A few typical correspondent Overpopulation solutions from one of theneighbor kid's Science Projects, hee hee hee...
1. Wolf Hilburtz and electro-accretion: Modify, setupinterlocking complex of "skyscapers" ie SEA-SCRAPERS in circles tocreate waste processing enclosures and fish/ algae farmingConsider using the ocean as a giant salt battery, (Robin Leach for"Silver Lightning" Jewelry Cleaner) but DO NOT deplete the Earthselectromagnetic feild in the process. I like Atmosphere. Do you likeatmosphere?
2. Attitude: Virgin unspolied mountants look like the biggest oftombstones to me. I will be a sad and lonely soul until they are coveredwith countless Chinese immigrants stringing Chinese lanterns all overthem and smiling and waving. Stop the funeral.
3. Deserts suck. Life kisses. Hug your cacti at home, they are not astaple food. Not even nopalitos.
4. Earthscrapers: Too bad Freud was wrong or we would have been buildingbuildings seventy stories DOWN not up and using the fill dirt to fill inthose diked off and drained enclosures like the Dutch.(50, 000 acres at a time, but it easier to just use electro-accretion tobuild a sea-wall.) Any one want a job?
5. Florida gets bigger on her own. Just leave it to the Mangroves.
6. JudeoChristian/ other ethics: LIFE IS SACRED!!!please try to act accordingly....
7. How to put and feed five generations of a family on five acres usingGarden Rooms and Indian Farming; Amaranth as a grain (see RodaleResearch Institute); Covering with Ivy, building with stones, howAncients make concrete...
8. Reclaiming sand dunes as viable agricultural land by putting downtenacious, drought-tolerant, Nitrogen fixing and edible-seededSagebrushes, Wormwoods and other related plants, including Verbascum sp.MULLEIN which can produce 3,000,000 seeds per plant (= next generation3,000,000 square feet of land reclaimation) in a year if the main spikeis cut back at the ground after seeding. Mine in the yard "bushed out"not with 2 new spikes, but with TWELVE...
9. Space travel: Howard Wachpress & Unpaired-Pole Magnetic LevitationSystems cf. Magic Mirror literature, Alan Holt's NASA papers, andPassionflowers tring to join the space race by growing saucer designs onthem, and UFO-shaped Amaranth seeds, serendipitously full of smart-drugsno doubt. Tom Bearden (sic?) on a good day. Start Trek, N.G. as areligion: Minor Gods: The Traveller, Reg Barclay, Trans-warp conduit,Soliton waves in the hands of inherent optimists, and Wormholeinduction. Temporal offsets by Oliver Nicholson "Time Dilation in TeslaCoil" studies, and Chronos Apollonios, the living treasure and his question, what happens to time dilation models if youfly your ship in a circle at the speed of light, and non-linear/orthorotation of the time dilation vector according to models of Chaosin fluid dynamics, four-layer model and breaking point, See: John Briggsand David Peat, "Turbulent Mirror", page 51, compare the inherent number4 with 4 in the soliton wave on page 133 of the same book...;Philosophers as Practical People: Propulsion Systems derivable fromabstract logic and Xeno's Paradox.
10. Get a grip. According to my calculations, the earth couldcomfortably accomodate AT LEAST some 3,000 times it's present populationwithout even getting into the ocean, which covers WHAT percent of theearth? (I say, Can I Get A Witness?!?!? Hep me, hep me, AMEN!)
11. Palingenic dinners, beam 'em right in, Scotty.Mother Theresa will pass, that's cool...Multiwave oscillation (Kozyrev?) in the element tuning sweep, multiwaveinherency of alkali residue, the life force, Scalar spectral diodes withstable isotope mixes in nature instead of (Moray King, Rex Researchreprints, modified concept) Posts by Chonos Apollonios...
12. Compared to what the human race COULD have been right now, we havean UNDERpopulaion problem.
13. Okay, YOU look those "excess baggage" welfare kids right in the eyeand tell them they are a "burden" that should never have born... YOUtell them you wish they never had been... and I hope they gouge youreyes and bust your groin. My nephew does, and he's worth all theruptures he can dish out.
15. Water: Air wells, Laser-drilling, Condensation science, Magic PaganBuckets and Electrum Science
16. Land management priority shifts, Stewardship Programs and LandGrants, Self-Sufficiency Grants for Welfare Recipients, Good oldfashioned Christian helpin' each other out. Habitat for Humanity everysquare mile. Taxpayer? I'm a goldmaker!
(17. SUPPLIMENTAL: You ladies could at least say "Hi who are you andwhat secrets is your soul hiding, I'm dying to know" while I'm in amajor urban area or on-line... whatta I gotta do, who do I gotta be, f'rChrissakes? Um, then again, maybe this one is my fault. (This is anotherUnderpopulation problem) Okay, what secrets are your souls hiding?Beautiful, splendid secrets...
