Chronos Chronicles

August 1997 Part Three

== Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 13:45:24 -0700
Subject: Re: Sage... and Judy-ism too....


Hello, sticking faithfully to the Occulthaven tradition of adulterating my silliness with a little Occultism...

Have thought over Salvias a little, I suggest Clary Sage or Turkestan Clary (**Pope Sage**) probably as an addition to regular sage, to permit astral mobility...not like you couldn't add an astral projection inducer like DIttany of Crete, or maybe even Saintjohnswort, all according to mine own borderline mystical meditations...

Now, I did a websearch on Judy-ism, and I must admit it was rather challenging, but I thought the following that I found might prove interesting...

(sender: DBTOWACUTR: Database of Totally Off-The-Wall-And-Clear-Under-The-Table Religions)

JUDY-ISM: The principle pantheon of Judy-ism is as follows:

1. A scarecrow
2. A tin man
3. A cowardly lion
4. Dorothy, the Supreme Goddess
5. A good man but a very bad wizard, the Supreme God
6. Toto, the evil one, who has personally lifted his leg on the entirety of the afforementioned characters
7. The wicked witch of the west, a minor mortal character serving as a Gardnerian proptotype

The ten principle beliefs of Judy-ism are as follows:

1. Ruby slippers are the most powerful magickal items it is possible to own.
2. A house is a good counter-magic to use on witches.
3. One's spirtual path can be most closely adhered to by following the yellow brick road.
4. The wicked witch of the west doesn't have a whole closet full of brooms for some strange reason.
5. We're not in Kansas anymore.
6. There's no place like home.
7. Anytime you want to find happiness, you must never look further than your own back yard, even if it Is a stinking old pig wallow.
8. Anytime you are up to your *ss in trouble, a good witch will descend in clouds of gossamer and glitter to bail your *ss out, but then and only then, after you've probably already wet yourself.
9. The hypotenuse of an Isoceles triangle is equal to the square of the sum of the two remaining sides.
10. oh, $&#$&# #$&#&#&$ #%&*#!!!, I should have tied down that &$%&$% hot air baloon...
(and the unofficial but mandatory eleventh precept,
11: Margaret Hamilton looks the same with or without makeup.)

Requirements for preisthood/ priestesshood:
Women: An *ss-kicking pair of spiked-heeled red shoes and an uncanny ability to tap dance in them

Men: The ability to chant, O-Le-O, E-O-O anywhere lower than an octave below middle C
(Curiously, the followers of Judy-ism are almost entirely men...)

Apply to:

The Judy Garland *Getting-Preposterously-Carried- Away-With-This-Fan-Club-Thing* Fan Club
Hollywood, (where else?), CA, (where else?)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 18:41:44 -0700
Subject: Re: Need Help

Hi All...

I'm glad to see people have been answering this one... being always one to bring up the rear, I thought I'd throw out a couple of thoughts...

I've had problems with alcoholism in the past. And I'm one of those people A.A. couldn't have helped in a million years. It's hard to be force-fed *The Good Book* with the program, and then want to treat *The* God like a cheap substitute for a drunk or a high. I read the N.A. manual and gagged on it, yelling, "God IS NOT DOPE".

(Or the preposterous hypocrisy of being fed the *evil* of drugs in N.A. because they don't happen to feel like recognizing that Rastafarianism is a religion too with a right to sacrament just like Catholics and wine.

I couldn't find any conception of working with what separates the shaman working with entheogens/ pyschotropics from the person drowing in their problems, namely that the shaman does what he does with a steadfast sense of purpose,

What changed my life is when I realized it was time to fight, even though I knew no one would really offer me help, or cared if they did... and when I resisted for the first time in my life, I instantly saw the process become so exaggerated that it couldn't hide. I was actaully telling myself, *hey, you gotta go to the liquor store, you gotta man, you're an alcoholic, you love it you need it, you gotta have it, hurry up man, the liquor store is closing", etc, ad nauseum.

There was no meditative introspection necessary to observe the subtle processes of the mind trying to defeat itself, no twelve steps, none of it. What I saw in an instant made me so sickened that I rebelled, compensated, went to the opposite extreme, and said to myself, "Hey, you're a sober, dry guy. You're NOT an just don't say that with a drink in your hand anymore, or you'll be a hypocrite; you DON'T need a drink, you just need to stop telling yourself you do".

For the first two weeks it was shaky, I had to go in the bathroom, growl at the mirror, and slam one fist into the other palm as I chanted the affirmation; I had to be passionate but by the end of this time, this baldface lie had become truth, and has been so ever since. Full recovery. I can drink as little or as much as I want, as often or seldom as I want, and unless I drink much every day for several weeks. there isn't any pull whatsoever to do it first thing in the morning, every day of my life.

And while the outreach ministry downstairs handed me a Bible for my well being, and sent me off to dig for this wisdom like a needle in a haystack when I was too screwed up to hold the book rightside up, was written, ****"As a man thinkest in his heart, So Is He"*****... (Of all the talk about the methods Christians use, look at what they Don't use!!!)

*****I don't think I need a drink anymore!!!!!*****... Fortunately other walks of life with or without religions have their own words for it....

