with air
molecules as the atoms are assembling? Have details, will sweat...
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 10:09:55 -0700
Subject: Magic Mirrors: Hows and Whys
Um, just basically, I have this idea taken off of Radiometers, those
wind vanes in an evacuated glass bulb that turn rapidly from light
shining on them, where theone side of the fins panted black is said to
cause light to accellerate before striking them; does this mean that
black mirrors cause light to accelerate befrore striking them also? How
fast might it be going, enough to break the light/ time barrier? Does
this mean that the nun-gard sterile feild generator has temporal
component possibilities? Hmmm, amuletics now these nuns are dabbling in?
How might this implication of tachyons or a similar faster than light
force delineating information from some future event that *has already
happened* differ from the probabilistic outlook of divination?
Can this tachon view of information coming from *the* future be
something other than [pre] determinism? Would compromise be to say that
this information is from the most solid future or strongest probability
or am I spinning wheels looking at the stick from the wrong end [or an
end at all instead of the middle] by sticking my little linear mentality
into a non-linear area? Does non-linearism allow for anything other than
pre-determinism, like it has All Already Happened in a Non-Deterministic
Sense but *we* live x amount of time behind it...
What utilarian [food on the table] concepts if any might come from this
discourse if persued a little further? Ah, Philosophy, friend of
magick.... [It is of course how little I do with it all that makes it
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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