Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997
Subject: Moon Gods, more or less
Besides the material in a previous posting, I very much like breasted
Neptune. Academically, it may not be very official but in eveyday life
once this is created, it is a thing to contend with, and it is also
undeniably Lunar, fertile, etc. Breasted Neptune appears with Jupiter
(who generates ectoplasm by telling corny jokes) on a mural excavated in
Herculaneum. Scholars suggest, I understand, that it occurs in a
bathhouse. It is my feeling, and this is a medical matter again so I am
asking second opinions here please, that the conjuction of Jupiter
prosperity and Breasted Neptune, Fertility carry the context that babies
were born in this place, as opposed to water babies, perhaps, and the
premise is that it is better to be weaned from the womb in a place of
intermediate humidity, and disinfectants are also perhaps added to the
water that is steamed.
(Okay, academicians, can I try this at home?)
Breased or Lunar Neptune also recalls the Breasted he-god of the
Egyptians, Hapi, IMHO. The fertile Lunar Neptune is also congrous with
the idea of making cat jokes of the sea deities in the Greco- Roman
traditions of Posiedon (puss-sidon to the more Anglicized? Technically
that is likely bus + sideri- ; loosely, "stuck to your feet" -well,
okay, rubbing up your leg and purring ) because the Lunar fertility of
cats or rabbits (interchangable in Asian Astrology) is corresponded to
the Lunar tides and cycles. Any sea deity might be suspect of having
legitimate Lunar value. Ten points to whomever can tell me where we have
encountered another form of Sideri- lately and the cat jokes that went
with it. And yes, Sideritis syriaca "Greek Mountain Tea" is kind of
fuzzy-wuzzy wike a pwecious widdwe puddy tat aawwwwww! :-)
BTW: Maybe college would be more interesting without all the propoganda?
(see prev. post on slandered Aztecs) You actually have to tell the
search engines to find "Nice Things About Dead Greeks" sometimes before
they will.
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997
Subject: Moon Gods: Osiris
Umm. I thinks its going to be debatable, any of them, really, which also
means that you or I or anyone has every right to say they are if we
please, or have any reason to. I think of him automatically as Lunar
because he has Many Lunar attributes, and I cannot get the concept of
him to work with anything Solar whatsoever. This of course does not mean
others can't, just as I can get Apollo to work as a moon god and a sea
god both, if just stating from the dolphins that he rode from Delos to
And then there are always more artifacts to unearth, not like I've seen
all the ones that were, but it really is "anybody's game", IMHO
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997
Subject: Re: Moon Gods
Moon Gods, more or less
just some more trivia in case any of it is helpful
some of my speculations may actually have occasional confirmations also.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Index): moon-god, Deus-Lunus, worshipped (not!
-IMHO) by the Khaldi.
Blavatsky, Secret Doctorine II 63, ..."and yet it is Saturn, the Jewish
"moon-god" who is shown as prevailing, by both Hesiod and Moses, neither
of whom was understood. Thus it was that the real meaning became
another "moon god" is referred to also; I would think there are more
here but these two Blavatsky works are not posessed of the best indexes
sometimes, which is why I tend to avoid them.
Are you familiar with the Mythology of All Races series and the umpteen
volume James Frazier work? These might be helpful. I think they are well
indexed. (?)
Chronos is identified with Seb in The Manual of Mythology (Alexander
S. Murray); I consider Annubis to be extremely Lunar personally; Silenius
of the Greeks can be considered a name stripped off Selene and
masculized, and this can be supported by attributes: he is round and
rides the rabbit-eared ass, etc.; would personally consider Deus-Lunus
to be a form of Janus, etymologically and also as neo-androgyne (ie
assign his two faces different genders) that fits comfortably with the
may possible attributions. The Lunar crescent, seen as a bull's horns,
Taurus, etc can also lead to others, as you probably are also aware.
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997
Subject: Re: the unlove spell...
