***** 1

So what'll it be Lords and Ladys, a good THOROUGH discussion of resurrection? or, Say it with Flowers, a nice discussion of the Lamia and the defense of mothers everywhere from the sordid reputation of she whom the Greeks defined as "She who lames her children"?

Well, since I'm recreating, let's try with the flowers and work our way up. (Mind you some of my good works here are in the Arcana archives under The Night Hag, Annis, Artemis= Arthur and so on...)

Just was out in the garden inspecting the flowers. Lamia's botannical namesake, Lamium "Shell Pink is sprawling and blooming; it was the similar variety "Pink Pewter" in which I observed that the flowers, imaginatively seen to look like little humaniods, as such would have the arms reduced to a tragic and challenging stature. (According to the Law of Signatures, which theoretically upholds the Doctorin of Signatures, does some form of preparation of Lamium thus prevent birth defects? Proceeding thru other signature uses and the proposed ability to interact with Calcium, much like the calcium in the Nettle; lamium specie are again called often by the folk name, Dead Nettle, such specie as Lamium orvala have foilage that actually does look like nettle; most commercial varieties have a white stripe down the leaf or leaves all or mostly colored by silver.

Thus is this lame-looking flower the child that Lamia "lamed"? Add the idea that many may not come true from seed ("throwbacks") or the seeds may refuse to germinate without cold treatment or even freezing... "lame" too are the seeds that refuse to sprout in the usual way, although many plants do this.

I have proposed that this myth of the "Laming Mother" may appear as the Night Hag and even as Grey Aliens, perhpas according o the formula (Mom=milk=tryptophan, a neurotransmitter involved with the process); I have suggested that the sleep paralysis may be another of these so-called "Lamings" and the constriction on the chest so often reported in all these similar phenomena may be yet another; what i observe today is that the little line running down the hood of the flower (They look like they tell you those wide Chinese hats are good for you...) looks like the sternum or breast bone, a sign for of course the respiratory aspect.

Remarkable consistency, wouldn't you say?

(and it is only the beginning... I Dr. Doolittle actually talk to the plants...the animals just bark...)

Ok, be back next time to talk the fine points of Palingenics, where I compare the "stroking' method in Helena Blavatskky, ISIS UNVEILED (We will turn "woolgathering" into a household word that means something, and ponder Greek jokes about Zeus and a sheep...!!!) with the fine points of Witch's Milk, where the witch may stroke the axehandle that she buried in a post; the post was named Vitriol, or was that the horse hitched to it? Oh well, I WILL want to discuss Alchemic "Puffers" vs "Insufflators" so brush up and let's find out if they're the same darn thing... Unless you already know!!!!

***** 2

My favorite is that it may be the same 3 days generally required to kick the hard drugs, or the same 3 days of a wake...pretty interesting when the endorphin enkephalin work is pointing to something like a massive OD; brain opiates ARE creditied with the hallucinogenic parts of NDE, and other experiences of this kind. Re: Lamia, you know that small amounts of opiate are used in respiratory medicines over here? One might also wish to consider that some of these resuccitants are in genra likethe Artemisias, at least two of which areknown to help fight opiate withdrawal in some cases... Curiouser and curiouser, as they say...

It's also interesting where Native Americans came up with all these resuccitants, herbs they burn under your nose, and they are often talked about quite literally like they raise the dead, although the habitual Western mind can sacarcely resist, I suppose, saying "Well then the patient wasn't dead". It's also been good to see doctors poking holes right and left in the "six-minute limit" lately. You know how shamans might tend to humourously exxagerate; this would not seem to suggest they are on the wrong track here...as usual...

Just some thoughts....

But I will have to ig up some refs on Puffers and Insufflators; I mean, suppose they were onto something, actually; I know some other derrougetory terms that are quite groundless...

Choni "Back in the Saddle" Apollonius...