Just my humble opinions... Being I have an Italian soul, and my mother(and everyone's mother) is (therefore) a Saint. You do not bury Saints,Cappici?
Okay, now let's make the magic
Still one of the greatest joys in my life when I discovered thebook, "Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki" ("Indians") and the work by GladysTantaquidgeon with the same kind of "divinatory diganostic" ideas aboutmedicine of the Iroquis and Deleware, and realized they were saying thesame thing as Pausanias says about the a Temple of Ceres in his guide toGreece, where offerings were floated to see if they were bad or good,just as the tribes mentioned were sayed to have performed the old "WitchTest" on medicines to see if they were right for the patient inquestion.
I have gone on to trace this phenomena in more subtle concealed terms inmany cultures, including the Knights of the Roundtable and the legend ofLugh/ St. Columba (sic?).
When I began my quest, though, I came out of electronic music, armedwith books by Christopher Hills (resonance, everything is resonance,resonance, resonance, resonance like that knob/ slider on thesynthesizer) and the faintest knowledge of holography. I realized it waspossible to create a hologram of a person, feed it a hologram of amedicine, and produce a hologram of what would actually happen if aperson took the medicine represented.
I apologize for how long it took me to realize that the latter way ofpresenting may have been **inherent** (see "Implicate", below)in the older, more metaphysical way of describing it, due to any forcethat could act coherently and was already present in the situation, I amsure discussion may embrace many speculations here, and I hope it does.Personally, I am fairly content with the idea that these shamanicpractices may involve dynamic thermal imaging/ thermal holography. Ienthusiatically invite feedback from anyone about this, and I can giveyou other examples of spontanoeous coherence effects in heat/ thermalenergy if you'd like.
Keep in mind I wouldn't aspire to be a magician at all if I erroneouslybelieve thermodynamics to be non-reversible. David Bohm's INK DROPEXPERIMENT has proven that much. (See books by John Briggs and DavidPeat, "Turbulent Mirror" and "Looking-Glass Universe" for moreinformation about David Bohm and the inkdrop experiment, and the moreholographic view of reality, his terms "Implicate" and "Explicate" canbe used to help explain many things, hopefully for the freedom of magicand the rights of Pagans...
Kicking *ss for animal rights anyway; what next? More rights for people,too?
Hope so.
***** 12
It has been a long time it seems since Scott Cunningham introduced me tothe concept of Graveyard Dust and its substitutes; I'd love to hear moreon this subject, it is one of those I never see enough in lierature.
I have been left to wonder if it is one of those magical herbs whosetraditional uses were born out of the Doctorine of Signatures, beingthat Calendula used in ritual to "understand the *Language of Bird* hasa seed that might look like an ear covered by many little beaks, orMugwort, a magical lockpick has that "turnkey' signature that makes towant to tiwst the leaf upside down, usually as a trail marker, to seethe white underside like turning a key (also see "Pathfinder" a similarplant witth similar traditons in the Pacific Northwest, an Adenocaulonspecie, I believe.) being that much of the common Mullein is a greyishor silvery sort of color, ashen; perhaps like one might suspect for manysuch plants, (example: Atriplex sp., Saltbush) it betrays the presenceof certain salts. and may have been considered a Signature or divinelabel of this quality.
Perhaps Artemisias should not be above suspicion here of being possessedof significant magickal salts; I have mentioned they are nitrogen fixers;one grower in New Zealand speaks of all silver plants as dislikingfertilizers, (Nitrogen potassium phosophorus) as if they were makingthier own perhaps...
Given the remarkable role of salt in Ludo Chardenon's remedy forsunstoke in his little herbal, and some other correspondences, I havebeen wondering about Von Reichenbach's apparitions over gravesides, asPalingenic matrices or feild substrates, as if one "pushing up daisies"(another possible salt source, salts as in any salts) were OBE out theajna chakra; perhaps such apparitions confined to such a locus are onereason the disincarnate,or NEAR disincarnate don't get out much to knoweverything, as was mentioned here a little. earlier. Maybe calcium isn'tthe only alkali that keeps turning upover and over again in the goodmagical literature, actually, and indeed it is unlikely to be the soleplayer in Palingenics/ Palingenesy.
Salt (NaCl) or other salts also might be used in breaking fascinations.and perhaps in very related ways (in a less magical sense, Bone mealmight not be out of the question of OCD's).
I do not know what all this means exactly, maybe, but the recurringthemes Do become rather noticable after a while... I would be greatfulfor other similar references, and even a few more on AstologicalMedicines' 12 correspondent salts, besides the Vanda Sawtell book that Ihave, wouldn't hurt.
Many thanks