I've got some books that deal wth obsessions and fascinations; I think
"Helping Yourself With White Witchcraft" is one of them. Shall we make
up a full-fledged list, then? Who can have enough of these? Personally I
notice this same thing with "Psychic Powers"- zillions of "On switches"
and no "Off switches", save for perhaps Scott Cunningham, "Magickal
Aromatheraphy", Rue (Ruta graveolens)
which may also be an "Off switch" for obsessive love/ fascination, IMHO.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997
Subject: Scientific Basis of Astrology
Many many astrology references say of me, that when I speak, perhaps
others are behooved to listen Therefore, all are justified for
thinking it cr*p (grin); however, I finally embraced it when I noticed people
who vehemently deny astrology doing so in ways typical for their sign
once to often, and have never regretted this leap of faith. This is
superfluous compared to a book, the Scientific Basis of Astrology by
Michel Jaquelin (sic?). The ideas and reseach within seem most promising
to better appreciate nearly countess "unusual" phenomena, from
Calcination to Ectoplasm and Aethereal Fluidum (If you see a copy grab
it! I'm finding it rather hard to find myself. If you catch it in print,
yell at me that it is so) Other accoutrements include the book,The Old
Herb Doctor
GD Joke: How many lightbulbs does it take to screw in a Pop Tart? I
paid God's good money for Waite's ..."Ceremonial Magic", GD it!
Peace! "But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997
Subject: Blueberry Pop Tarts
Blueberry Pop Tarts prevent Pyschic Attack/ Demonic Oppression, induce a
blood sugar level, and they're tasty too. (Who wants to fight in the
Psychic Demon Wars before a breakfast with eight
essential vitamins?)
Since certain Arcanoi have informed us there are libraries on this planet
(Gasp!-No! Ever see that old Star Trek with the "witch": Wharrrr's
Librar'?) I'm in a scholarly mood for sure.
Chroni Apolloni's Slightly Dated Magic/Science Conversion
Palingenics...........................Memory Glass
Cauldron...............................Replicator [Trek]
Lars Penates/ Penatium.........."
Magic Mirrors.....1. Counter-Magnetic Amplifier
2. Howard Wachpress
Levitation (too easy)... Superconducting Magnetics
Ectoplasm.............................Quantum matter
Glaucos................................Tam and Happer,
M. Persinger on Marine Life
Healing..............................Healing holograms,
Materialisation........................." (?)
Probability.....................Reactance window
Kiva.......................Artificial Quantum Singularity
Cauldron................." (?)
"Molecular Frequency Oscillator"
Pop Tart.................................Pop Tart
I'll tell you more for a box of Blueberry Pop Tarts.
Peace! "But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997
Subject: Apple Pop Tarts
Apple Pop Tarts don't do anything unless you're a Hesperidinite. Eh tu,
Aconitos? (Ooh, an allusion).
Okay, who made it rain cats & dogs before I could get out to buy Pop
Tarts? Chroni de-cloaking off starboard nacelle...
Chroni Apolloni's Slightly Dated Magic/ Science Conversion Table PART
Homunculus (too easy).....Cloning, Modified
Materialisation.............Nikola Tesla on how planets
Electrum*................... Phase-transition (inducing
Magick bucket**.........." ; Superconductive Charge
Migration; Faraday effects;
Ken Whitesides in OMNI magazine
Thyrseus.....................Multi-Phase Processor;
Phase Transition Coil w/
Molecular Driver
Cauldron.....................Resonant-Cavity Receiver
Nebris..(see Tet)..........Wave-Guide flange to skin-
effect Inductor Coil
Phase-Locked Loop:
Anthocyanin (molecular-ion)
Egyptian Soft Glass....Arylgels
Fire.............................Light Bulb
Pop Tart......................Pop Tart
*= Spence, “Encyclopediaof Occultism”; Pliny, “Natural History”
**=Cunningham/Carrington “Magical Household” pg iii
"But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997
Subject: Cherry Pop Tarts
Cherry Pop Tarts suck.