***** 3

The multiplicity of the entities that Queri mentioned is a very good point... Would this seem to suggest a sense of being out numbered? As you may know, the neurotransmitters we are talking about are related to social sense of well being; studies will point to serotonin depletion being realted to "antisocial" behaviour, not that I agree...

I am also intrigued by the mention of Ganesh's tusk in this context, because of both the attenion to calcium in the matter, but because I am reminded of Gates of Ivory and Horn and the Morpheus mythos. Might we consider whether false revelatory or false precognitive dreams are another class of laming, amongthe number of types that you mentioned that fit the myth with probably considerable accuracy?

I am again paying some attention to the fish-tail like lip of flowers of the genus Lamium; this also point to Diktyanna in the old Greek style, the sea godess who couldn't swim; another kind of lameness, but, also fish not having legs are "Lame" to the more comical interpreters. I am also reminded of when it is good to have sleep paralysis a little, as if one might sleep walk off a cliff or even into the sea if on a small island. Indeed, the herb of Diktyanna, Origanum dictamnus, or "Dittany of Crete", which Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled recognizes as sacred to Diktyanna, and a namesake of hers, besides being an astral projection aid IS cited for halting sleepwalking.

As to the Greys, I am not quite certain; they are generally a hypoxic color like also "pale milk"; or ashes contain salts, which can include calcium... I have often thought, though, this is very complex in particular, and yes, partly because it is so "protean", that is, changable, depending on the person's experience and environment...

***** 4

Hmmm... My own "laundered" traditions exclude ordeal rituals (and hallucinogens) and opt for the opinion that ordeal was the comical option, ie which do you like better, the Preist of Dionysos makes the vine grow miraculously, or do you want to be tortured (giggle)

I can't actually vouch for that mind you, but it would be in the spirit of travesty and hilarity that does seem to show through in the Eleusinian traditions, as clearly as in anyother like again the native American narrative traditions...

Then again, I DO take liberties with the material, in fact I spell Eleusinian," Elusian", after the elegantly short and simple chant, "E-ly-sa" still practiced in largely Northern Africa by grain harvesters, according to National Geographic... Again, simply some thoughts...

***** 5

You know, about that last post, I wouldn't change anything, but if I throw out hallucinosis, I do miss a wonderful opportunity to explore the actual workings here; and this is another point, my "laundered tradition" might opt for (perhaps similar to Native American representatives discouraging the use of pyschotropics) salvaging the role of Hallucinogens in these cultures as a figurative remark about tetany and some of he related side effects from some of the hallucinogens, the tetanic- seeming facial contraction known to some “trippers” as "permagrin"...

The value as I would maintain it, though, is the question of why such agents as psilocybin or Lysergic acid derivatives do not have significant toxic doses, or habituating effects. If endorphins and their group, and other substances we are discussing behaved like this, a lot of the problematic themes here might magically dissipate. It seems possible to me to maintain a marginal plausibility that there are medicinal shortcuts here that give a person for example the ability not to die of fright so easily; perhaps this is an alternate route to some of the benefits of ordeal? I cannot say that either would work for everyone, and I assume "both" (or more) traditions would probably stand side-by-side, although I don't feel entitled to advocate, since there is more for me to know, no doubt...

***** 6

Anyway, that's sort of interesting about society's objection to pyschedelics, like it was bad to be assigning a purpose to them. Many of the shamanic things I've read are totally opposite. Maybe they're just accepting that maybe people will do things anyway when they stress again and again how important is to HAVE a purpose when you alter your conciousness that way.

Some researchers are beginning to notice how this makes the difference whether someone is an occasional user or totally habituated in possibly destructive ways. I think alcohol to be an exception in my experience, though; very hard for me to keep a clear sense of purpose with it. One reason that I've very largely quit it altogether...