Not twelve steps. ONE STEP. Just in case the A*A can't pull this one off either... Worked for me, anyway. And sometimes I take l-glutamine from the healthfood store around the time I drink, so I won't have that hangover the next day that tempts me with the hair of the dog trick, namely, drinking to cure a hangover. Good food sources of the amino acid l-glutamine are melons and squashes.

Love and Blessings,
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 19:29:22 -0700
Subject: Re: Returned mail: User unknown


I wish I was ambitious enought to go dig in my Greek Anthology, (Loeb edition) I think that's where there's one about a mother bird who froze so that her chicks could live. Animal martyrdom. I think he actually scolded the Gods because their reputations couldn't match up!

Doobie Brothers: Without love, where would you be now? Jackson Browne: I love ya, man, what else would I do?

Good magick.


Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 10:47:46 -0700
Subject: Golden Dawn Shamans


Having mentioned this discovery yesterday in the Pop-Tarts post, of reference to shamanic practices in a Golden Dawn manuscript, I find myself in apparent need of help to make further progress...

C. L. Zalewski, *Herb in Magic and Alchemy*, appendix 4, *Astral Contact With Plant Life* refers to a Golden Dawn manuscript called *the Book of Wylyn* and apparently reprints part of it.

But the bibliography doesn't clearly identify if this is one of the "Unpublished manuscripts of the Golden Dawn from "Whare Ra" and "Thoth/Hermes" Temples, New Zealand. Or how long ago the manuscript was written. Or it's author. Or further explain *Wylyn*; is that Welsh? And it means?

The introduction refers to Florence Farr and Dr. Burridge in ths contact, whom I've never heard of and don't know of any of their works.

Is the publication actually *The Ayton Papers*, published by Ellic Howe?

Does anyone have any information on this manuscript, these matters, or these persons? ( have nothing against this inquiry being forwarded to other lists as well...)

Sincere thanks,

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 14:22:24 -0700
Subject: Re: Golden Dawn Shamans

…prank of being set off to make Enochian evocations/ invocations for a wasteful period of one's life and one day a *master* pops up and puckishly announces how gullible he thinks I am for doing so, instead of doing Magickal Eymology on the syllables. (the old joke about *Smart Pills* comes to mind, along with many complaints from the G. D. roster admonishing the ambitions of initiates, Crowley on would-be goldmakers must be fully notorious... Seems they might have found dishing out the shamanic ordeal of disgusing the teachings fair in the face of their own traditional shamanic ordeal of getting anyone interested in them.)

Moreso that the Kessinger catalog I dug up Does carry one of Farr's books, *Egyptian Magic*; the elaborate, giddy and amusing lists of equivalencies that begin Egyptian evocations should be notorious for being little more than execises in oral tradition, much as Native American animal costumes often serve.

In context, I think the identification of *Wylyn* as Waylan may indeed be correct, *Norse Magic* by D. J. Conway, pg 164, lists Healing among his attributes. I don't suppose I should assign it to coincidence that the name resounds with the same root as *wellness* and *wholeness*; it may have further been chosen to imply that these tradtions were well founded in Germanic & Celtic societies, and is reflected in myth.

I also expect this to be reflected in Yeat's work, although my texts sit in the towering stack that may have to wait for this winter for me to read. One reprieve is that the tradition is that one should be able to spot allusory texts by title, or other conspicuous clues; "The Old Age of Queen Maeve" being conspicuous for its ideosyncracy of the aging of an ageless faerie.

My browsing of the titles seem to touch more on echoes of an eagerness to tie the phenomena in with other outstanding phenomena, I suspect the *Swimming of Medicines*, and to draw it to it's logical conclusions; surely the term *Astral Hypochondria* must be reserved for the highest order, but within That I see a basis for advancing both the construction of amulets that use the contact method between man and plant to ward against all illness, and those concerning love which benefit physically shift the method of contacting past life or contemporary persons out of the mode of contacting plants, where the effect is unconcious and precipitative of illness. Of course I am merely speculating at this point.

Certainly, Yeat's interest may be revealed through a glance at the table of contents of his collection of *Fairy and Folktales of the Irish Peasantry* for example, replete with a whole chapter on "WITCHES, FAIRY DOCTORS" ...

...But I hold the hope at the moment that in Yeat's works will be revealed another group of icon-keys to myth and legend that have elsewhere been untended or obscure...

Within the system of appropros that is preferred, it might be that Waylan, the rare smith/healer, is chosen because the smithy represents his iron, which represents magnetism; indeed this is exactly what the Theosophists profess about such contaanct between persons, and of course, this *Astral* contact with plants, that the effect is magnetic in nature... another truth, if true, that would avail much instantly about working in harmony with these effects and forces...

...And that the conspicuous weight of the iron serves as a symbol for the weight, gravity, Cartesian and other expressions concerning the *Swimming Ordeal* for the evaluation of approriateness of various materials and objects to corresponding situations...

...And whatever multitude of traditional truths might be implied through such scant references... Which ideally are made with the intent that a word to the wise will suffice...

Of course, what do I know, having left my brain in my other pants, leaving me free and positioned to speculate my *ss off...

Moron the story as it develops...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


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