Chroni Apolloni's Slighty Dated Magic/ Science Conversion Table PART
Pendulum Accuracy Frame....Frequency Shifter
Tripod..................................Howard Wachpress
Crowley on Dowsing and Space Travel...."
Hope............................Hologram of Lens and
Object; Wulf Hilbutz sic?) Texas
& Electro(-)Accretion
Temperance......Boundary/ transition dynamics;
Art (Thoth)........ Compressed Quantum Matter (?)
Witches' Hat.................. (Particle?) Multiplier Tube
Athame.......................Condensor/ Dissipator Point
Rainmaking.........................Cloud Seeding
Discorporeoration...........Star Trek: Romulan
Cloaking Device
+ Molecular Phase Inverter
AKA Phase Cloak;
Remedy: Anyons
David Bohm ink drop
experiment; Research by: Rhim,
Pines, Hartmann, Waugh, etc.
God.................................David Bohm
Second in Command.......Ion Dumitrescu
Thought..........................Chopra: Quantum events
Chroni: Collective Fractional
Quantum Events
Elusi(ni)an Brain...........Trekkian Transport Buffer
Charity...........................99 0f 100 research grants
Invisible College.............No Free Scholarships
Pop Tarts........................Pop Tarts
"But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997
Subject: Watermelon Pop Tarts
Finally got some "tres Egyptienne" Watermelon Pop Tarts (IE
Osiris-flavored) no thanks to Arcanoi or G.'.D.'. entire put together.
in the most grossy un-occult of ways, I bought some
For the sake of refence efforts rather than nitpicking I think that is
Pamela Colman Smith, and for example, the skulls in her rendition of the
Sun are substantially to symbolize bone ie bone meal, ie Calcium
phosphate, the same for which the sunflower (ie seeds) are noted in the
Ryder version;
this antacid is the likely a signficant figure in the
anti-insolant properties in question, rather than put there only to
symbolize the sun's dangers for example, which would be a fairly
pointless gesture.
Sure, there is a greal deal of mystical instruction in it (Egyptian/
Hindu Solar Science, see Brunton, for example, or the Ruderfer composite
photon theory), which might be rather premature to concern one's self
with in a manipulative sense without a good grasp of first aid.
ERRATA: OMISSION: Magic/ Science Conversion Tables:
Nun's habit or Priests garb,
Black with white edges.....Photoelectic
Sterile Feild Generator
(See also Radiometer)
Aromatic Rosary Beads...........Amplifier/ Electron
Source for " Rubbing Rosary Beads...Triboelectric
Actuation of "
"But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997
Subject: Banana Pop Tarts
No such thing, so this will have to be the last of these since I am out
of flavors and so is my proud sponsor, Kellogg's (just kidding).
(If Waite thought the G.'.D.'. was "too involved" in magic, what exactly
did he think they should be involved in instead? )
I have shamelessly forgotten to mention one of the Ryder's more striking
correspondentures, since it is not located in the Major Arcana, but
rather it is the
of Cups, the card of rememberance. It "coincidentaly" shows a flower
with conspicuous floral features like the vast majority of Far Memory
Herbal Aids, (i.e. Gurudas; Ted Andrews- and the uses are far older than
these authors) i.e. it has a five-segmented flower. (5th Chakra) While
unfortunately this correspondence is not safe to trifle with (many
deadly Solanaceae plants often have this signature, for example) it is
remarkable to reckon with to say the least.
I find it further remarkable that Pamela Colman
Smith's own "Once in a Dream" shows a rare and insightful observation of
the medicinal properties and correspondence of the Rose and the heart,
and the knowledge displayed seems to extend all the way to extremely
astute Shamanic reasoning as to the boader context, i.e. how this
pertains to the so-called supernatural values; the issues implied are
also those for Mugwort, especially its more notorious use as a dream
"But where is Tablecloth, Self-Victualler,
Wife of Self-Flyer?...I credit the fairy tales...They will become truth"- Khlebnikov
("Russian Fairy Tales", ed. Afanas'ev p. 650)
SPECIAL BONUS! This out-of-sequence Pop-tart Post from the Occulthaven list:
Date: Wednesday, May 21 4: 08 PM
Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Pop-Tarts
heh...Just testing whether the repro mode works...
