Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 22:44:37 -0800
Subject: Re: Challenges taken up
(Digest 22:)
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 22:44:37 -0800
Subject: Re: Challenges taken up
Ok, stop teasing, let's have the atom/universe theory... I
promise I won't give you a hard time, I used to draw weird pictures I
still don't even understand of how you could get from one side of the
universe to another by travelling two inches of the same in microcosm. I
wish I had a clue in a million years how you'd implement that, though.
(Oh no, now I'm envisioning a phase conjugate process warpdrive and Zeus
raises a lightning bolt menacingly, and warns, "remember Prometheus?"
Could only come out decent if there was a muse in that sentence, but
isn't there always? Little gnomes waltz up to the chart of the 3-d
scalar vector potenial and micheiviously -but deftly?- relabel it a
transwarp conduit? Healing space itself? Okay, so I'm a ditz. Entropy
replacing a degenerate semiconductor? Duck l' orang? I dunno.)
About the living organism, I wish I knew a better way to describe
destructive people in this sense.
Many are bewildered, and just trying to get in out of the elements like
the rest of the monkeys, or pay the $ piper. But I think what you said
is for intents and purposes accurate probably.
Maybe we're supposed to be the antibodies really, though, or that's our
potential anyway, or most of us? If only Mother Nature would throw trees
at the *meritous*...
Beats me, but then I suppose I shouldn't get fooled into thinking that
facing up to nature isn't the largely the whole battle on an individual
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:06:05 -0800
Subject: Fwd on Occult Chemistry
This fresh from the USA-Tesla digest, a nice site on the Occult
Chemistry/ Occult Viewing of Atoms that is on my own webpages, it will
be awhile before the link appears since I'm mostly only adding links
20-40 at a time now.
Hooray, the Thesophists I admire have elements named after them
unofficially for kicking butt really bad when they weren't playing Hari
Krisha to the hilt. Pardon my attitude there but I Followed that path in
my youth 'till I got sick of and very sensitive to how many yoga
positions I was supposed to master until the great ones can content
themselves I'm not going to make nukey-poo out of whatever real stuff
they render... and besides like it says on my website, I don't know at
all that they weren't really peeking down one of Tesla's microscopes,
you all seen the pages on his affiliations with Vedic material and its
exponents yet? So far it's in the links from my Tesla links somewhere,
but I do need to get that out forward more... Yea, pop-tarts out of
"Aether whirls", cinnamon rolls should be a cinch.
I'm, er, of healthy skepticism about any products at this site having
only 3 minutes to contemplate on them at this point, and I don't know
whether to giggle or exclaim for joy that someone is using those earthly
forces that Crowley describes in the Thoth tarot, the Art trump. Or
*worse* is touching on what I suspect the Sioux were doing with their
magic two centuries ago, or whomever else, some Very funky refinements
on radiogeothemal energy?
If these are not the same thing... Directional casting and flux tubing
and all of that are a promising little utilarian sub-paradigm of their
own, but I can't name any recent masters.
Getting the text nice concise and in my face like this is making me
think harder about Occult Chemistry, maybe the four missing elements
aren't there but they would be at the frequencies of the quarters or
magical elements? These are supposed to be the frequencies for genuine
Clairvoyant Microscopy?
And detuning overwhelms people? I should give up the whole file but I'm
afraid someone might get freaked by the novelty or something...
And I'm not sure that the symbolization of oxygen in the molecule shown
in Von Daniken's "The Gods and Their Grand Design" isn't more along the
lines of the value of Oxygen as an "either way" chiral than with the
possibility of fractional quantum values, I just know that's going to be
affiliated with "the life force" (Hills), prana in a positive mode,
Orgone (Reich) and so on...
There Might be something in the lack of distinctions of elements in the
ancient molecular diagrams of Mesoamerica that could have to do with the
quantum hooplah about using an atom to view an atom, although I don't
think anyone's buttered all of the toast with it yet. Shoot where are my
papers on QND (Quantum non-demolition) stuff?
