Sunday October 05, 2:24 PM
Subject: Galangal
All of the recent discussion about angels has reminded me of one of
Crowley's formulas for the
incense of Abramelin
One of the ingreedients is Galangal root, which has caused me the small
irritation of wondering just how close Crowley was to the makers of
Ginger Beer, how much he might have stood to profit by suggesting
Galangal at the expense of a less exotic or expensive herb, and what
nature intended for such a purpose that is a little more indigenous to
most of us.
Obviously, the gingery aspect alone, and possibly the chemistry also,
might be capable of indicting Ginger (Zingibera sp.), Wild Ginger
(Asarum sp.), and on to arums and aristolochiads like Sweet Flag
/Calamus (Acorus sp.) and BIrthwort (Aristolochia) respectively, as
possible substitutes in such a formula. Consequetly, I would also tend
to be very curious if any of these are used in Asian magic regarding
rituals involving ancestor spirits.
I think we have trasncended any need to dwell on the alleged mild
hallucinogenic properties of Galangal, (Occulthaven listowners do NOT
endorse or condone such notions, since either that helps keep us all out
of trouble here, or that leaves more fro us, or whatever), and can go on
to invoke binding and banishing herbs in general and so forth.
Still, what troubles me is that no matter how easily botany or chemistry
facilitate correspondences to the above list of possible sustitutes, I
find the correspondences themselves rather weird, which almost Never
I'm also curious about the possible etymoligcal clue (GalANGAL; ANGEL)
but even more so, does anyone have any suggestions, citations,
experiences or observations about this topic of Galangal substitutes?
Thanks &
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Monday, October 06, 1997 8:31 PM
Subject: #%#$ #$!!*% #$^#% #%#$
In minor news today, Chronos Apollonios suffered a severe power outage
due to... well, due to the power company being a bunch of pr*cks...
IN A TOTALLY UNRELATED COINCIDENCE, I have found Rex Research's folio on
"Free Energy Generators" (Infolio 095-FEG), featuring F.W. Prenctice's
method for "Electrical Power Accumulation": 1/2 mile of wire 6 inches
above the ground, loaded with 500 watts at 50KHz produces 3 KW by
tapping the earth's dynamo feild.
(Frank Wyatt Prentice, US patent # 253 765. Er, does that say 1923? the
copy is a teensy bit fuzzy but I'm pretty sure...)
Such a notion gives birth to subsequent rumours: Since the electrical
potentials are even higher in proportion to height (anyone remember
Itzak Bentov's "Stalking the Wlld Pendulum"? or TESLA?)
there is the stark possiblity that what with all those high tension
wires so way far up there that most of the electricity sold by power
companies is not even produced by them.
(Praise Diana our Eco-Queen & Brandish th' banishing herbs!)
Of course, its only a nasty rumour, and once again, my public advocacy
of such considerations has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that
the taste of *ssh*le is still fresh in my mouth, HONEST.
(What's occult about this? Oh, I had another rumour I wanted to start:
back in Methuselah's day people lived @900 years if they weren't struck
by lightning while loading a polygraph machine.
At least one of these occurances might be expected if the electrical
potentials in the air/ atmosphere were considerably higher then.)
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 07, 1997 9:17 AM
Habeus Corpus Copticus
My apologies to several persons still waiting for replies to personal
mails. Webtv's famous glitch&cut out trick has killed the fifth attempt
at a letter to Suzanne.
All this and having frozen off both buttocks this icy morning (yeah
yeah, I know, work on my Pranyama in my Pajamas...) I'm feeling slightly
constructive-militant & definitely anarchistic...
Okay I have No Idea what happened in translation here (The Gods on
Olympus chose a Penguin as their messenger again, or possibly a Slug?)
but it was shortly on the heels of deciding that the Balance so lavishly
attended in ancient Egyptian stuff was a replicator like on Star Trek
that I observed that every legal term known to me serves as a
recycling or pun regaring the operation of this device (can I get a
I would like to remind everyone of this. Granted, I haven't ramsacked
any legal libraries looking for more Coptic Clues as to how to beam in
the goods, but no doubt many magicians having discovered that Lawyers,
like bill collectors, are mysteriosly immune to everything from the most
hideously potent banishing rituals to common sense, that if there's
anything that works on them, maybe this will be it (wait, did I just
conjugate another oxymoron?).
Fortunately, this implies if the house burns down and I cant find an
alembic big enough for Palingenics with it, the first thing I want to do
is treat it like other other victims and draw an ouline around it with
chalk, habeus corpus or no habeus corpus.
Of course this could just be *wishful thinking*...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 07, 1997 11:18 PM
Re: Chi Versus Mana: The Next Generation
I hope this doesn't sound too irreverent, but is there some reason we
can't do accupuncture on voodoo dolls instead? Seriously...
Hmmm, I always hear of Moxa in a cone, just like incense. I think the
bundle of sticks is indeed part of the Unravelling ceremonies. Seems
like the use between Asia and Paciic Native Americans may be what James
A. Duke calls "vicarious". Terrible word I think maybe but that does
help alert some of us to
some things that readily expand our resources here.
This alone might be misleading, I have a collected list of moxas
somewhere, and I think the ethnobotany is easily into the Midwestern
Plains tribes; I will of course have to check. I should probably post it
when I dig it up.
Last I remember it seemed there was a lot of coincidence between herbs
for moxibustion and what is used for smudges- maybe recussitants in
I'm still intrigued with defining these things; perhaps there is
something particularly holographic about such energies that maintain
*cohesion* independendly from a mass, gravity center or interior of an
object or person.
The idea of intermediary states of Chi or Mana and transitions between
them might also be a matter of Quantum Statistics? It was sort of astute
it seemed like on Star Trek when they were talking about Anyons in
conjuction with nervous systems that had suffered the indispensible
teevee cliche of posession.
Would the same considerations fit well with OBE, or am I off the wall
totally here?
For some reason the mention of bundles in moxibusion reminds me of joss;
of course I think the Unravelling tecnique usually involved opening the
string on a bundle of the sticks and pulling one end like a ripcord so
they fly everywhere in the process.
So yarrow (joss sticks) would be a Moxa? ((Watch me work:))--->
(betonicine>--->Stachys specie--->hedge nettle---->Nettle---->
signature: Anything that is prickly? Hmm, I don't have a citation to
horehound as a Moxa..yet. But I'm pretty sure this is what Elusian
(Elusinian) myth implies about Dittany of Crete anyway (Diktyanna--->
Mopsus (=Moxos; =Moxa?) Nettle Would be worth a though?...Probably down
to spamming myself here... Maybe that's what they mean about Lamia, se
des accupuncture on her kids. No really. Dead nettle might be? Calcium
sure seems like part of Mugwort's workings at any rate.
Get back to ya all on these.
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Wednesday, October 15, 1997 9:46 PM
Better Bitters? Bblblbleecchh!
Hello! M*M
Wow, it's so quiet you can hear a pinhead drop
SoOoOoOo... "before I forget" (I always say that)
all that magic stuff to say about the symbolism of Bible Leaf
(=Costmary=Tanacetum sp= Chrysanthemum sp.) like *it's sacred to the
Virgin Mary and to Artemis (same difference)* pales besides my latest
discovery (g).
It roots in water, it's sooo easy to grow and smells sooo good, like
mint but even sweeter and PTAH! tastes Worse than Wormwood! FEH!
(Meaning it's gotta be good for you.) And here I bet people thought I
was full of it trying to pass off Wormwood as a suspect for Idries
Shah's *silverfish* in his book, "Oriental Magic".
(Chroni of course also refers to an obscure reference that Bible leaf
was put in Bibles to keep out silverfish. They might eat the ink and
make an elixir or something? tsk...) Who knows?
A good herbal? A Dictionary of Modern Herbalism by Simon Mills. Not a
bible, but a book worth looking into...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Thursday, October 16, 1997 8:38 AM
Daily Drizzle
I really shouldn't post off the top of my head, I could do better than
this for accuracy and thoroughness, but anyway...
In the Navaho ethnobotanical plant classification groupings, there's a
group called "Water Blackens It", meaning the plant surface is supposed
to be darkened by water. As usual, *technically* unrelated plants are
included based on this shared trait.
(Probably Ethnobotany of the Ramah Navaho, but I'd hafta check).
There seems to be so far very scant information on the significance of
this, but one member of the group is a saltbrush, an Atriplex sp.
The close members of the genus Atriplex (in the Chenopodiaceae, the
Lamb's Quarter family including Beets, and Spinach) are featured as Kiva
fuels, and one is listed as a water purifier... Hmm....
(Bioflocculant is a good key word for water purification plants... does
the Doctorine of Signatures graphically imply that all plants ending
with the species *floccosa* (I have a catnip of this name) will be
Interestingly, some of my Artemisias--- I think Silver King and Silver
Queen varieties--- seem to have this property of being darkened by
water. At any rate,
the literature seems strangely supportive of the mad desperate wishful
thinking of one recycled Apollo-preist, slightly molded and microwaved
like cold hash browns...
I got Volume 3, Issue 2 of "Wilderness Way" magazine; page 15 has an
article on Desert Survival Myths (& Facts, by David Alloway) that I find
both very interesting and very re-assuring that maybe I'm not
pathologically pre-occupied with water sourcing for nothing...
Dave's advice: "Just do not take for granted all of the techniques will
work without fail. Practice the techniques and find out for yourself
what works and what does not...Above all do not stake you life on
something you merely read. Do it for my sake- those Incident Report
Forms for a death in the park are tedious to fill out".
Now...Assuming you forgot to bring a peice of plastic with you, Dave...
Or maybe the wind just whipped it out of your hand...
Chroni the Sagebrush Dew-Sipper may have been promoted from
foul-tempered ursine to chief ranger? Just waiting for the paperwork to
catch up... while I leave it to Nature to continue to assert it's
serendipity: in case of those "incidents" the solutions are still
probably provided close at hand.
But, like Dave says, I wouldn't stake my life, I'd check it out first...
(But you'd guess that Atriplexes, the Saltbrushes are sacred to...whom?
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
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