Had to Make Up Some of the Technobabble Myself.
Chroni's Slightly-Dated Magic-Science Conversion Table, Part FIVE
Babylonian Terra Cotta Devil Trap.......................
................... Threshholded Combustion Prohibitor, Adjustable
Parameter Inducer, Pattern Buffer, Phase-Limiter, Phase-Damper,
Phase-Transition Inhibitor or Regulator; Phase Junction? (Well, let's
not pigeon hole it!......)..............................
Properly Annointed Bear Trap......Same as Above
Magic Crystals................Prigogyne Resonators***
(Big magic kinda Magic kinda stuff......................
Magic Tablecloth...............Prigogyne Resonator?
A Star Design.....................Penrose Resonator?
A Spiral ''.....(Superconductive) Electron Accelerator
Tet or Djed (Egyptian).................Wireless Battery
Hidegarde of Bingen Visions.....Perception of Non-Linear Atoms and
Distinction of Atoms Comprising Beings by an Inclusion of Data About the
Whole In Each Smallest Peice, Seen In Projected and not Encoded
Any Vortex........................More of Bohm's Inkdrop,
Phase-Coherer, many wonderful things...............
Medical Catoptromancy****..4-D Real Time Holography, Fractal-
Projective Ability
Multiplicity- or Apportioning Inducing Power of the
Sun................................................"Sun Coins"*
A Grave.............Cohering Cavity for Phase-
Conjugate Operations.......................................
A Wake................Accoustic Input for Preceeding
A Hole in a Leaf In a Kirlian Photo.......Holographic-
Decoding Recieving Resonant Cavity....................
A Hole in the Ground**.........(Quantum) Singularity-
(Holographic)-Decoding Receiving Resonant Cavity
Pop Tart........................................Pop Tart
* "Sympathetic Vibrations" K. C. Cole
** Paralastor Wasp Nest illustrations in Rupert Sheldrake's lattermost
Morphic Feild Book.
***Tom Beardon on Ilya Prigogyne and so forth, in a book on Tesla
****Pausanias "A Guide to Greece"
Chronos Apollonios // ChroniApolloni@webtv.net "...(Any quote from "Stairway to Heaven" here...)
And one more special bonus Occulthaven post!:
Friday, October 31, 1997 2:52 PM
Hot Potato Pop-Tart
For my next feat of messy, mindless multidisciplinarian mayhem...
ChroniApolloni's Updated Christianity-to-Shamanism Conversion Table
(The following table is Zen-powered, the more *sacred* you try to make
it, the more *sacred* it might not be...)
lake of fire....................The stomach
demons........................pathogens} Interchangable
satan............................CO/CO2 } interchangable
angels...........................O*,O+,O2, O3+, peroxide, macrophage superoxide
entombment..................ossification of thyroids
crufixion........................tetany, down to molecular
tomb.........................one or more upper endocrines
3 days....................how long it takes to kick a habit
bloodied doorways......annointed with doorweed
pearly gates....................teeth...........................
god...............................thymus and or ajna........
god 2............................pineal, home of clear white light?
god 3............................ opiate receptor activity
tomb, 2..........................thymus.........................
christ, 2........................phosphorus/ compounds of
virgin 2...........................xxxxxxxxxxxxxx............
virgin 3...........................liver (ruled by Virgo).....
virgin 4...........................white bloodcell..............
Granted this is one of those days when I'm very unsure of this, but I
thought, what the hell, because hell seems paradoxically easier to raise
than the dead, even today...
Of course, it's far less dubious that the Bible, by way of ideosyncratic
references, IS a substantial course in herbal medicine; some relevant
anatomy would be the next logical inclusion, would it not?
Alas, I appear to still be leaving it to those more agile than I in this
realm to fill in more missing peices; cross-comparison with the same
effects in Greek mythology might easily prove of assistance.
Chroni da Coptic Cop...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
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