***** 7

While I would consider the idea of puffing in Alchemy to be sort of dubious, on the grounds again that goldmaking is sort of a dubious goal in itself, IMHO, I am also reminded within the evening's postings that Mana, Ki, etc. are referrential to breath, thus it rings of some modest legitimacy to consider such a possible significant force in "puffing" or "insufflation". Perhaps some distinction of the two terms can be made over whether or not an apparatus such as a belows is used for the operation in question? I am also reminded of elemental condensers and charging or the more literal meaning of enchantment, such as of an object, in magic.

However, I think perhaps that one of the more rewarding way to approach this has been to consider kinesis as a magical force. This comes from a rather peculiar point of origin for me, John Lust in "The Herb Book" dwelling on the use of Boneset to combat Northern Winter ailment symptoms where "better by motion" is an aspect.

At one point I decided that from what I could tell, the Aztecs, in whom there is a great deal of blurring between different roles in society, not incidentally, would treat a patient who simultaneously suffered a "better by motion" and a "worse by motion" (bio-energetic medical paradox) by compromising, and metaphysically connecting the patient and a javelin, which was then, conventionally, thought to be launched out of a javelin thrower at an impressive velocity. Thus the patient who shoud be moved but should not, has been moved, and yet has not.

There are also many subtle indicators in the designs of the javelins and other objects of uncertain value, such as the "ritual weapons" made of obsidian inserts into a peice of wood; almost all drawings have an even number of blades on one side and an odd number on the other. Those familiar with intricacies of Magic Mirror should easily recgnize what may be easily some "Howard Wachpress" effects again. Mesoamerican also commonly employed obsidian for Magic Mirrors, perhaps not incidentally.

Because metaphysics rather classically refers to high frequencies which can be associated with high energies, perhaps even Relativity is involved. However, one of the most tempting ideas is this of kinetics in general. Rather Newtonian, but the generalism plus the principle of inversion seems like a very promising tool for magical and shamanic use.

Perhaps as also seemingly unrelated to the subject to most people is the idea that the whole eytmoligcal branch around Ki Chi Chia Chios etc has extra homogeneity in that Salvia mucilaginating seeds look like Dionysos' grapes, or especially that both look like the air sacs of the lungs to Signaturists, naturalists, botanomancers, etc, to recall again Mana and Chi having connotations about breath. Is it thus the Motion in many cases? And not even Carya, a suffix of Artemis and Zeus both, need escape such a cluster; if "Karate" were "mistaken" for a Greek word, it might mean "Nutcracker" which is more practical than breaking boards with such a skill :-)

Perhaps Jovial Jove (Zeus) also breaks the paradox, moving and yet not moving by laughing... Would one not above all perhaps, take he gratest objection to ban on "jokers" on that academic list I have come from, given the expression, "Laughter is the Best Medicine"?

Ah,- and then there is dancing...! I trust the Sufi and the Hopi in his "fertility rite" around the Kiva or pot also has the force of kinesis in the most general sense at his disposal, or the Pagan round the Maypole!

(Alas I have typed so much today that my good hand is Worse by motion... so Adieu for now, my friends... I'll try to go more "by the book" on this subject when I return- If I recall correctly, the indispensible Lewis Spence, "Encyclopedia of Occultism" is, as always, one of my references here...)

***** 8

Hmmm. Interesting stuff! especially about how someone being dead or disincarnate doesn't automatically mean they have such and such knowledge...

You know that's a fabulous point. I've even seen some comical stuff about how to tell bogus spirit guides and other "astral couch potatoes" from genuine articles. I think this has concerned a lot of people.

I think this subject merits MUCH more dicussion from every possible angle...

I don't know quite how to deal with THIS one, and maybe I should just leave it alone, really (g), but my Christian upbringing included the promise that when one passed on through the Pearly Gates, all would be revealed. Lately, my reaction to this is even almost violent, because it's to me quite lame, that is lacking in Godly purpose. What good would all that knowledge do me up there anyway?

On the other hand, I deal with blockages alot, as many systems do. Maybe the biggest blockage of all time is against knowledge, i.e. the dreaded fabula of "knowing too much" and it would stand to reason in this context anyway, that once you're dead that they can't kill you because you can make your car run on water or whatever, so disincarnate persons technically should have unlimited knowledge.

I am not at all sure that is really the case...

Anyway, the other thing I got out out of the Christian presentation, is that if I went to heaven and had everything expalined to me, I would then throw tantrums until God sent me back here to be helpful with that voluminous knowledge (sounds like Angels on Assignment or something). Unfortunately I was born pretty stupid I think!

But it's really, really a heartfelt feeling when I get in touch with that, it has amazing power in spirit, it feels to me like having gotten in touch totally with life's purpose, and then there's all the logistics. Demanding the Orthodox God give you a Hindu reincanation is the same kind of monkey wrench we get out of pets: Do animals have souls? Classically, NO. First little girl to heaven who wants her little kitty and is going to pout for eternity...OK, animals have souls now, we have kitties in heaven...

Maybe this is just more personal upheaval for shamanism and transformation?

...But it's a bit funny how love plays hell with Chistianity isn't it?

I promise to make more sense after coffee

Welcome, new members! Jump right in and save us from my material! :-)

***** 9

I think that's a striking point about surrendering to the good will of the universe, and especially that this is phrased, indeed, in a rarer form from I've seen. It's almost like what you're doing is using subtractive reasoning in regard to will where most people speaking on the subject use additive. (And it sounds a little Zen. maybe?)

I really like this, and also because i'm very big on giving additive and subtractive reasoning more fairly equal time. I love telling the story about how electric generators were supposed to have been invented in an elegant flash of reversed reasoning style, it's really useful and I've never forgotten...

I suppose this will sound like I'm contradicting myself, then, and I'm not sure what I am doing, exactly, but I came into physical magic or "scientific magic" out of electronic music. THERE, we use both additive and subractive waveform systhesis depending on the equipment to create certain sounds. In THAT context though, there is Either way to create what is for practical purposes the same thing. Some of this is a gloss on the semantics, you know, like surrender as: "I will to not will" (!) (or "if you choose not to decide...") that kind of thing, but can anyone else see anything besides that in there?

The other thing I wanted to mention is my work in the Doctorine of Signatures, I've named actually "The Providence Principle" or the "Serendipity Principle" in regards to how it always seems to end up that what a person needs is usually right under there feet and few seem to suspect this, but I see it time and time and time again. I love telling that stroy about the guy who skinned the snake that bit him and used it the skin to tie a tournequet. We get that iwth herbalism constantly, the "Give and Take Tree" with sharp peircing spears on it and bandage gauze growing out of it, or nettle juice curing nettle stings, etc etc.

Do you think this kind of philopsophy, and or these kind of observations, might be a helpful tool in trusting the universe, and surrending to the seemingly-demonstrable good will of the universe, in the kind of magical activities you are referring to?

Do you think that maybe some Ancient symbols have taken on this connotation? If I said that the snake idea had to have been thought of by the Ancients also (See the Caduceus at the Aesculapium, ancient Greek hospital <="temple of Aesculapios">) do you think the Ouroboros could (in this context) symbolize this surrender, something like, it is safe to trust because you cannot lose yourself in a closed system, you will always return, or do you think he is just chewing himself a new *sshole? And then there is the "Providential Artemis" . Do you think such symbolism may be dwelling there also?

***** 10

A Few Typical Palingenics Icons: Birds including Heraclitos' "Nightingales', see Callimachos, "Epigrams"; Spartae, the Sown Men- The Trojan War, various authors, may include Dictys Cretensis- (no one would take THAT name without meaning some Business!!!); Dragons ; Ceres, Grain in the scales, Lives in the balance; Annubis, Thoth, "The Blue Baboon" etc inc. **Re-membered** Osiris; Ashes includes Grey Aliens ************************************************************