Denken zie shinen gedankenen... (huh?)
"He the GOD rises like Posiedon from the great sleep of the sea, reaches
out to caress the glittering sun loke the cheek of a lover, tastes his
first ever sweet breath of air, cathes first sight of infinite majesty
and realizes, "Oh sh*t I'm a mammal. I gotta go get a ******* job"...
(from "Crows Don't Pay Taxes: Tax Evasion Through Shapeshifting" by
Chronos Apollonios, only $49.95 from Apollonios Incorporated... not
including tax. Void where prohibited by law. Allow 6-8 years for
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:55:39 -0800
Subject: Secret of Life or Sally Struthers Syndrome: Musings on Immortality
you'd think I'd leave well enough alone after that last post, but no,
there is room for philosophy and sheer rhetoric on the pallete too alas.
I'm wondering if anyone has any feedback on the Immortality material out
there on the net?
granted, I can actually feel the moon moving into Cancer and am
literally ready to weep for the world-that-should-be never mind my usual
flip Caprices... and Yes, starving orphans... and Yes, makes me prolific
when writing...
okay, $650 to go to a meeting when they don't have a game plan is asking
a bit much to swallow, but do you suppose it's taking hold because it's
touching a nerve, filling a need, that it's even worth the price of
admission to some?
I mean, it seems like the world is so hard-wired into "the fact of
living and DYING" that anyone who says people shouldn't die is like the
first person to say they don't WANT me to die, let alone the usual
passionate insistance, it would be so easy to mistake on the emotional
level for the first persons that ever said that they love you in the
most strikingly sincere of ways that I'd be ready to have a weeping
catharsis at the thought myself, consumer-advocate of the Gods or not,
and Yes, that may be a very helpful breakthrough emotionally, that could
help people walk the talk a lot better.
A lot better than I do now.
Fortunately it is only the possession of half a clue
rather than the sentiment that theoretically distinguishes us from
"lower" animals? Perhaps the proponents are rather immune to this
catharsis, perhaps they are catalysts?
At least it IS good to see what happens next, as they are starting to
hash out the details of what needs to happen if such a reality arises.
I can still remember how my involvement with magic leaned so hard at the
time on an erroneous notion that each thought in the brain might have a
unique neuropeptide signature, and maybe you had to think immortal to
have the biological stuff for it. Maybe that's rubbish- probably- but it
was the first time that the particular illwill mankind bears to one
another in insisting on the inevitabilty let alone the absolute
propriety of mortality, or the rampant victim mentality of mortality,
became an unignorable roar.
Not that I'm going to stoop to any astrological bigotry here or feel
like a victim myself but on top of it being any wonder I cannot help
from thinking how the ancient power that thrived in the age of Leo has
been reduced largely to fluffly bunny paganism and oddball inventions
(think who that's coming from too) in the age that you might expect, all
signs having their negative potentials, is it a negative characteristic
of this age to dutifully walking off the edge of the abyss forgetting
that this is a disservice to the fellow doing so next to us, who could
be following for all I know? Is that courage, or is courage when someone
has the guts to say that death is a lie? When I personally say in my
sweet little way "You want me to WHAT?" And then I want to say what
Schwartzenegger says in Terminator when asked if he's got a dead cat in
there... even if I'm too chickensh*t to do so...
Just hoping I'm on the right path... not saying Aquarius is the opposite
of love, but for such humanitarians to have such unhumanitarian things
going on, er, um, may be a wee trouble with diet?
(Cholesterol, magnesium deficiency, mild hypoglycemia, phosophorus
wasting... possibly footwear functions?) Doesn't hurt to wonder...
Of course that's exactly what I would say with Uranus in Virgo, innit?
I DO love you all and I wish you all eternal, blissful, corporeal life,
the Ultimate Experience.
(I'll be over this in a few days, but hey, keep the $650 bucks anyway,
ok? If anyone proves reincarnation this week, we might have died in each
other's arms too many times already...)
Walk the talk,
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 02:55:08 -0800
Subject: My Kind-of-Celtic Thing...
I don't get to see much on the Triskele and Cauldron, as much as I
should. I do feel as comfortable maybe more so with this than the Greek
stuff oddly enough, in spite of my hopelessness at correct pronunciation
in the realm.
There were a couple of good links the other day on Celtic-L, and I found
something on cauldrons on an
Inner Sanctum site. I'll try to remember to get the URL's and post them.
I am wondering if anyone on Occulthaven has anything to share about
these? Especially the Triskele. I know what's said is said, but I'm sure
what is right about it could go so far as being all things to everyone.
Granted Celtic-L seemed stumped on what the twelve sacred Druid herbs of
the cauldron were,
that are mentioned in Tadg MacCrossan's book.
I've said spirals are likely superconductors, amplifiers, particle
accelerators and so on, and it's no surprise there are reports of stone
carved Triskeles giving people electric shocks. It also looks from the
Newgrange carvings that they are supposed to suggest a particular
quantum state, the diamond shapes flanking them could indicate
Einstien-Bose statistics/condensation. Um, I haven't seen This in
Mesoamerican stone carving have I? Probably.
Um, not wanting to jump into trying to hammer anyons into decoupling and
uncoupling neutrinos and photons just yet, but I associate the Triskele
with time: Past present and future. Depending on the chirality of each
arm, there may be a different basic purpose to each variation?
There are aspects of alleged time-field generation, but, um, why do I
think that if the flow of time can be measured by states of
organization, or if we are talking about more odd uncoupled states of
composite neutrinos, that maybe someone thought to bypass all of this
phase conjugation crap and went right around it, establishing various
states of organization by pumping in a simulation of phase conjugate
ordering of the particle's constituency that was arranged by other
methods? Or that the input was ordered before it was fed into a system
rather that while it was in a system?
(I mean isn't the very idea of reactance in electric circuits, that they
behave differently at different frequencies, that so easily describes
much magick if you want to go about it that way, kind of implying this
also? That their states of order are affected?
Wait, isn't what you get for using high frequency to prevent losses or
the tenacity of static cling saying we already know where the much
coveted basics of "reguaging" systems against loss are located? Looks
like I've become heir to finding a million ways to describe something to
get out of having to actually produce one myself. I REALLY AM A
SCIENTIST! Now Igor get paycheck, master, grunt, snort?)
And how many magickal things does that imply can be described in such
terms? So far as all of the direct dramatic and demonstrable? And such a
flexibility could imply why associative memory may have been so availed
in priming the sacred objects?
So besides running a risk of Being a "Beardonian" free-energy device...
I am wondering if it sounds correct to anyone's intuition that the
cauldon or three legged pot may have been often placed with its legs
within the arms of a Triskele. The odd part is that this is My
intuition, and I cannot begin yet to explain exactly why this would be
done, other than maybe replacing fire to power up the system? Does it
need that? Or only at consecration? Wouldn't associative memory be most
efficient not only to call up a certain state of self organization, but
to set up the recycling of energy in the system?
So netrinos travelling in 3's? now. Being anyons? Yup, maybe, and the
fourth Beatle maybe off to free a nearby electron and possibly without
one being missing...
And isn't this maybe the same explanation as scientists gave for their
floating frogs? And if I dig up that post from a real physicist he will
be saying the same thing?
I'd have to be functionally illiterate (I am) not to be beaming in
pop-tarts already...
High on Magick again, ain't I? And what's this to do with the stuff in
the last link? Och, I'm gettin' a headache... but hey... can you not
almost taste the pop-tart? One cannot go on forever raising more
questions than one answers, can one?
Life, so many beautiful choices! Cool! COOL!
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page: